Bell's Inequality: Must we ditch locality, realism or something else?

In summary: I don't know. All I know is that De Raedt et al. have a classical computer simulation that produces the correct QM results with a time coincidence window and produces Bell's results when the window is removed. It is not supposed to be possible for a classical computer to do that. And as for the experiments, I believe that the experiments are flawed. I believe that the time coincidence window can not be ignored. I believe that there is some hidden variable that we have not yet determined. But that is just an opinion. I do not know.In summary, Bell's theorem, which is thought to show that the world cannot be both local and real, has been found to be violated by numerous
  • #1
Bell's theorem is generally thought to show that the world cannot be both local and real.'s_theorem

In simplistic terms, Bell derives an inequality which allegedly must be satisfied if the world is both local and real. In practice, it is found in numerous experiments that Bell's inequality is actually violated - leading to the conclusion that either the locality assumption, or the reality assumption, (or both) must be rejected.

But the following paper allegedly provides a counterexample - a hypothetical situation which involves assumptions that are most definitely both local and real, and yet the scenario described would also violate Bell-type inequalities if analysed in a manner similar to that used for Bell's theorem.

Conclusion: Violation of Bell-type inequalities does not necessarily always imply that either locality or realism assumptions are incorrect?

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Physics news on
  • #2
Please provide the exact citation on where this paper was published.

  • #3
Appears to be a conference proceedings paper, , which is typically at best barely referreed - however the authors have published papers on related topics in journals. I would have to spend far too much time wading through the paper to understand it, never mind formulate an opinion, but I personally would be amazed if the authors have uncovered something profound that has not already been considered and discarded.
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  • #4
ZapperZ said:
Please provide the exact citation on where this paper was published.


ADVANCES IN QUANTUM THEORY: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Quantum Theory, edited by G. Jaeger, A. Khrennikov, M. Schlosshauer, G. Weihs, (AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville and New York, 2011), vol. 1327, p. 429 - 433

Similar but much more detailed paper published here:

J. Comp. Theor. Nanosci. 8, 1011 - 1039 (2011);
  • #5
If anyone has time to wade through it and explain it to the rest of us, that would be great. They seem to be saying that they have a different scheme for generating Bell-type inequalities that do work for quantum mechanics, so understanding the differences between the assumptions that work and those that don't would be an interesting insight.
  • #6
JeffKoch said:
I personally would be amazed if the authors have uncovered something profound that has not already been considered and discarded.
With respect, this reminds me of the alleged Lord Kelvin statement over 100 years ago:

"There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now, All that remains is more and more precise measurement"
  • #7
moving-finger said:
With respect, this reminds me of the alleged Lord Kelvin statement over 100 years ago:

"There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now, All that remains is more and more precise measurement"

Yes, but more and more precise measurements drive advances in theoretical physics - and there are a lot more physicists in the world than there were in his time, armed with sophisticated experimental and computational tools. It's simply highly unlikely that they have uncovered anything that someone else hasn't already considered and discarded, and that would explain experimental results that I am not aware of - that does not make it impossible, just highly unlikely, though I would love to see a cool person in the armor of QM that might lead to something more likely to be fully correct.
  • #8
I don't think these authors are looking for a cool person in QM with this work, I think they are looking for a better way to characterize the pedagogies that QM allows. They seem to be saying that right now all we have is a particular brand of local realism (ruled out by Bell), versus "anything else." They want to find a new version of the inequality that still holds, so they can create a third category, fully consistent with QM, that distinguishes something like "naive local realism" from "our more sophisticated version" from "what QM cannot do." If they've pulled it off, it's a valuable accomplishment, I just don't know how long, or if ever, it would take me to figure out if they did pull it off, but maybe someone can.
  • #9
I have studied the De Raedt et al, papers extensively. We had a big discussion of them on the sci.physics.foundations newsgroup. It appears that they have successfully invalidated the EPRB type experiments with photons. If the time coincidence window is taken out of the experiments, then the experiments do not produce the QM results. They produce Bell's results. They also have a successful computer simulation that does produce QM results when a time coincidence window is used and produces Bell's results when it is not used; it is not supposed to be possible for a computer simulation to produce QM results. IMHO, they have shown that Bell's theorem does not and can not match physical reality. Not surprising since Joy Christian has also "disproved" Bell's theorem. Disproved is in quotes because you can't really disprove a mathematical theorem but what he has disproved is that Bell's theorem doesn't match physical reality same as De Raedt et al. Basically, Bell and its variants missed that you have to match pairs up in time.

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  • #10
So are you saying that there is a more sophisticated version of local realism, taking account of some sort of ambiguity in coincidence matching, that reality obeys, or that reality obeys the garden variety local realism and it was simply an error in interpretation of the experimental correlations that said local realism was violated? Also, are you saying that quantum mechanics is making incorrect predictions, or that it is making correct predictions but the entangled wave function is not breaking locally real constraints?
  • #11
QM makes the correct predictions and are backed up by Joy Christian's geometric algebra presentation. I am only saying that the experiments are probably flawed and Bell's theorem doesn't match physical reality since we have two classical examples (possibly more) that violate the inequalities. So local realism is still quite alive contrary to what has been said for a few decades now. :-) As far as EPRB type scenarios go.

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  • #12
QM makes the correct predictions and are backed up by Joy Christian's geometric algebra presentation. I am only saying that the experiments are probably flawed and Bell's theorem doesn't match physical reality since we have two classical examples (possibly more) that violate the inequalities. So local realism is still quite alive contrary to what has been said for a few decades now. :-) As far as EPRB type scenarios go.

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  • #13
OK, I'm getting that the presence of a time coincidence window is needed to get violations of Bell's inequality, and so that distinction is crucial for understanding the ability of real and computed systems to violate or not violate that inequality. What I'm not getting is how having a time coincidence window is still a version of local realism. Same with the computer codes with it-- why does such a code have to exhibit local realism? Are you saying that if we allow ourselves magical powers to match up coincidences in ways we can't actually know, then we can give ourselves the impression we have violated Bell, even when in fact we have not violated either Bell or local realism? If I have this right, does this mean QM predictions are themselves consistent with LR, or does it mean that our experiments have simply not yet probed the domain of departure?
  • #15
Ken G,

Yes, a time coincidence window is necessary to get violations of Bell's inequalities for the EPRB type experiments IMHO. This is what Bell and its variants missed and why they are just mathematical theorems that have not much to do with actual physical reality. QM predictions do violate Bell; but it doesn't matter because Bell doesn't really apply physically. That is what De Raedt et al, and Joy Christian have shown.

See the link that billschnieder provided plus there is a bunch more here on Physics Forums and at sci.physics.foundations if you search.

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  • #16
Thank you for this information. The issue seems controversial, but in an interesting way.
  • #17
FrediFizzx said:
It appears that they have successfully invalidated the EPRB type experiments with photons. If the time coincidence window is taken out of the experiments, then the experiments do not produce the QM results. They produce Bell's results. They also have a successful computer simulation that does produce QM results when a time coincidence window is used and produces Bell's results when it is not used; it is not supposed to be possible for a computer simulation to produce QM results.
Thanks for this, Fred.

I'm struggling to understand their work. It seems to me the time coincidence window cannot be taken out of the experiments (all work to date has relied on time coincidence to identify entangled pairs?), so their algorithms (based on local reality) can be made to match the experimental data - but I'm struggling to understand what implications their algorithms have for the kind of local reality we would have to accept. It seems their model entails a dependency on the time-separation of the measurements on entangled pairs, which seems just a little weird if its correct?
  • #18
FrediFizzx said:
I have studied the De Raedt et al, papers extensively. We had a big discussion of them on the sci.physics.foundations newsgroup. It appears that they have successfully invalidated the EPRB type experiments with photons. If the time coincidence window is taken out of the experiments, then the experiments do not produce the QM results. They produce Bell's results. They also have a successful computer simulation that does produce QM results when a time coincidence window is used and produces Bell's results when it is not used; it is not supposed to be possible for a computer simulation to produce QM results. IMHO, they have shown that Bell's theorem does not and can not match physical reality. Not surprising since Joy Christian has also "disproved" Bell's theorem. Disproved is in quotes because you can't really disprove a mathematical theorem but what he has disproved is that Bell's theorem doesn't match physical reality same as De Raedt et al. Basically, Bell and its variants missed that you have to match pairs up in time.

moderator sci.physics.foundations

This is an extremely complex issue, and it is going to be hard to discuss here. First, it is not at all generally accepted that Bell is anything other than rock solid. That considers the attacks by de Raedt, Christian, etc. These show up quite frequently.

Second, I have studied the de Raedt et al simulation, and in fact it does as you describe. However, it does not follow QM in that the basic Malus rule is not followed. The coincidence time window "loophole" has been closed in other experiments so I would not call this a viable model.
  • #19
FrediFizzx said:
...but nobody really saw Bell's mistake until now except for Jaynes. Einstein was correct after all.

Well, I will withhold judgement on this until it becomes widely accepted in the community. Even if I read and fully understood the cited references, chances are I would miss something, and the same is true for everyone else; hence, the value of consensus.
  • #20
JeffKoch said:
Well, I will withhold judgement on this until it becomes widely accepted in the community.

Don't hold your breath... :smile:
  • #21
No need for anyone to hold their breath. Bell is finished since it is only a mathematical theorem and doesn't / can't match physical reality. Jaynes saw this quite a few years ago but I suppose Bell was such a nice guy that no one sided with Jaynes. Now we have at least two classical local realistic models that produce the results of QM. What more is there to say?
  • #22
It would certainly help this issue with loopholes if there would be results from photon polarization Bell test with detection loophole closed.
I wonder how long it might take considering that nearly 100% efficient photon detectors where developed around one and half years ago."

Even more - how long it might take if results are hmm ... not exactly those that where expected?
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  • #23
FrediFizzx said:
No need for anyone to hold their breath. Bell is finished since it is only a mathematical theorem and doesn't / can't match physical reality. Jaynes saw this quite a few years ago but I suppose Bell was such a nice guy that no one sided with Jaynes. Now we have at least two classical local realistic models that produce the results of QM. What more is there to say?

There's plenty to say. What you are claiming isn't a widely-held view and appears to be more of your own personal preference. Variations to the Bell-type formulation, both the multipartite GHZ model and the more extensive test of CHSH and Leggett inequality are well-tested.

Falsifying Bell's formulation should be BIG news. Something like this gets published in PRL, Nature, or Science. It is of that caliber. Where are they?

  • #24
DrChinese said:
First, it is not at all generally accepted that Bell is anything other than rock solid.
Agreed. But its also true that 110 years ago, it was not at all generally accepted that Newton was anything other than rock solid.
  • #25
moving-finger said:
Agreed. But its also true that 110 years ago, it was not at all generally accepted that Newton was anything other than rock solid.

So this is supposed to be an attack on Bell? Sounds like an across the board attack on science to me.

Besides, I would say that Newton should rightly be offended. There is nothing "wrong" per se with Newton's work. :smile:
  • #26
FrediFizzx said:
No need for anyone to hold their breath. Bell is finished since it is only a mathematical theorem and doesn't / can't match physical reality. Jaynes saw this quite a few years ago but I suppose Bell was such a nice guy that no one sided with Jaynes. Now we have at least two classical local realistic models that produce the results of QM. What more is there to say?

As ZapperZ says, there is a lot more to say.

The Christian model is not realistic (despite claims to the contrary) because it cannot provide results for counterfactual observations - the DrChinese challenge.

The de Raedt et al computer simulation is "local realistic" (i.e it passed my challenge) but does not match all of the predictions of QM.
  • #27
zonde said:
It would certainly help this issue with loopholes if there would be results from photon polarization Bell test with detection loophole closed.
I wonder how long it might take considering that nearly 100% efficient photon detectors where developed around one and half years ago."

Even more - how long it might take if results are hmm ... not exactly those that where expected?

It won't help the time coincidence problem. See De Raedt et al's, model and computer simulation.
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  • #28
DrChinese said:
As ZapperZ says, there is a lot more to say.

The de Raedt et al computer simulation is "local realistic" (i.e it passed my challenge) but does not match all of the predictions of QM.

And specifically what QM predictions does it not match and why would the De Raedt et al, simulation need to match *all* of the predictions of QM? It is a classical model. One matching prediction should suffice.

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  • #29
DrChinese said:
The coincidence time window "loophole" has been closed in other experiments so I would not call this a viable model.
Do you have any good (read: non-crackpot) references that explain this loophole and how it was closed? Because all I can find is a bunch of fringe papers claiming to refute QM.
  • #30
Originally Posted by DrChinese
"The coincidence time window "loophole" has been closed in other experiments so I would not call this a viable model."

lugita15 said:
Do you have any good (read: non-crackpot) references that explain this loophole and how it was closed? Because all I can find is a bunch of fringe papers claiming to refute QM.

Probably referring to the ion trap experiment,

But I believe it had a time window of 7 ns.

However, the time coincidence problem is not a "loophole". It is one of the reasons why Bell's theorem can't make contact with physical reality. De Raedt et al, have a classical local realistic model that gives a prediction of quantum theory. So Bell is out. This however does not invalidate QM. It just means that local realism is still alive and well contrary to many that have claimed its death. As far as the EPRB type scenarios go.

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  • #32
FrediFizzx said:
And specifically what QM predictions does it not match and why would the De Raedt et al, simulation need to match *all* of the predictions of QM? It is a classical model. One matching prediction should suffice.

moderator sci.physics.foundations

Ah, you are miles off the mark. As I say, this is a complex subject and I have found from experience that my time is likely wasted trying to convince you that your characterization is incorrect. I think it does a grave disservice to other readers who are not aware that your personal opinion is not consensus science. So let me point out that my objective is not to change your mind, just how you phrase what you do write.

This being a moderated board, and your written statements being non-standard is the issue. Posters here have restrictions here that should be followed. Not sure what the standards are at sci.physics.foundations. Although I am not a moderator, I will point out those elements of your comments that I consider inappropriate.

I will explain some of the relevant issues in a follow-on post.
  • #33
My perspective is as a physicist who knows quite a bit about some areas of physics, and not so much about others, but who knows a great deal about the concept of what I know and understand and what I don't. If I don't understand something, I know how to ask and perhaps answer questions so that I do understand it, and I can even get a pretty good feel for how far away I am from understanding it, and therefore how intrinsically hard to understand it is in comparison to other things that I do understand.

Bell's inequality is a mess, and I wager that few people who claim to understand it really comprehend the magnitude of the problem - I sure don't understand it, and would classify it as one of those really intrinsically hard things to understand. It's fairly simple in the sense of the second amendment to the U.S. constitution, a single sentence that has been analyzed and reanalyzed absolutely to death for over 200 years with no end in sight. And therein lies the complexity, because you immediately start asking questions about what it really means, and inevitably someone goes to an example of what it means, and perhaps another, and you think about what hidden conditions are or are not required, and how close any real experiment can get to a mathematical idealization, and pretty soon you're lost. So, my fallback is to ignore everything but data - computational results can be very interesting and can encourage experimentation, but carefully obtained data, analyzed carefully with an understanding and quantification of assumptions and possible errors, has to lead the way. That's where these sorts of internet discussions become pointless, though perhaps interesting as long as they remains civil and courteous - there appears to be an interesting avenue for future work here, but from my albeit limited reading nothing has been proven or disproven.

And that's how science works - someone looks at something in a different way, publishes a result, and other people follow with other research that might or might not move consensus science in a different direction.
  • #34
moving-finger said:
Bell's theorem is generally thought to show that the world cannot be both local and real.'s_theorem

In simplistic terms, Bell derives an inequality which allegedly must be satisfied if the world is both local and real. In practice, it is found in numerous experiments that Bell's inequality is actually violated - leading to the conclusion that either the locality assumption, or the reality assumption, (or both) must be rejected.

But the following paper allegedly provides a counterexample - a hypothetical situation which involves assumptions that are most definitely both local and real, and yet the scenario described would also violate Bell-type inequalities if analysed in a manner similar to that used for Bell's theorem.

Conclusion: Violation of Bell-type inequalities does not necessarily always imply that either locality or realism assumptions are incorrect?


That conference paper refers to their journal paper "Extended Boole-Bell inequalities applicable to quantum theory". Recently we have been discussing - without coming to a clear conclusion - that paper here:

One thing is clear however: many experiments that are claimed to prove "non-locality" in fact fail to do so.
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  • #35
DrChinese said:
Second, I have studied the de Raedt et al simulation, and in fact it does as you describe. However, it does not follow QM in that the basic Malus rule is not followed. [..]

That claim of yours is denied by De Raedt et al: according to them, their simulations reproduce QM - incl. the basic Malus rule. Probably you refer to an old simulation (possibly for another purpose) that did not include that rule.