Calculate moment of a special wrench

In summary, the specialty wrench shown in the figure is designed to apply a force of 200 N at an angle of 20 degrees to the handle. The moment applied to the bolt at O is calculated as -48.6 + 9.49k Nm.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The specialty wrench shown in the figure is designed for access to the hold-down bolt on certain automobile distributors. For the configuration shown where the wrench lies in a vertical plane and a horizontal 200-N force is applied at A, perpendicular to the handle, calculate the moment applied to the bolt at O. For what value of the distance d would the z-component of be zero?


Homework Equations

M = r x F ;

M= Fd

The Attempt at a Solution

Well I succesfully calculated the moment around O as M=-48.6j -9.49k Nm but I failed to calculate the second part of the problem.

It was asking for d in order to make Mz equal to zero.

Using M=Fd I have:

M=√My2+Mz2 = F d

From that equation I have to find d in order to make Mz zero so I substitute Mz for zero and I calculate te value of d:



But the book gives a value of 74.5 mm, What am I doing wrong?



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  • #2
You could solve this in two different ways. First, you could express r as a function of d, then use the M = r x F to find the dependence on d.

Or, you could recall that the moment about an axis is proportional to the distance from the axis.
  • #3
voko said:
You could solve this in two different ways. First, you could express r as a function of d, then use the M = r x F to find the dependence on d.

Or, you could recall that the moment about an axis is proportional to the distance from the axis.

Ohh, I´m sorry, you are right. I was assuming that d was the moment arm but it´s not, in this problem is the distance d as it´s shown in the picture, what a ridiculous mistake.

Now I find the correct answer:

d=70/cos(20)=74,5 mm

Thank you very much!

FAQ: Calculate moment of a special wrench

What is the formula for calculating moment of a special wrench?

The formula for calculating moment of a special wrench is M = F x d, where M is the moment, F is the force applied, and d is the distance from the pivot point to the line of action of the force.

What unit is used to measure moment of a special wrench?

The unit used to measure moment is Newton-meter (N-m) in the SI system or foot-pound (ft-lb) in the imperial system.

How do I determine the direction of moment for a special wrench?

The direction of moment is determined by the right-hand rule. Point your thumb in the direction of the force applied and curl your fingers towards the direction of rotation. The direction of your curled fingers represents the direction of moment.

Can I calculate the moment of a special wrench with more than one force applied?

Yes, you can calculate the moment of a special wrench with multiple forces by taking the sum of the moments of each individual force.

What factors affect the moment of a special wrench?

The factors that affect the moment of a special wrench are the magnitude of the applied force, the distance from the pivot point, and the direction of the force relative to the pivot point.
