Centre of the earth is hotter than the sun

In summary, the center of the Earth is not as hot as the center of the sun, and hell is probably a religious issue.
  • #1
I have heard that the centre of the Earth is hotter than the sun, and it is the place where hell is. What are your opinions on this?
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Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes... Yes it is...
  • #3
i do not think that the center of the Earth is anywhere near as hot as the center of the sun. and as for this being the location of 'hell', i doubt it even further. if by hell you mean that down there there are little demons with pitchforks and fire and brimstone.
  • #4
To hell with it !
  • #5
If the center of the Earth was hotter than the Sun, then I thnk that there would be nuclear reactions taking place down there would be doing some funky things to the surface...you know, anywhere from your constant volcanic eruptions and earthquakes to a jumble of exploding pieces, to making it gaseous.
  • #6
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
If the center of the Earth was hotter than the Sun, then I thnk that there would be nuclear reactions taking place down there would be doing some funky things to the surface...you know, anywhere from your constant volcanic eruptions and earthquakes to a jumble of exploding pieces, to making it gaseous.
Actually I think there was something on the Discovery Channel recently, I think it was a take off from Jules Verne's, "A Journey to the Center of the Earth," where they spoke of the temperature of the center of the Earth approaching the temperature of the sun's surface, around 14,000 degrees Fahrenheit I believe?
  • #7
Originally posted by Iacchus32
...around 14,000 degrees Fahrenheit I believe?

the temperature of the plasma in the sun is over 100 million degrees.
  • #8
most superstitious legends say it is hell in the center of the earth.
and Jesus was probably burned there now.
  • #9
Originally posted by maximus
the temperature of the plasma in the sun is over 100 million degrees.
Where is the plasma located? On the surface or elsewhere? I have a hard time believing the Discovery Channel would say something as erroneous as this? Not unless I didn't hear it correctly?
  • #10
Heck. I once heard it's so hot in the center of the Earth it can be likened to a fiery metal ball, much hotter than fire in its gaseous state. If such were the case then how come planets don't act like paperweights, they behave like bubbles floating in space instead. and if such source of light transmit data in such as data from sunlight transmit and prod a beanpod to grow, then the idea of it'l shake ur world.

However if questions still persists, one may type on a search engine 'hollow earth', or the memoirs of Admiral Byrd. A caution though, the individual was gagged so kids it's probably something your grandparents aren't supposed to know. It would be understandable if reactions may vary or branding it as superstition. As for the rest, it gets going to be open minded but discerning. Life's mysteries is not limited to the boob tube and puppet media alone.

On the issue of 'hell' spare the bigotry of identifying unknown paradise as such. These are probably states of Consciousness, and hell most likely is a state where ignorance, arrogance and chaos divides between their and other dimensions, and ours.
  • #11
It is hot down there, but not as how as even parts of the sun.

As to it being the location of a supernatural punishment zone? I do not respect this point of view.
  • #12
While "hell" is a religious issue (and one not supported by the Bible, btw), I do feel compelled to explain that the center of the Earth cannot be anywhere near as hot as the center of the sun.

If you were to take a teaspoon-full of the plasma at the center of the sun, and set it down on Earth, everything within a 100-mile radius, would be incinerated.
  • #13
Originally posted by Iacchus32
Where is the plasma located? On the surface or elsewhere? I have a hard time believing the Discovery Channel would say something as erroneous as this? Not unless I didn't hear it correctly?

practically every part of the sun is over millions of degrees, but yes, it is hotter in the core.
  • #14
Originally posted by Saint
most superstitious legends say it is hell in the center of the earth.
and Jesus was probably burned there now.

saint, you're looking to piss a lot of people off with statements like that. (even if they are jokes)

in conclusion to the thread, i think we can safely conclude that the center of the Earth is no where near as hot as any part of the sun.
  • #15
i just realized, this thread should have been titled "Hell on Earth". i just wanted to add that...
  • #16
I personally think that hell, along with heaven, is a state of mind or a moment in life


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  • #17
what lies do you believe?

hell only exists if you believe in it.
it is the afterlife and so, since many people believed in it, they may end there but the center of this Earth may be worse then hell after all because nothing can survive there.
but i don't believe in hell cos there is no such thing.
  • #18
hey, did you know that scientists know exactly the temperature of hell? it's the temperature at which brimstone will remain a solid!
  • #19
Originally posted by maximus
hey, did you know that scientists know exactly the temperature of hell? it's the temperature at which brimstone will remain a solid!

  • #20
Hell is right here:
The slum in Brazil/Bangladesh/India etc...
The crime-beridden cities like LA, NY etc...
Jail, where the criminals get bullied and treated inhmanely...

and many others...:frown:
  • #21
  • #22
Hell is an idea
  • #23
Hell IS a religious topic (and a reality) that can be supported from the Bible (Romans 20:13-15.)
  • #24
arrow said:
Hell IS a religious topic (and a reality) that can be supported from the Bible (Romans 20:13-15.)

Until someone goes there and comes back, your claim it is a reality, is a little far fetched.

Go ahead and live in fear.
  • #25
far fetched?

It is easier for me to believe in a God who was the First Cause, of infinite dimensions, eternal, almighty, omniscient, omnipresent, an all-loving creator who reveals himself in his creation, His Word and in my conscience and WANTS a relationship with -me- through my faith in His Son's death on the cross for my sin (disobedience.) His Word tells me that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will not perish but have everlasting life (no fear.) John 3:16

If I am wrong I will have lost little in this life. If you are wrong you will have lost eternity. This is one of my last posts here, may you have joy...
  • #26
I'd rather be wrong and be lost for all eternity than be the kind of person for whom wrong and right are determined by how much he/she loses when wrong, or gains when right.
Only a person who sticks to his beliefs can be a good person, because right and wrong don't have market value and hence they don't fluctuate, so your ability to cope with market changes by picking the one of the two that goes for the higher market value is guaranteed to have you pick wrong a good many times. Or maybe god is so foolish that he can't see that.
  • #27
-Job- said:
I'd rather be wrong and be lost for all eternity than be the kind of person for whom wrong and right are determined by how much he/she loses when wrong, or gains when right.
Only a person who sticks to his beliefs can be a good person, because right and wrong don't have market value and hence they don't fluctuate, so your ability to cope with market changes by picking the one of the two that goes for the higher market value is guaranteed to have you pick wrong a good many times. Or maybe god is so foolish that he can't see that.

If we could spend 2 seconds in hell I do not believe you would rather be lost for all eternity in torment and not in heaven with ever increasing joy of God for any reason whatsoever. Jesus asked "what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Matthew 16:26 ...in my humble opinion based on the Bible.
  • #28
If you live believing in simple christian fundamentalism, and cannot fathom that there is a whole universe out there with life probably, and most certainly everywhere... then you are living to be mind controlled in my opinion. Now i feel qualified to tell you this, because i used to be christian until i started to be open minded and study science... but it comes with its problems... like having everyone you knew turn their back on you, because they are "holier" than you, and you're going to "hell" now for not believing that jesus was a lamb sent here to die.. Aren't religious discussions forbidden here? Cause i know a whole lot about the Bible, and i could just about destroy every word ever said in it in about 15 seconds, if i can get the okay. How many different versions are there again? Oh yeah... ignore that... doesn't mean a thing right?! just tamper here and there... make people believe this so they act this way... take this out of it so you can make them do these things... add a couple lines here... add a couple there... wage a few wars... kill a couple thousand because God wants you to...(300ad,1700ad) kill anyone who tries to read it or duplicate it.
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  • #29
There is no such thing as hell, and there is no such person as the Devil... you know where the devil came from? So man could have someone to blame and get him off scotch free if he did something wrong... Hell I'll just blame the Devil for making me do that one! Or he could use it to wage wars and kill... because if he didn't like something, and it was against Gods word, then he just simply transform it into the Devil/devil's work... face it... there is no such thing... when you take responsibility for your/our actions... the bible characters dissapear... and with them, their realms. The Devil is not making us do anything, and God is not controlling the weather or performing miracles. See my article on consistency in philosophy. It's all natural until you slap an expectation/desire on it. What you are being lead to believe in is consistently false... but your desire is making it true. Let go of emotional connections and religious beliefs for a second, and take a look from a free human perspective.
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FAQ: Centre of the earth is hotter than the sun

1. Why is the center of the earth hotter than the sun?

The center of the earth is hotter than the sun because the earth's core is made up of a combination of hot molten rock and metal, while the sun's core is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium gas. The earth's core also experiences more pressure, causing the temperature to rise.

2. How hot is the center of the earth compared to the sun?

The center of the earth has an estimated temperature of around 5,400 degrees Celsius, while the surface of the sun has a temperature of around 5,500 degrees Celsius. However, the temperature at the core of the sun can reach up to 15 million degrees Celsius due to nuclear fusion reactions.

3. Is it safe to go to the center of the earth?

No, it is not safe to go to the center of the earth. The extreme heat and pressure would make it impossible for any living organism to survive. Additionally, the earth's core is about 6,371 kilometers below the surface, and it is not physically possible for humans to travel that far.

4. Will the center of the earth ever cool down?

The center of the earth will eventually cool down, but it will take millions of years for this to happen. The earth's core is constantly generating heat due to radioactive decay and the release of energy from the earth's formation. However, over time, this heat will dissipate, and the earth's core will cool.

5. How do scientists know the temperature of the center of the earth?

Scientists use various methods to estimate the temperature of the earth's core. One method is by studying the seismic waves that travel through the earth's interior. These waves behave differently depending on the temperature and composition of the materials they pass through, allowing scientists to make inferences about the earth's core. Additionally, scientists can also use mathematical models and experiments to estimate the temperature of the earth's core.

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