Calculating Acceleration: A Sprinter's Challenge

In summary, the conversation is about a student asking for help with an extra credit problem involving two sprinters and the most economical can design. The student is seeking guidance on which formula to use for the second problem and the others in the conversation are encouraging them to figure it out themselves and offering hints and guidance.
  • #1
Hey guys, my professor assigned an extra credit problem worth a good 100 points, I would appreciate if someone can demonstrate me this problem.

Two sprinters compete. Each accelerates at a uniform rate from a standing start. Al covers the last ¼ of the distance in 3 seconds; Bob covers the last 1/3 in 4 seconds. Who won and by how much ( the the nearest 0.001 second)?
Physics news on
  • #2
Spit out some thoughts, have you done any physics in your time?
  • #3
yeah but i forgot how to do these types, can u please help me?
  • #4
Show us what you've done so far.
  • #5


  • #6
That v stands for average velocity. You want an expression for constant acceleration.
  • #7
can u please set up the problem for me with an appropriate equation?
  • #8
Think of how velocity relates to acceleration.
  • #9
It might help if you looked at it in terms of differentials. Like v= dx/dt instead of x/t.
  • #10
will someone please show me at least the starting equation + work so that I may take it from there?
  • #11
Does this look familiar

[tex] x-x_0 = v_0t + \frac{1}{2} at^2 [/tex]
  • #12
wow thanks guys, that really my professor assigned a second extra credit, how would i begin doing this one?

Cylindrical soup cans are to be manufactured to contain a given volume V. There is no waste in cutting metal for the sides of the can, but the circular endpieces will be cut from a square, with the corners wasted. Find the ratio of height to radius for the most economical can.
  • #13
I think you're misunderstanding hte point of this forum. We aren't here to do your homework. We're here to help you if you're struggling with an idea.

Show me why/where I should help you.
  • #14
i just need help in what formula to use for that 2nd question i gave, ill do the rest
  • #15
PabloPicasso said:
i just need help in what formula to use for that 2nd question i gave, ill do the rest

There is no 'formula' one can just plug things into and everything will be handy dandy. Part of these word problems is to be able to figure out a formula to use that fits the problem and will help yo usolve it. If I told you the formula to use, I would be doing the hard part for you, which isn't the point.

You come up with it yourself, I'll help you if you need, but tell me what you think you need to do.
  • #16
i would learn much easier if i was given a formula by ANY of u...GEEZ for Christs sake how many times do i have to post to get a formula out of this forum? I am not asking you guys to do it for me for cryin out loud, if i can just get an appropriate formula for this problem, i can do the rest on my own, now can someone help?
  • #17

If you have a can with radius r and height h, what would be the volume of the can? And what area A of material will it require to manufacture it? Give formulas for V and A in terms of r and h.

Now, what does "most economical" mean, in the problem statement?

How can you find the most economical can using your formulas?

Have a go at this, and post your working.
  • #18
This problem does not have a standard formula. Most of the max/min problems in Calculus have parts of different formulas. Actually writing the expression for the volume here is the hardest part. Once that is done, all you need to do is differentiate.

The basic form for the volume of a cylinder is :

V = area of base * height

FAQ: Calculating Acceleration: A Sprinter's Challenge

What is the "Calculus Acceleration Problem"?

The Calculus Acceleration Problem is a mathematical problem that involves determining the acceleration of an object at a given time, based on its position and velocity. It is a fundamental concept in the study of calculus and is used to solve various real-world problems.

How is acceleration calculated in the "Calculus Acceleration Problem"?

In the "Calculus Acceleration Problem", acceleration is calculated by taking the derivative of the velocity function with respect to time. This can be represented by the formula a(t) = v'(t), where a(t) is the acceleration, v'(t) is the derivative of the velocity function, and t is time.

What information is needed to solve the "Calculus Acceleration Problem"?

To solve the "Calculus Acceleration Problem", you will need the position function of the object, the velocity function, and the time at which the acceleration needs to be calculated. These can be obtained from the given problem or can be derived from other known information.

What are the units of acceleration in the "Calculus Acceleration Problem"?

In the "Calculus Acceleration Problem", acceleration is typically measured in units of distance per time squared, such as meters per second squared (m/s^2). This represents the change in velocity over time and is a key component in understanding the motion of an object.

What are some real-world applications of the "Calculus Acceleration Problem"?

The "Calculus Acceleration Problem" has many real-world applications, such as calculating the acceleration of a falling object due to gravity, determining the rate of change of a moving object, and analyzing the motion of vehicles in traffic. It is also used in fields such as engineering, physics, and astronomy.

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