Capacitor in AC Circuit: Understanding Current Flow and Energy Storage

In summary, a capacitor in an AC circuit allows for the flow of alternating current and stores energy in the form of an electric field. It consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material, and as current flows through it, the capacitor charges and discharges, contributing to the overall energy flow in the circuit. Understanding the role of a capacitor in an AC circuit is crucial in the design and operation of electrical systems.
  • #1
When a capacitor is connected in a circuit with an ac supply, a current flows in the circuit. fine. The problem is, does a pd develops across that capacitor, and does it store energy. As in does it "Charge" up?
Physics news on
  • #2
oh sorry, this thread shouldn't have been here.
But still, anyone?
  • #3
Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No...:smile:
  • #4
ok now...comeon...:P

say it clearly, I am too dumb to understand your joke...

Yes or no?
  • #5
Yes, there will be an ac Voltage across the capacitor. Depending on the quality of the capacitor, the Voltage will lag the current by up to 90 degrees.
  • #6
so will it store energy?

since w=1/2 cv^2
  • #7
A capacitor does store energy, but it is stored in the electric field between the plates. As the charge builds up on the two plates, a potential difference, and hence an electric field, is generated between the plates. To put more charge on the plates an emf must do work against this electric field and it is this work which is 'stored' as energy in the field.

Do you follow?
  • #8
ok so what about AC current which changes direction 50 times every second?
The direction of electric field has to change also...
So will it constantly cancel each other's effect or what?
  • #9
Here's a nice reference on" .
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  • #10
That was helpful.

FAQ: Capacitor in AC Circuit: Understanding Current Flow and Energy Storage

1. What is a capacitor in an AC circuit?

A capacitor is an electronic component that stores electrical energy in the form of an electric field. It is made up of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material, and it is used to temporarily store and release energy in an alternating current (AC) circuit.

2. How does a capacitor work in an AC circuit?

In an AC circuit, the capacitor charges and discharges repeatedly as the current changes direction. When the AC voltage is positive, the capacitor charges up and stores energy. When the AC voltage is negative, the capacitor discharges and releases the stored energy back into the circuit.

3. What are the effects of a capacitor in an AC circuit?

The presence of a capacitor in an AC circuit can have several effects. It can help to smooth out the voltage by reducing fluctuations, improve the power factor by correcting for any phase differences, and also act as a filter to block certain frequencies of signals.

4. How do you calculate the capacitance in an AC circuit?

The capacitance in an AC circuit can be calculated using the formula C = Q/V, where C is the capacitance in farads, Q is the charge in coulombs, and V is the voltage in volts. Alternatively, it can also be calculated using the formula C = I/(2πfV), where I is the current in amperes, f is the frequency in hertz, and V is the voltage in volts.

5. What are some common applications of capacitors in AC circuits?

Capacitors have a wide range of applications in AC circuits. They are commonly used in power supplies to smooth out the voltage, in filters to block certain frequencies, and in motor starting circuits to provide a sudden surge of current. They are also used in audio equipment to block DC signals and in tuners to select specific frequencies.
