Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides

  • Thread starter Loren Booda
  • Start date
In summary, Bush's obscene tirades rattle White House aides. It appears that he may be promoting his book, which may be a photoshop, but the picture is real. There are at least two groups which dispute the validity of the article.
  • #1
Loren Booda
"Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides"

What's the truth in this? President Tourette?

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  • #2
Looks like the guy is promoting his book.
  • #3
huh? was that photoshop launched on bush? i don't think that was a real one!
  • #4
No that's a real one from when he was governor. He was preparing for a televised speech and boom, finger.
  • #5
Bush flashes the bird, something aides say he does often and has been doing since his days as governor of Texas.

  • #6
Wow, ditto the OP.

Is this for real? I keep thinking it has to be a farce, something The Onion would put out.
  • #7
The picture is real... never even heard of the website though so I don't know what's going on here.
  • #8
Similar story from that site a year ago:

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  • #9
Sounds like the author has a bone to pick with him... (same author)
  • #10
No, this is definitely fake. If Mr. Bush had actually spoken all those things, that would make his vocabulary twice as big as it is now.
  • #11
Not very presidential, eh?

If true, not very nice is he.

However, there are at least two groups which dispute the validity of the article:

http://www.skepticfriends.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4882, which references


So maybe the photo is contrived and Bush isn't losing it as the article, which was written/posted on Aug 25, 2005, states, before Katrina.

Before I accept such an article, I would like to have confirmation from a more reliable or plausible source.
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  • #12
I've heard that he used to have a terrible temper and was unable to control it. Apparently when he was running for governor he went through a crash course in anger managment. This apparently involved taking him to secluded areas where he was yelled at, insulted, and degraded until he was able to take it without lashing out.
  • #13
Pengwuino said:
Looks like the guy is promoting his book.
Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if the attitude is real (he is, after all, a gun-totin' Texan), but I'd like to see some references for those quotes.
  • #14
This is all true. The picture, the words, I saw it on comedy central :biggrin:
  • #15
Do not mess with the leaders of the US.

Piss Bush off and he will flip you off. Piss Cheney off and he will tell you to f*ck off. :smile:
  • #16
hmmm...obcsinities in the whitw house

Dick Cheyney
Colon Powell
  • #17
yomamma said:
hmmm...obcsinities in the whitw house

Dick Cheyney
Colon Powell

Your avatar is obscene in the white house
  • #18
yomamma said:
hmmm...obcsinities in the whitw house

Dick Cheyney
Colon Powell

George Bush, obviously...
  • #19
Oh come on guys, this is childish.

hehe, dick cheney... hehehhehehehehhehehehehehehhe


dick hehehehhe :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #20
rachmaninoff said:
No, this is definitely fake. If Mr. Bush had actually spoken all those things, that would make his vocabulary twice as big as it is now.
My God, you're right. I have to consider this debunked on that basis alone.
  • #21
pattylou said:
George Bush, obviously...
I forgot. :redface:

now we know what our country is really made of :smile:
  • #22
I have a serious doubt about the details in the article, as well. However, it does have a spark of truth in the atmosphere that apparently exists on the White House staff.

This http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9287434/ considers the atmosphere on the White House staff to be one of the factors that led to such a sluggish response. People on the White House staff don't like to give bad news and the President doesn't watch or read all that much news - he relies on the staff that's afraid to tell him bad things for information about the world.
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  • #23
Well - Bill Clinton supposedly has a bad temper, as well as other presidents.
  • #24
Yeah its true. It was back when he was governor. Theres video of it on the net somewhere.
  • #25
Capitolhillblues isn't a reliable source, but this rings true. Lord knows he's been captured on film plenty of times doing something vulgar. Restoring honor and dignity to the White House, and all that. But what can you expect? He's an alcoholic.
  • #26
From the article BobG posted: "The bad news on this early morning, Tuesday, Aug. 30, some 24 hours after Hurricane Katrina had ripped through New Orleans, was that the president would have to cut short his five-week vacation by a couple of days and return to Washington."

Geeze, couldn't the hurricane at least wait a few more days so the president could finish his 5 week vacation. I thought teachers got a lot of time off, maybe I should consider becoming the president :smile:
  • #27
I think that picture is real: http://media.ebaumsworld.com/index.php?e=bushuncensored.wmv (quick download).
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  • #28
Alcohol and atom bombs don't mix. :eek:
  • #29
Loren Booda said:
Alcohol and atom bombs don't mix. :eek:

Doesn't mix with pretzels either. :wink:
  • #30
BobG said:
I have a serious doubt about the details in the article, as well. However, it does have a spark of truth in the atmosphere that apparently exists on the White House staff.

This http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9287434/ considers the atmosphere on the White House staff to be one of the factors that led to such a sluggish response. People on the White House staff don't like to give bad news and the President doesn't watch or read all that much news - he relies on the staff that's afraid to tell him bad things for information about the world.

Reminds me of when they didn't want to wake up hitler to tell him they were being attacked.
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FAQ: Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides

1. What are the "obscene tirades" that Bush is being accused of?

The "obscene tirades" refer to the reported outbursts of anger and profanity by former President George W. Bush towards his White House aides during his time in office.

2. Why are these tirades causing controversy?

These tirades are causing controversy because they portray a lack of control and professionalism from the leader of the country, and raise concerns about how decisions were made in the White House.

3. How did the public find out about these tirades?

The public found out about these tirades through a book titled "Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency" written by Barton Gellman, which included interviews with former White House aides who witnessed these outbursts.

4. Has Bush or his team responded to these allegations?

Neither Bush nor his team have directly responded to these specific allegations, but they have denied any claims of inappropriate behavior or decision making in the White House.

5. How do these tirades reflect on Bush's leadership abilities?

These tirades raise questions about Bush's leadership abilities and his ability to handle stressful situations in a professional manner. They also call into question the level of respect and communication within his team.

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