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Main Question or Discussion Point:
How small can an astronomical body be with 1.6 Earth gravity, and still hold an argon-oxygen atmosphere?
I have an idea for the use of up-down quark matter, (udQM) as described in the theory of the "continent of stability" in atomic physics, to create planetoids that are tiny, but have relatively strong gravity due to their very high density. udQM allows almost unlimited atomic mass, which has some very interesting possibilities for a very advanced civilization, but quite a lot below the Dyson Sphere level of technology.
udQM is to be a "waste product" from another civilization using it to generate energy. If it's denser than necessary, then a lighter material will be used above a core made of it, resulting in the desired gravity on the surface.
The atmosphere is to be the mass of 1.25⨁ above any location on the surface, the gravity 1.60⨁, resulting in an atmospheric pressure of 2.0⨁, or somewhat less due to the rapid decrease of gravity above the surface. The atmosphere is to be 10% oxygen, 88% argon, and 2% all other gases, excluding helium, which would escape too quickly. Slow loss of atmosphere is OK, can be replenished up to 2% per Earth year.
Here's my idea for the smallest size to possibly hold the atmosphere described above: radius: 25.0 km, density: 2.24kg/cm^3, mass: 2.45^-5⨁, vol.: 6.04^-8⨁, surface area: 1.54^-5⨁, gravity: 1.60⨁, orbiting the smallest red dwarf star possible, but quiescent, flares almost nonexistent, semi-major axis ≈ 2,700,000 km, orbital period ≈ 80 hours, luminosity on surface ≈ 0.6⨁.
Is this realistic, or nearly so, or would the planetoid's gravity decrease too rapidly with altitude due to the inverse-square law of gravity, so that it would rapidly lose atmosphere? After all, hypothetically, if they managed to create a tiny body with a radius of only two meters with 1.6 Earth gravity, the gravity at the top of my head would be only a little above 0.4g, so this body would not be anywhere near able to hold an atmosphere.
For those unfamiliar with udQM, here's the paper describing it: Bob Holdom, Jing Ren, and Chen Zhang. "Quark Matter May Not Be Strange." https://journals.aps.org/prl/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.222001
Note: this is not to be construed to be proof of udQM, but is a theory of a new type of matter which might be able to be created or exist naturally, but has not been observed to exist at this time. This thread is about what an advanced civilization capable of creating artificial planets might do with udQM, were it to exist.
Getting back to the original question, what would be a ballpark estimate of the minimum size for a planetoid to hold an argon-oxygen atmosphere as described above, with atmosphere loss < 2% per Earth year?
How small can an astronomical body be with 1.6 Earth gravity, and still hold an argon-oxygen atmosphere?
I have an idea for the use of up-down quark matter, (udQM) as described in the theory of the "continent of stability" in atomic physics, to create planetoids that are tiny, but have relatively strong gravity due to their very high density. udQM allows almost unlimited atomic mass, which has some very interesting possibilities for a very advanced civilization, but quite a lot below the Dyson Sphere level of technology.
udQM is to be a "waste product" from another civilization using it to generate energy. If it's denser than necessary, then a lighter material will be used above a core made of it, resulting in the desired gravity on the surface.
The atmosphere is to be the mass of 1.25⨁ above any location on the surface, the gravity 1.60⨁, resulting in an atmospheric pressure of 2.0⨁, or somewhat less due to the rapid decrease of gravity above the surface. The atmosphere is to be 10% oxygen, 88% argon, and 2% all other gases, excluding helium, which would escape too quickly. Slow loss of atmosphere is OK, can be replenished up to 2% per Earth year.
Here's my idea for the smallest size to possibly hold the atmosphere described above: radius: 25.0 km, density: 2.24kg/cm^3, mass: 2.45^-5⨁, vol.: 6.04^-8⨁, surface area: 1.54^-5⨁, gravity: 1.60⨁, orbiting the smallest red dwarf star possible, but quiescent, flares almost nonexistent, semi-major axis ≈ 2,700,000 km, orbital period ≈ 80 hours, luminosity on surface ≈ 0.6⨁.
Is this realistic, or nearly so, or would the planetoid's gravity decrease too rapidly with altitude due to the inverse-square law of gravity, so that it would rapidly lose atmosphere? After all, hypothetically, if they managed to create a tiny body with a radius of only two meters with 1.6 Earth gravity, the gravity at the top of my head would be only a little above 0.4g, so this body would not be anywhere near able to hold an atmosphere.
For those unfamiliar with udQM, here's the paper describing it: Bob Holdom, Jing Ren, and Chen Zhang. "Quark Matter May Not Be Strange." https://journals.aps.org/prl/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.222001
Note: this is not to be construed to be proof of udQM, but is a theory of a new type of matter which might be able to be created or exist naturally, but has not been observed to exist at this time. This thread is about what an advanced civilization capable of creating artificial planets might do with udQM, were it to exist.
Getting back to the original question, what would be a ballpark estimate of the minimum size for a planetoid to hold an argon-oxygen atmosphere as described above, with atmosphere loss < 2% per Earth year?
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