Calculating Magnetic Field from FFT Amplitude

In summary: Now suppose that you want to know the magnetic field at a particular frequency. You can find the voltage that corresponds to that frequency by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the absolute values.
  • #1
So a little bit of background: I work in an undergraduate lab at UMass Amherst and am currently building/optimizing a faraday magnetometer for use in the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab. The magnetometer works as follows. A laser is shone through a crystal with a particular Verdet Constant at the same time the crystal is in a cylinder wrapped with wiring to create a magnetic field of known strength down the central axis of the crystal (the direction of propagation of the light) the resulting light has its plane of polarization rotated by a certain amount (usually something of order 10^-4 radians) which results in a loss of intensity on the two photodetectors which are positioned after a beamsplitter such that each receives ~50% of the total light. After that we collect the data through a little subtractor circuit and in our DAQ Assist Box where we use labview to analyze and transform the data.

One of the transforms we use is the FFT, to look at the strength of various individual frequencies. For example we have our function generator set to a frequency of 100 Hz, we also know that 15 and 60 Hz signals will be in abundance at Fermilab and need to account for those as well, among other things.

What I want to know how to do is take the amplitude for, say, 60 Hz and be able to calculate the magnetic field from that amplitude. Now I don't need people to explain to me how exactly to calculate the magnetic field per say. Rather if someone could provide me with a notion of how to go from the amplitude of a Fourier Transform at a particular frequency to the Voltage of the signal which came in and was transformed. From there I can work backwards in my calculation of the magnetic field strength. Thanks to all who feel so inclined to answer! :)
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  • #2
In the simplest of cases, the energy at a "bin" in the discrete FFT is equal to the energy of the signal at that frequency. In practice, there is all sorts of scaling both obvious and subtle reasons. For example, the analog-to-digital converted applies a de facto scaling. You may be using a window to reduce aliasing - thus a frequency-dependent scaling. So you can only rely on it being proportional. But all this means is that you will need to do a calibration.

Inject a sine wave of a selected frequency, perform the FFT, and look at the amount of energy in the bins that are affected. There will usually be 2 bins affected - but sometimes 1 or 3. Take the square root of the sum of the squares of the absolute values. When you double the amplitude (voltage) of the sine wave, you will double that value derived from the FFT.

FAQ: Calculating Magnetic Field from FFT Amplitude

What is FFT amplitude and how does it relate to magnetic field calculations?

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) amplitude is a mathematical method used to analyze the frequency components of a signal. In the context of magnetic field calculations, it is used to determine the strength of the magnetic field at different frequencies.

What factors influence the accuracy of calculating magnetic field from FFT amplitude?

The accuracy of calculating magnetic field from FFT amplitude depends on a few factors, such as the quality of the data, the sampling rate, and the length of the signal. Higher quality data and higher sampling rates generally result in more accurate calculations.

Can FFT amplitude be used to measure magnetic fields in all types of materials?

No, FFT amplitude is not suitable for measuring magnetic fields in all types of materials. It is most commonly used for non-metallic materials, such as biological tissues, plastics, and liquids. Metallic materials can cause interference and affect the accuracy of the calculations.

What are the limitations of using FFT amplitude for magnetic field calculations?

One limitation of using FFT amplitude for magnetic field calculations is that it can only measure the magnetic field strength at specific frequencies. This means that it may not capture all of the frequency components of a signal and may not provide a complete picture of the magnetic field. Additionally, as mentioned before, it is not suitable for measuring magnetic fields in metallic materials.

Are there any alternative methods for calculating magnetic field besides FFT amplitude?

Yes, there are other methods for calculating magnetic field, such as using a magnetometer or Hall effect sensor. These methods directly measure the magnetic field rather than analyzing frequency components, and may be more accurate in certain situations.

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