Can a Bubbler Effectively Mix a Release Agent in a Sealed Vessel?

  • Thread starter Joshua Brian Rivet
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In summary, the conversation is about finding a solution to mix a release agent in an industrial urethane plant. Various methods such as using a bubbler line, a circulating pump, a reciprocating plunger sieve, and a rotary version of the plunger are discussed. The goal is to achieve gentle mixing rather than harsh agitation.
  • #1
Joshua Brian Rivet
Good Morning everyone,

I am working at an industrial urethane plant, and I am having some issues with mixing a release agent. The "RA" is distributed by a robot , and fed by a standard pressure pot. This chemical needs to be in constant suspension and our attempts at a propellor driven system have been hit or miss.

A great solution would be to install a bubbler line into the chemical, however I have my doubts that it will do much of anything to mix the material properly.

The tanks (20 liters) are pressurized to around 32 PSI , and are kept at 1/2 full. Our idea is to run a air line to the bottom of the tank and place a check valve, with assumed pressure around 20 PSI.

Would there by sufficient turbulence in the mixture? or would the tank just maintain 32 PSI and not produce a lot of bubbles?

What are your thoughts?

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  • #2
Circulating pump , mixture out from bottom of tank , back into tank at top via a shower head . Could be continuous action but probably better to recirculate cup fulls of fluid at timed intervals .

Reciprocating plunger sieve . A plate with big holes plunging into liquid and then back out again . Again could be continuous action but probably better to have single strokes at timed intervals .

Bubbling air might work but it is generally a non preferred option . Usual result is a tank full of froth and there is always the possibility that entrained air will alter the properties of the mixture .
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  • #3
Another thing that could work quite well would be a rotary version of the plunger above . A plate (on one side only of the drive axle) which almost touches the sides of the tank and with big holes in it . Drive maybe two turns clockwise followed by two turns anticlockwise (with a random starting position) at timed intervals .

One type of industrial paint mixer works this way .

nb : All systems mentioned would be arranged to be quite slow acting so as to provide gentle mixing rather than harsh agitation .

FAQ: Can a Bubbler Effectively Mix a Release Agent in a Sealed Vessel?

1. What is a bubbler in a sealed vessel?

A bubbler in a sealed vessel is a device used in laboratory experiments to introduce a gas, typically air or a specific gas mixture, into a sealed container while regulating the pressure. It consists of a gas inlet, a tube with small holes, and a gas outlet.

2. How does a bubbler in a sealed vessel work?

The bubbler operates on the principle of gas diffusion. When the gas is introduced through the inlet, it travels through the tube and exits through the small holes. As it exits, it forms bubbles that rise to the surface of the liquid inside the sealed vessel, gradually increasing the pressure inside.

3. What is the purpose of using a bubbler in a sealed vessel?

A bubbler in a sealed vessel is used to control the pressure inside the vessel during experiments. It allows for a gradual increase in pressure instead of a sudden increase, which could potentially cause the vessel to rupture. It is also used to introduce a specific gas or gas mixture into the vessel for experiments that require a controlled atmosphere.

4. How do you set up a bubbler in a sealed vessel?

To set up a bubbler in a sealed vessel, first fill the vessel with the desired liquid and seal it. Then, attach the gas inlet of the bubbler to a gas source and the gas outlet to the sealed vessel. Turn on the gas source and adjust the flow rate to achieve the desired pressure inside the vessel.

5. What safety precautions should be taken when using a bubbler in a sealed vessel?

When using a bubbler in a sealed vessel, it is important to ensure that the vessel is strong enough to withstand the pressure. It is also important to monitor the pressure closely and make adjustments as needed. Additionally, proper protective equipment should be worn, and any potential hazards, such as chemicals or heat sources, should be taken into consideration.

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