Calculating q,w,H and U [Practical Setting]

  • Thread starter chocolatepie
  • Start date
In summary: This is the answer to the question, but it is not the right answer. The correct answer is w=-1993 J/mol.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Background info: Evaporation of NH3(l) at its boiling point of -33.4degrees celcius and at a pressure of 100kPa requires heat absorption of 23.3x10^3 J mol-1.

Question: NH3(g) is condensed at its boiling point at a pressure that is infinitesimally greater than 100kPa. Calculate..
a) w per mole (J mol-1)
b) q per mole (J mol-1)
c) change in molar internal energy U (J mol -1)
d) change in molar enthalpy H (J mol-1)

Thanks for your help.

Homework Equations

ΔU = q + w
ΔU = q - pextΔV
ΔH = ΔU +p ΔV
ΔH = ΔU + ΔngasRT

The Attempt at a Solution

[/B]P is also constant? because it's a condensation process?

(a) irreversible work?
(b) I would know when I figure out what w is.. (reverse)
(c) zero because T stayed the same
(d) isn't this already given in the question? (23.3 x 103)?
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  • #2
Hi chocolatepie! :smile:

chocolatepie said:

Homework Statement

Background info: Evaporation of NH3(l) at its boiling point of -33.4degrees celcius and at a pressure of 100kPa requires heat absorption of 23.3x10^3 J mol-1.

Question: NH3(g) is condensed at its boiling point at a pressure that is infinitesimally greater than 100kPa. Calculate..
a) w per mole (J mol-1)
b) q per mole (J mol-1)
c) change in molar internal energy U (J mol -1)
d) change in molar enthalpy H (J mol-1)

Thanks for your help.

Homework Equations

ΔU = q + w
ΔU = q - pextΔV
ΔH = ΔU +p ΔV

chocolatepie said:
ΔH = ΔU + ΔngasRT

You won't be able to use these formulas, since they only apply to ideal gasses.
A chemical making a phase transition is definitely not an ideal gas.
chocolatepie said:

The Attempt at a Solution

[/B]P is also constant? because it's a condensation process?

Yes, P is constant.
chocolatepie said:
(a) irreversible work?

No. A phase transition is reversible.

Actually I'm not sure what's is intended here.
We do have w=PΔV, where ΔV would be minus the molar volume at -33.4 °C, since in liquid form the volume is negligible and in gas form, the volume of 1 mol is the molar volume.
chocolatepie said:
(b) I would know when I figure out what w is.. (reverse)

For an isobaric process ΔH=q.
(You can also deduce this from your relevant equations. :wink:)
chocolatepie said:
(c) zero because T stayed the same

No. That's only for an ideal gas.

You do have ΔU = ΔH - PΔV (for an isobaric process).
But for a phase transition the difference between ΔU and ΔH should be negligible.
chocolatepie said:
(d) isn't this already given in the question? (23.3 x 103)?

Yes, I believe so, although you will need a minus sign.
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  • #3
I asked someone else and apparently you can use the ideal gas laws, but only if NH3 is in gaseous form.
From the ideal gas laws you can calculate ΔV (which is the molar volume in this case), with PV=RT (for 1 mol).Btw, your equation Um(T)=3/2RT is not right for NH3.
It should be Um(T)=(6/2)RT according to the equipartition theorem.
But you don't need that for this problem.
  • #4
Hi there again! :)

I was just wondering why H has a negative sign? It is weird that the answer is right in the question.

I thought I have to use a formula or something.
  • #5
So here is my attempt:

(a) W= PΔV (ΔV derived from ideal gas law). Use 100kPa for P.
(b) change the sign of the answer from (a) and the value is exactly the same
(c) 0
(d) -23.3 x 10^3 J mol-1 (I was curious why this is the answer though.)

A BIG thanks to you!
  • #6
chocolatepie said:
Hi there again! :)

I was just wondering why H has a negative sign? It is weird that the answer is right in the question.

I thought I have to use a formula or something.

Well, these questions seem to be intended to make you aware of what the physical quantities mean.
And anyway, some of the formulas are trivial too. The challenge is to find the proper formula.
As such some questions will be trivial, as long as you know what you're doing.

It takes energy to evaporate liquid NH3, but the problem asks for condensation, so energy is released, meaning q is negative.
chocolatepie said:
So here is my attempt:

(a) W= PΔV (ΔV derived from ideal gas law). Use 100kPa for P.

Yes (but note that the resulting W must be negative).
So what is the answer?
chocolatepie said:
(b) change the sign of the answer from (a) and the value is exactly the same

No. ΔH=q.
chocolatepie said:
(c) 0

No. ΔU=q+w
chocolatepie said:
(d) -23.3 x 10^3 J mol-1 (I was curious why this is the answer though.)

A BIG thanks to you!

Yep! :smile:
  • #7
I like Serena said:
Well, these questions seem to be intended to make you aware of what the physical quantities mean.
And anyway, some of the formulas are trivial too. The challenge is to find the proper formula.
As such some questions will be trivial, as long as you know what you're doing.

It takes energy to evaporate liquid NH3, but the problem asks for condensation, so energy is released, meaning q is negative.

Yes (but note that the resulting W must be negative).
So what is the answer?

No. ΔH=q.

No. ΔU=q+w

Yep! :smile:

So I got:
(a) w= -1993 J/mol
(b) I thought ΔU should be zero because it's isothermal and the reaction is reversible?
Thus q= 1993J/mol?
  • #8
chocolatepie said:
So I got:
(a) w= -1993 J/mol

Yep! :wink:
chocolatepie said:
(b) I thought ΔU should be zero because it's isothermal and the reaction is reversible?
Thus q= 1993J/mol?

Errr... no.

ΔU is not zero.
In an isothermal reaction of an ideal gas, ΔU would be zero.
It does not depend on being reversible or not.
A phase transition is not ideal gas behaviour.
To behave as an ideal gas, it needs to be gaseous with a low density.

Note that in my first response I marked 3 of your formulas as being specific for ideal gases.Furthermore, ΔH=q and you already "calculated" ΔH.
  • #9
Okay, that makes sense.

Now I have the following:
(a) -1993J/mol
(b) -23.3 x 10^3 J/mol
(c) -25293J/mol
(d) -23.3 x 10^3 J/mol

yes? :)
  • #10
chocolatepie said:
Okay, that makes sense.

Now I have the following:
(a) -1993J/mol
(b) -23.3 x 10^3 J/mol
(c) -25293J/mol
(d) -23.3 x 10^3 J/mol

yes? :)

Yep! :cool:
  • #11
Awesome! thank you so much! Now I only need to deal with the other question.. :)

FAQ: Calculating q,w,H and U [Practical Setting]

1. How do you calculate q, w, H, and U in a practical setting?

In order to calculate q, w, H, and U in a practical setting, you will need to collect data and perform calculations using specific equations. For q, you will need to measure the heat transferred during a process, and for w, you will need to measure the work done on or by the system. H can be calculated using the equation H = U + PV, where U is the internal energy of the system, P is the pressure, and V is the volume. Finally, U can be calculated using the equation U = q + w, where q is the heat transferred and w is the work done.

2. What is the significance of calculating q, w, H, and U in a practical setting?

Calculating q, w, H, and U in a practical setting allows us to better understand the thermodynamic properties of a system and how they are affected by changes in temperature, pressure, and volume. This information can be useful in a variety of scientific and engineering applications, such as designing efficient engines or predicting the behavior of materials under different conditions.

3. Can q, w, H, and U be calculated for any type of system?

Yes, q, w, H, and U can be calculated for any type of system, whether it is a gas, liquid, or solid. However, the equations used to calculate these properties may differ depending on the type of system and the specific conditions of the process being studied.

4. How do you account for changes in temperature and pressure when calculating q, w, H, and U?

Changes in temperature and pressure can be accounted for by using the appropriate equations and units in the calculations. For example, if temperature is measured in degrees Celsius, it must be converted to Kelvin before using it in the equations. Additionally, changes in pressure can be accounted for by using the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, where n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

5. Are there any limitations to using q, w, H, and U in a practical setting?

While q, w, H, and U calculations can provide valuable information about a system, it is important to note that they are based on idealized conditions and may not always accurately reflect real-world situations. Factors such as heat loss and external forces can affect the measurements and calculations, so it is important to consider these limitations when interpreting the results.
