How many bounces until the ball reaches a height less than 15cm?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem where a ball is dropped from a height of 3m and bounces to 82% of its previous height after each bounce. The goal is to determine how many bounces are needed for the ball to reach a height less than 15cm. Multiple approaches are discussed, including using a geometric series equation and a trial and error method. The correct answer is determined to be 16 bounces.
  • #1
ms. confused
This is a pretty tricky question...been trying to piece it together but I think I need some help.

A ball is dropped from a height of 3 m. After each bounce, it rises to 82% of its previous height. After how many bounces does the ball reach a height less than 15cm?

I get the whole geometric series thing, finding 'n' and all that, but what's with the "less than 15cm"? What do I do in this case? :confused:
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  • #2
If initial height = h_i = 3m
Height of nth bounce = h_n = 3*.82^n

You are looking for n such that h_n < 0.15m.
  • #3
Exactly so would I just choose any value <0.15m and use it as h_n in order to find 'n'?
  • #4
That wouldn't work, because the series h_n only holds specific values. I'd just crank out values for h_n for each n, my guess is its about 15.
  • #5
So you mean kind of like a trial and error approach?
  • #6
Height initially = [itex]h[/itex] = 3m
Height after first bounce = [itex](0.82)(h)[/itex]
height after second bounce=[itex](0.82)^2 (h)[/itex]
Height after nth bounce=[itex](0.82)^n(h)[/itex]

Now here you might like to use a bit of 'hitntrial' ...Now you want 'n' such that [itex](0.82)^n(h)[/itex] is just more than .15m
  • #7
Why more if the question specifies that it should be less?
  • #8
That's what I would do, but I'm a lazy ass.
  • #9
It should be less.
  • #10

  • #11
Brain, that is just confusing, let her solve the problem her own way. Ms. confused,

[tex] h_n = 3(0.84)^n [/tex] and [tex] h_n \leq 0.15 [/tex] so then

[tex] 3(0.82)^n \leq 0.15 [/tex]

You need to solve that for an integer n.
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  • #12
actually i misread the question .

n=15 gives the exact answer,but for less than 15 cm , n=14
  • #13
Okay, I was getting 15 too but according to the answer key, n=16. This is probably a type-o, eh?
  • #14
No, 16 is the correct solution.

Brain, the sequence is decreasing, for each higher n, h_n has a lower value. At n = 15 you get

[tex] 3*0.82^{15} = 0.1528m [/tex] which is still higher than 0.15m. Therefore you need another (16th) bounce to drop below.
  • #15
Thanks for correction.n=16
  • #16
Alright now it makes perfect sense. Thank you so much!
  • #17
n= 16 because,
log0,05/log0,82=15,... at this value of n, h is 15 cm. on 16th jump, it would get under that height.
  • #18
The much easier way to solve the inequality is to use logs.

Let [itex]N[/itex] be the required number of bounces, [itex]h_0[/itex] be initial height in centimeters and [itex]h_n[/itex] be the height after [itex]n[/itex] bounces.

We have : [tex]h_n = (0.82)^nh_0[/tex]

We want : [tex]h_N < 15[/tex]

So [tex](0.82)^Nh_0 < 15[/tex]

Take common logs (base 10) of both sides,

[tex]\log{(0.82)^N} + \log h_0 < \log 15[/tex]

The above inequality holds because log is a monotone increasing function on the positive reals.

[tex]N\log(0.82) < \log 15 - \log h_0[/tex]

Divide throughout by [tex]\log(0.82)[/tex], but remember to invert the sign of the inequality because this is a negative quantity (since 0.82 is less than 10, the base of the logs).

[tex]N > \frac{\log 15 - \log h_0}{\log(0.82)}[/tex]

Evaluate that, substituting [tex]h_0[/tex] = 300,

giving [tex]N > 15.096[/tex] or so.

So the smallest integer value for N that satisifies is [tex]N = 16[/tex].
  • #19
I think the poster's problem was the setup, not the solving.
  • #20
As you found out on iteration [tex] 3*0.82^{15} = 0.1528 [/tex]. This is better to use, compared to [tex] 3*0.82^{15} = 0.15 [/tex]
This is where those rounding errors, I mentioned on an earlier question, come into play.

Doc Brain, I liked your approach to solving this one.
Dr. Brain said:
Height initially = [itex]h[/itex] = 3m
Height after first bounce = [itex](0.82)(h)[/itex]
height after second bounce= [itex](0.82)^2 (h)[/itex]
Height after nth bounce=[itex](0.82)^n(h)[/itex]
Another way to plug-and-chug an interative formula is using spreadsheet. Excel's math utilities handle calculations well.
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  • #21
Brain's was wrong :confused:

FAQ: How many bounces until the ball reaches a height less than 15cm?

What is the formula for calculating the height of a bouncing ball?

The formula for calculating the height of a bouncing ball is h = h0 * e-kt * sin(ω * t + φ) where h0 is the initial height, k is a constant that depends on the ball's elasticity, t is the time elapsed, ω is the angular frequency, and φ is the initial phase angle.

What factors affect the height of a bouncing ball?

The height of a bouncing ball is affected by the initial height, the ball's elasticity, the surface it bounces on, and the force of gravity.

How do you calculate the total distance traveled by a bouncing ball?

To calculate the total distance traveled by a bouncing ball, you can use the formula d = h0 + 2 * hmax + 2 * hmax * e-kt * cos(ω * t + φ) where hmax is the maximum height the ball reaches before bouncing again.

What is the relationship between the height and time of a bouncing ball?

The relationship between the height and time of a bouncing ball is a sinusoidal function. As time increases, the height of the ball decreases until it reaches the ground, and then it bounces back up to its initial height. This pattern continues until the ball stops bouncing.

How does air resistance affect the bouncing of a ball?

Air resistance can affect the bouncing of a ball by reducing the height of each bounce. As the ball travels through the air, it experiences a force opposing its motion, which decreases the energy of the ball. This results in a shorter bounce height and a shorter total distance traveled by the ball.

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