Charge distribution in a conductor (using maxwell's equations)

In summary, any charge distribution in a conductor of conductivity σ and relative permittivity κ will vanish in time as ρ = ρ0exp(−t/ζ) where ζ = κǫ0/σ, as shown through the use of Maxwell's equations, Ohm's law, and the equation of continuity for a free charge density. Through substitution and manipulation of equations, it can be seen that ρfree, which is the same as the total current density J in this example, is a function of time only and can be expressed as an ordinary differential equation. Thus, the charge distribution will decrease over time according to an exponential decay function.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that any charge distribution in a conductor of conductivity σ and relative
permittivity κ vanishes in time as ρ = ρ0exp(−t/ζ) where ζ = κǫ0

Homework Equations

Maxwell's equation
∇ · D = ρfree

equation of continuity for a free charge density
∇ · Jfree = −∂(ρfree)/∂t

ohms law
J = σE

The Attempt at a Solution

I can see that ρ will get smaller and smaller as time 't' increases according to
ρ = ρ0exp(−t/ζ) and clearly some sort of substitution is required of the equations but I can't see how substitution will result in a exponential appearing. Basically I don't know where to start so any help would be appreciated or a push in the right direction.

Physics news on
  • #2
Try expressing J in terms of D then combine your two maxwell's equation into a single DE for [itex]\rho[/itex]
  • #3
I could sub the first eq into the second to get the divergence of current density equals the negative differential of the divergence of the electric displacement field, or

∇ · Jfree = −∂(∇ · D)/∂t

Can Jfree and total J be considered to be the same thing in this example? Also I will lose ρ if i do this.
  • #4
Is there ever any bound current in a conductor? If not, then Jfree and J are the same right?

And you don't want to combine the equations in that manner...start with expressing D in terms of E... there should be an equation for that
  • #5
Okay so Jfree=J. also D=εE so E=D/ε
and therefore J=σD/ε


∇ · σD/ε = −∂(ρfree)/∂t
(∇σ/ε)· D + (σ/ε)(ρfree) = −∂(ρfree)/∂t

Doesn't feel like I am getting anyhere
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  • #6
Not sure if your allowed to bump threads on this forum...o:)
  • #7
sweep123 said:
∇ · σD/ε = −∂(ρfree)/∂t
(∇σ/ε)· D + (σ/ε)(ρfree) = −∂(ρfree)/∂t

Doesn't feel like I am getting anyhere

σ/ε is a constant, so (∇σ/ε)=0 and therefor (σ/ε)(ρfree) = −∂(ρfree)/∂t

Also, is ρfree a function of any other variables besides time, inside a conductor?...if not, then−∂(ρfree)/∂t=−d(ρfree)/dt and you have a seperable ordinary differential equation for ρfree.
  • #8
aha. I get it, Thanks a lot that's brilliant. Don't think I would have ever got that on my own:smile:

FAQ: Charge distribution in a conductor (using maxwell's equations)

What is charge distribution in a conductor?

Charge distribution in a conductor refers to how electric charge is spread out or distributed within a given conductor. This is important because it affects the flow of electrical current through the conductor.

What are Maxwell's equations?

Maxwell's equations are a set of four mathematical equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. They were developed by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century and are fundamental to understanding electromagnetism.

How do Maxwell's equations relate to charge distribution in a conductor?

Maxwell's equations can be used to analyze the electric field within a conductor and determine the charge distribution. They describe how electric charges interact with each other and with magnetic fields, which is crucial in understanding the behavior of charges in a conductor.

What is the role of boundary conditions in determining charge distribution in a conductor?

Boundary conditions refer to the limits or constraints on the behavior of electric fields at the surface of a conductor. These conditions are important in determining the charge distribution within a conductor, as they dictate how the electric field behaves and how it affects the movement of charges.

How can charge distribution in a conductor be manipulated?

Charge distribution in a conductor can be manipulated by changing the external electric field applied to the conductor, or by changing the shape or physical properties of the conductor itself. This can be done in various ways, such as using capacitors, resistors, or different materials for the conductor.
