Calculate the average force on the ball during contact

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a pitched baseball that strikes a bat and is popped straight up to a height of 55.6m. The average force on the ball during contact is calculated using the equations p=mv and impulse=ft. The solution is given as 1.4 x 10^4 Newtons at an angle of 43.3 degrees, but the poster is unsure how this was obtained. The first step in solving the problem is to determine the minimum velocity required for the ball to reach a maximum height of 55.6m when thrown straight up from ground level.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A .145 kg pitched baseball moving at 35 m/s strikes a bat and is popped straight up (forming a 90 degree angle)to a height of 55.6 m before turning around. If the contact time is .50 seconds. calculate the average force on the ball during contact.

Homework Equations

m1v1+m2v2 = m1v1 prime +m2v2 prime
delta ft= delta mv

The Attempt at a Solution

I honestly have no idea but this is what i did
f=mv/t=.145(35 m/s)/.50 s= 10.15 N
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  • #2
Hi Dylan and welcome to the Forums,

Could you post your attempt at answering the question please?
  • #3
the answer in the book says that it is 1.4 times 10 to the 4 Newtons, 43.3 degrees.

I just don't know how they got that, or what the degrees mean.
  • #4
Okay, let's take this one step at a time. If you thew a ball straight up from ground level, what would be the minimum velocity required such that it reached a maximum height of 55.6m?

FAQ: Calculate the average force on the ball during contact

What is the meaning of "calculate the average force on the ball during contact"?

When we say "calculate the average force on the ball during contact," we are referring to the process of determining the average amount of force that is applied to a ball during contact with another object or surface. This is typically done by measuring the initial and final velocities of the ball and using the equations of motion to calculate the average force.

Why is it important to calculate the average force on the ball during contact?

Calculating the average force on the ball during contact is important because it allows us to understand the impact of the contact on the ball and the objects or surfaces involved. This information can be used to make improvements in equipment design, sports performance, and injury prevention.

What factors affect the average force on the ball during contact?

There are several factors that can affect the average force on the ball during contact, including the speed and mass of the ball, the material and surface of the object it is contacting, and the angle and duration of the contact. Other factors, such as air resistance and friction, may also play a role.

How do we measure the average force on the ball during contact?

The average force on the ball during contact can be measured using various methods, such as using force sensors, high-speed cameras, or motion tracking systems. These tools allow us to capture and analyze the motion of the ball and calculate the average force in a precise and accurate manner.

What are some real-world applications of calculating the average force on the ball during contact?

Calculating the average force on the ball during contact has many practical applications, including sports science and performance analysis, product design and testing, and accident reconstruction. It can also be used in the study of collisions and impact mechanics in fields such as engineering, physics, and biomechanics.
