- #1
- 153
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Homework Statement
Hello,Could you please lend me a hand with this problem?I would really appreciate it.
Their Answer:
KL=2*0.75(2 elbows) D=5*10^-2 m ;f=0.001(fanning friction factor)
Assumptions I made:
Point 1 which is at the top of the liquid in the tank:
h1=23 m; u1=0m/s(neglected due to Area differences) P1=0 gauge(atmos press)
Point 2 which is at the mouthpiece of fountain:
h2=0m(datum); u2=? P2=0 gauge(atmos press)
Homework Equations
We know bernoulli for losses with fanning friction factor
P1/ro*g+h1+u1^2/2*g=P2/ro*g+h2+u2^2/2*g +delta hloss
where delta hloss=K*u^2/2g
where K=f*4*L/D+Ki
where Ki=sum of K in our case 2*0.75(2 elbows)
where f is fanning friction factor.
The Attempt at a Solution
P1/ro*g+h1+u1^2/2*g=P2/ro*g+h2+u2^2/2*g +delta hloss
As we made the assumption in first step.This can be rewritten as:
h1=delta h loss
and substituting values in this formula gives u=10.05 m/s
However their answer is 9.0 m/s
I do not understand
1) why they did Ki=0.5+2*0.75, from where comes that "0.5"?
2)From where comes that "1+" in their sqrt formula
2)Why they picked L=20+10+2
Thank you in advance , much appreciated.