Binding energy and excited nucleus question

In summary: Yes, the mass defect and binding energy released are equivalent.Yes, the mass defect and binding energy released are equivalent.
  • #1
Homework Statement
gamma radiation is Formed when a nucleus is excited.

by a particle being given off in a decay.

The excess energy caused by the change in mass defect

is converted into a photon of the same size as the nucleus.
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this is from a website on why gamma rays are released what i don't understand is, why is the mass defect lead to a gamma radiation to be formed. If the nucleus is excited and dexcites the change in energy levels would cause a photon to be released. yet here it says the mass defect is the source of energy where i thought it would be for the binding energy.
Physics news on
  • #2
The mass defect is a measure of binding energy released.
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Likes bonbon22
  • #3
Doc Al said:
The mass defect is a measure of binding energy released.
but the nucleus in this case just goes down an energy level, does that mean the binding energy is released??
  • #4
Often during radioactive decay of a parent nucleus, the daughter nucleus created is in an excited state and quickly drops down and emits a gamma ray photon. The energy of that photon can be accounted for by the mass defect of the nuclei (which is a measure of binding energy released).

But show us the link that you saw and maybe things can be clarified further.
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Likes bonbon22
  • #5
Doc Al said:
Often during radioactive decay of a parent nucleus, the daughter nucleus created is in an excited state and quickly drops down and emits a gamma ray photon. The energy of that photon can be accounted for by the mass defect of the nuclei (which is a measure of binding energy released).

But show us the link that you saw and maybe things can be clarified further.

why is it equal to the mass defect?? would the mass defect not be used to hold the nucleus together or are you saying the energy level difference is equal to the binding energy of the nucleus
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  • #6
bonbon22 said:

why is it equal to the mass defect?? is binding energy not the energy requierd to hold the nucleaus together or is it the energy released when a nucleus decays
  • #7
Several things going on here. Is the mass of an excited nucleus greater than that of a nucleus that has dropped down to the ground state? Yes. And that mass difference will equal the energy of the emitted gamma photon (and the recoiling nucleus).

But I would not use the term "binding energy" for that. That term describes the energy needed to break up the nucleus. The "mass defect" between parent nuclei and the daughter nuclei (and other particles) will equal the energy released in the decay process (fission, for example).

The two things are related, of course, since mass-energy is conserved.
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Likes bonbon22
  • #8
Doc Al said:
Several things going on here. Is the mass of an excited nucleus greater than that of a nucleus that has dropped down to the ground state? Yes. And that mass difference will equal the energy of the emitted gamma photon (and the recoiling nucleus).

But I would not use the term "binding energy" for that. That term describes the energy needed to break up the nucleus. The "mass defect" between parent nuclei and the daughter nuclei (and other particles) will equal the energy released in the decay process (fission, for example).

The two things are related, of course, since mass-energy is conserved.
i see so in radioactive reactors where fission takes places does the neutrons collliding with nucleons, make the daughter nucleus excited then it dexcites and that's what causes the energy from nuclear fission. not the release of the binding energy of the nucleus ? sorry very last question.
  • #9
The phrase "release the binding energy" paints a picture of binding energy as a pool of energy that could be "released" if the nucleus were to be completely broken apart into its constituent nucleons.

But binding energy is not a pool of energy. It is a deficit of energy. It cannot be released. Instead, it must be provided if the nucleus is to be completely disassembled.
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Likes bonbon22 and Doc Al
  • #10
jbriggs444 said:
The phrase "release the binding energy" paints a picture of binding energy as a pool of energy that could be "released" if the nucleus were to be completely broken apart into its constituent nucleons.

But binding energy is not a pool of energy. It is a deficit of energy. It cannot be released. Instead, it must be provided if the nucleus is to be completely disassembled.
Cheers for the reply, one more question A right near the end
there is energy relased in this reaction of nuclear fusion but they want the binding energy per nucleon
does that mean the binding energy released, as a gamma photon, per nucleon of the hydrogen atom and not the binding energy which holds the 2 H hydrogen atom together per nucleon ? Essentially what I am asking is , is the mass defect or the " binding energy released" EQUAL to the binding energy which holds the nucleons together as this question phrases it. And does this apply to all decays essentially , i can see the contrast with fission reactions where it releases less energy.. just want to confirm if my train of thought is correct also ... cheers

FAQ: Binding energy and excited nucleus question

1. What is binding energy?

Binding energy is the amount of energy required to break apart a nucleus into its individual protons and neutrons. It is a measure of the stability of the nucleus and is related to the strong nuclear force which holds the nucleus together.

2. How is binding energy calculated?

Binding energy is calculated using Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, where E is the energy, m is the mass defect (difference between the total mass of individual particles and the mass of the nucleus), and c is the speed of light.

3. What is the relationship between binding energy and nuclear stability?

The higher the binding energy, the more stable the nucleus is. This is because a higher binding energy means that more energy is required to break apart the nucleus, making it less likely to undergo nuclear reactions or decay.

4. Why do excited nuclei release energy?

When a nucleus is in an excited state, it has excess energy. This energy is released in the form of gamma rays when the nucleus returns to its ground state. This process is known as gamma decay.

5. How does binding energy play a role in nuclear reactions?

In nuclear reactions, the total binding energy of the reactants must be greater than the total binding energy of the products in order for the reaction to occur. This is because the excess binding energy is released as kinetic energy or other forms of energy during the reaction.
