Can You Outpredict Paul the Octopus in the 2014 PF World Cup League?

  • Thread starter micromass
  • Start date
  • Tags
    world cup
  • #246
July 4th:
Brazil vs Colombia: 1-2
France vs Germany: 2-1

July 5th:
Netherlands vs Costa Rica: 2-0
Argentina vs Belgium: 2-0
Physics news on
  • #247
July 4th:
Brazil vs Colombia: 0-2
France vs Germany: 1-1 Germany advances

July 5th:
Netherlands vs Costa Rica: 2-1
Argentina vs Belgium: 1-1 Argentina advances
  • #248
4th July:
Brazil v Colombia: 2-1
France vs Germany: 2-1

5th July:
Netherlands v Costa Rica: 3-1
Argentina v Belgium 3-2
  • #249
4th July:
Brazil v Colombia: 0 - 1
France vs Germany: 0 - 2

5th July:
Netherlands v Costa Rica: 3 - 1
Argentina v Belgium: 1 - 2
  • #250
4th July:
Brazil v Colombia: 1 - 2
France vs Germany: 1 - 2

5th July:
Netherlands v Costa Rica: 3 - 0
Argentina v Belgium: 2 - 1 (sorry, micromass :smile:)
  • #251
Netherlands - Costa Rica (5 July): 2 - 1 Netherlands win

Argentina vs Belgium: (July 5th ): 1 - 1 Belguim advance on penalties.
  • #252
4th July:

Brazil - Colombia: 2 - 1
France - Germany: 1 - 2
  • #253
micromass said:
Well, the round of 16 is over now. Congratulations to montadhar for taking the lead once again! Although the difference is quite small!

Thanks :biggrin: I wouldn't celebrate that yet though, it will be very easy for me to move to the 3rd place today, and it's possible to go as far as the fifth.

This was my thought process when I chose the predictions of today's match:
"I will take the calculated risk and vote for Colombia" *looks at the predictions by other members* "OK, I will take the calculated risk and vote for Brazil"
  • #254
montadhar said:
, it will be very easy for me to move to the 3rd place today, and it's possible to go as far as the fifth.

Really fun, eh? :-p
And you and I may lose a lot of (overall) potential points if Germany loses today :biggrin:.
If Germany loses, and those who voted Germany as winner place new winners today/tomorrow,
the following potential points will be lost:

montadhar: 16 - 4 = 12 potential points
Logger: 16 - 4 = 12 potential points
PhysicsGente: 10 - 4 = 6 potential points
DennisN: 10 - 4 = 6 potential points

This contest is mighty fun :approve:.
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  • #255
Also fun to see that cristo and me had Brazil as overall winner, but now voted for Colombia to win :-p
  • #256
micromass said:
Also fun to see that cristo and me had Brazil as overall winner, but now voted for Colombia to win :-p

:confused: :smile: :confused:
  • #257
Did you know in French todays match was Allemagne vs France?
  • #258
5th July:

Netherlands v Costa Rica: 2 - 0
Argentina v Belgium: 2 - 1
  • #259
Argentina vs Netherlands: 1-0
Germany vs Brazil: 4-2
  • #260
Matterwave said:
Argentina vs Netherlands: 1-0
:bugeye: Are you such a fanatic of Argentina?

Germany vs Brazil: 4-2

:rolleyes: That's somewhat closer, though :approve:
  • #261
Argentina vs Netherlands: 1-1 Netherlands advance
Germany vs Brazil: 1-1 Germany advance
  • #262
Can we please follow the FIFA order? It is
Brazil - Germany
Netherlands - Argentina

This makes it a lot easier for me.
  • #263

Brazil vs Germany: 0-0, Brazil advances
Netherlands vs Argentina: 1-2
  • #264
Brazil vs Germany: 0-1
Netherlands vs Argentina: 1-0
  • #265
Brazil v Germany: 0-1
Netherlands vs Argentina: 0-1
  • #266
Brazil - Germany: 0 - 2
Netherlands - Argentina: 2 - 0
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  • #267
micromass said:
Prediction for the winner:
Posted on 6 June (16 points):
micromass - Brazil

micromass said:
Brazil - Germany: 0 - 2

Are you using a complementary strategy? :biggrin: (I don't know if "complementary" is the right term, but you probably understand what I mean)

EDIT: I haven't decided for the semi-finals yet. I have to think it through properly. Some tough decisions...:smile:
  • #268
Brazil vs Germany: 1-0
Netherlands vs Argentina: 2-1
  • #269
DennisN said:
Are you using a complementary strategy? :biggrin: (I don't know if "complementary" is the right term, but you probably understand what I mean)

Hey, I get points anyway, no matter who wins :biggrin:
  • #270
Brazil - Germany: 1 - 2
Netherlands - Argentina: 2 - 1
(gosh, these results were hard for me to decide on :biggrin:)
  • #271
Brazil - Germany: 2 - 1
  • #272
That was a tough prediction to make!
  • #273
micromass said:
Hey, I get points anyway, no matter who wins :biggrin:

Not if Brazil wins the semis and loses the final... :)
  • #274
Matterwave said:
Not if Brazil wins the semis and loses the final... :)

Yes he will, he will get half the points of the winner prediction.
  • #275
Winner prediction: Germany
  • #276
Netherlands - Argentina: 1 - 2
  • #277
micromass said:
Winner prediction: Germany
I'm withholding judgment until tomorrow and the Netherlands v Argentina game. Today, tomorrow, the day after, it doesn't matter: It's still a paltry two points that those of us who stuck with Brazil can possibly win.
  • #278
montadhar said:
Netherlands - Argentina: 1 - 2

It seems that I was 2 minutes too late :smile: Which is fine by me.
I am more interested in what would the leader-board look like had everyone's votes counted.
  • #279
Brazil - Netherlands (12 July): 0 - 1 Netherlands win

Germany - Argentina (13 July): 2 - 0 Germany win
  • #280
winner prediction: argentina