Setup Home Security System to Record Bumps in the Night

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, a Nanny Cam can be used to spy on people and record noises that occur in the home. The camera can be hidden and the sound can be recorded and replayed.
  • #1
Gold Member
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How can i set up an electronic camera and sound system to record the noises that frequent my cott, in such a way that trickery can be ruled out?
I know that web cams work fine, but who would want to listen/watch hour on hour on the chance of catching sight/sound of some thing, can the video/ sound be recorded and replayed? i am not going to pay a fortune for electronics but will fork out a reasonable amount.
Physics news on
  • #2
There is video surveilance software that records from a webcam when sound/motion is detected.
  • #3
wolram said:
How can i set up an electronic camera and sound system to record the noises that frequent my cott, in such a way that trickery can be ruled out?
I know that web cams work fine, but who would want to listen/watch hour on hour on the chance of catching sight/sound of some thing, can the video/ sound be recorded and replayed? i am not going to pay a fortune for electronics but will fork out a reasonable amount.
What's happening?
  • #4
Over here there is a thing called a "Nanny Cam". This is a childs toy with a camera and microphone hidden in it. It is made to spy on the people you hire to take care of your kids to make sure they're not abusing or neglecting them. I believe they record onto a conventional VCR. I don't believe they cost a fortune. I'm pretty sure they'll fool a ghost, too.
  • #5
Evo said:
What's happening?

All manner of knocks and sounds, some akin to dropping a solid object onto
a hardwood floor, one is a rhythmic tapping or clicking, like when some thing hot is cooling down, Kia and her Bf have heard some of them, and she thinks i am brave not to be scared :smile:
I will have a look for a (nanny cam) i can hook it up to my desk top and leave it running 24/7.
  • #6
russ_watters said:
There is video surveilance software that records from a webcam when sound/motion is detected.

Thanks Russ.
  • #7
wolram said:
All manner of knocks and sounds, some akin to dropping a solid object onto
a hardwood floor, one is a rhythmic tapping or clicking, like when some thing hot is cooling down, Kia and her Bf have heard some of them, and she thinks i am brave not to be scared :smile:
Ooooh, the cott is haunted! Or maybe you have a mountain lion.
  • #8
oooo scary. haha...My entire family is convinced that our house is haunted because of all the random noises. I think they are simply noises from the house settling. Even is it really is haunted, no reason to be afraid haha
  • #9
matthew baird said:
oooo scary. haha...My entire family is convinced that our house is haunted because of all the random noises. I think they are simply noises from the house settling. Even is it really is haunted, no reason to be afraid haha

whatever, :smile: , I still need more info on a way to record audio/visual
via my desk top, i have had a look around the net, may be i will ask Kia
she is more into computers.

Evo, errrm, we do not have mountain lions in the uk, and i have two skined kneese to show how these noises can distract some one, even
knowing that there is nothing sinister about them :smile:
  • #10
Well the software that came with my camera allows me to do that, even set up to where it only records when there is movement. It is logitech image studio.
  • #11
matthew baird said:
Well the software that came with my camera allows me to do that, even set up to where it only records when there is movement. It is logitech image studio.

Thanks Matthew, i will have a look .
  • #12
Too much of "A Haunting" on the Discovery Chanel? Just kidding. I'd go with the camera ideas, I know at the BJ's near me they have a night vision securtiy kit but its around $130. Id try the camera ideas because that's free (assuming you have a camera).
  • #14
Um, what is a cott? A cot? Like a bed? A cottage? Like a house?

Anyway, I have a suggestion, before you spend too much money. Rule out animals.

Try a couple of motion sensitive lights. Much cheaper. If it's animals, the lights should keep them away. If you have the lights and the noises stop, you're good.
  • #15
My vote is either animals or normal creaks when the temperatures change. That, and look around outside to make sure no tree branches or loose gutters are the culprits banging on the side of the house.
  • #16
DaveC426913 said:
Um, what is a cott? A cot? Like a bed? A cottage? Like a house?

Anyway, I have a suggestion, before you spend too much money. Rule out animals.

Try a couple of motion sensitive lights. Much cheaper. If it's animals, the lights should keep them away. If you have the lights and the noises stop, you're good.

It is a cottage Dave, i have a motion light out side, it is the only way i can see any thing as there are no street lights, i have tried tuning the electricity off and the water, on alternate nights which made no difference.
  • #17
The cott is haunted! It makes sense when you think of all the bizarre occurences there. We should get Ghost Hunters to do an episode on your cott.
  • #18
Ooh, now that would be fun. I'd love to live in a haunted least you always have companions to do stuff with. :biggrin:
  • #19
Moonbear said:
Ooh, now that would be fun. I'd love to live in a haunted least you always have companions to do stuff with. :biggrin:

It is not so great, the other day a noise startled me ,and i missed the top step of the stairs and went down on my knees, other times i can be ready for sleep but a noise will have me alert for 15, 20 mins, it is not scary, just
annoying, the worst part is i can see nothing that would make the noises.

Any way, ghost hunters are welcome, i could stay with mom and dad for a week and let them have free range of the cott.
  • #20
That loud?! Any place a racoon could be getting in? Or bats? Something nocturnal it sounds like.
  • #21
I got home from work early yesterday and there was a HUGE possum sitting at my front door. It was still daylight! I read somewhere that when nocturnal animals come out in daylight, it's a sign they could be rabid. So, it slinks off into the bushes next to the door and I'm guessing it's sitting there ready to run out and bite my ankles when I try to go in the door.

So, I started making tons of noise to scare it off. Later that night I opened the front door to let the fruit bat out and THERE IT WAS!

I guess you don't have possums either? I had one inside my house once, scared the crap out of me and the Evo Child.
  • #22
How much daylight was left? You won't usually see them out in daylight, but if it was close to starting to get dark, s/he could just be an early riser. :biggrin: If you were able to scare it off with noise, it's probably okay.
  • #23
About the only animal around my place that makes a noise ,is randy hedge hogs, i guess they are all hibernating now, bats are quite rare round here,
foxes do not come close, i would love to think i have bats in the loft to explain the noises, but i think i am out of luck there.
  • #24
Moonbear said:
How much daylight was left?
There was about an hour of daylight left. I've never seen a live possum in daylight. Of course, I've never heard of a case of rabies out here either, so it's possible it had been roused out of sleep and was looking for some cat food.

Maybe it's a scout for the mountain lion. :bugeye:
  • #25
Well, we could still try explaining the noises as bats in the belfry. :biggrin:

Maybe a neighborhood cat on the prowl at night?
  • #26
wolram said:
About the only animal around my place that makes a noise ,is randy hedge hogs, i guess they are all hibernating now, bats are quite rare round here,
foxes do not come close, i would love to think i have bats in the loft to explain the noises, but i think i am out of luck there.
Got to be ghosts. :approve: What's the history behind your cottage?
  • #27
Evo said:
There was about an hour of daylight left. I've never seen a live possum in daylight. Of course, I've never heard of a case of rabies out here either, so it's possible it had been roused out of sleep and was looking for some cat food.

Maybe it's a scout for the mountain lion. :bugeye:

It could have been some animal that had been feeding on toxic waste, or
escaped from a lab, keep a shot gun handy.
  • #28
Don't all the houses in Britain have ghosts? I heard they get invited to dinner and everything. :biggrin:
  • #29
Evo said:
Got to be ghosts. :approve: What's the history behind your cottage?
It is a victorian farmers workers cottage one of two that stand in a lane,
they used to be the only buildings, but two more have been built in the last 30 or so years, the lane is only a 100yds long and leads onto a foot path to manor house farm, that is quite old 16th century i think.
  • #30
Moonbear said:
Don't all the houses in Britain have ghosts? I heard they get invited to dinner and everything. :biggrin:

Old wives tails :smile: I think they start with moms telling the kids that the boogy man lives where they want play.
  • #31
wolram said:
It is a victorian farmers workers cottage one of two that stand in a lane,
they used to be the only buildings, but two more have been built in the last 30 or so years, the lane is only a 100yds long and leads onto a foot path to manor house farm, that is quite old 16th century i think.
Ooh, maybe the ghosts haunting the manor house got bored and went out for a walk to visit the cottages. A 16th century manor house just HAS to have a few ghosts.
  • #32
Let's send the Ghost Hunters to England, to Wollie's Cot! Wouldn't that be cool? And if Wol needs any plumbing maintenance, they could attend to that too.
  • #33
Math Is Hard said:
Let's send the Ghost Hunters to England, to Wollie's Cot! Wouldn't that be cool? And if Wol needs any plumbing maintenance, they could attend to that too.
I'll bet they could repair his fireplace too!

Let's start a write in campaign! I'll bet the guys would love a trip to England.
  • #34
Evo said:
I'll bet they could repair his fireplace too!

Let's start a write in campaign! I'll bet the guys would love a trip to England.

I would rather have the three wise ladies come visit :biggrin: but if the
ghost hunters can fix my chimney, (it needs a liner) and my plumbing,
every time i have a bath the hot water dries up to the kitchen, and i have to pump cold water up the hot tap to get it to work again, send them over
In the mean time i am going to buy the web cam, and mayhaps Kia can set
it up so the outside world can look in, must remember to buy some jamas though, my loo is downstairs.
  • #35
Maybe its the ghost of PF.

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