Circular restricted three body problem

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of celestial mechanics and specifically focuses on the 3 body problem, Lagrange equilibrium points, and halo orbits. The speaker has been experimenting with different methods and equations to find the positions and trajectories of particles crossing the x-axis in these systems. They also discuss the use of numerical integration in solving these problems. However, they acknowledge that their approach may not always make physical sense, but as a mathematician, they are more focused on the numbers rather than the concept.
  • #1
Hey folks and happy new year!

I've been learning about the 3 body problem for a wee while now and also lagrange equilibrium points and it has got me experimenting with the same set up. I'm now investigating halo orbits and while I know you don't calculate them using this kind of method, it has given me some ideas to try out. What I've been looking at is particles crossing the x-axis perpendicular to it (as it 'appears' in pictures of halo oribts, which is where I got the idea).

Now for lagrange points, I use the (perhaps standard?) method of solving the equations of motion...

[tex]\ddot{x} - 2 \.{y} = \frac{\partial U}{\partial x}[/tex]

[tex]\ddot{y} + 2 \.{x} = \frac{\partial U}{\partial y}[/tex] (#)

Where [tex]U = \mu_1 (\frac{1}{r_1} + \frac{r_1^2}{2}) + \mu_2 (\frac{1}{r_2} + \frac{r_2^2}{2}) - \frac{1}{2}\mu_1 \mu_2[/tex] with n=1.

Setting [tex]\.{x} = \.{y} = \ddot{x} = \ddot{y} = 0[/tex].

So, now dealing with the orbits crossing the x-axis for the Earth sun 3 body system... Can I just use a method similar to the above to find the positions of these orbits on the x-axis given a y velocity..?

Does it even make sense to solve this since could we not have a particle going a certain speed at almost any point on the x-axis..?

I've been playing around and not really knowing what I've been doing but... Given that I want the particle to cross the x-axis, y will be zero and in (#), we will have to have the RHS equal to zero and hence [tex]\ddot{y} = -2 \.{x}[/tex] which seems a weird thing to presume especially given that I would have had the x velocity equal to zero but the y accel non zero! So then it's just a case of finding an expression for (in my calcs, r1) in terms of x acceleration and y velocity.

Now, if you've understood what I've been rambling about, does what I'm doing even make any sense? I can't help but feel everything is riddled with mistakes but as a mathematician I tend to not consider if what I'm doing makes physical sense and just look at what the numbers tell me...

One more quick thing to ask... I always read about people performing numerical integrations on computers for n-body problems but does this mean actually solving an integral or is it just an expression for performing numerical calculations..?
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  • #2
Deadstar said:
One more quick thing to ask... I always read about people performing numerical integrations on computers for n-body problems but does this mean actually solving an integral or is it just an expression for performing numerical calculations..?

It's performing numerical calculations to 'follow' the trajectory (in the mathematical sense) of a system of differential equations, thus producing a numerical solution for the system. In the case of celestial mechanics, it can produce position, velocity, acceleration versus time numbers all along the trajectory (or just the 'final' position, etc., for a specified time).

Differential equations are 'integrated' to find their solution. Hence numerical integration.

FAQ: Circular restricted three body problem

1. What is the circular restricted three body problem?

The circular restricted three body problem is a mathematical model that describes the motion of three bodies, such as planets or moons, that orbit around each other in a circular path. It is a simplified version of the three body problem, which is a notoriously difficult problem in physics.

2. How is the circular restricted three body problem different from the three body problem?

The circular restricted three body problem assumes that the three bodies are in circular orbits and that their masses are negligible compared to the central body. This allows for a simpler and more manageable mathematical solution compared to the full three body problem which takes into account the masses and non-circular orbits of the bodies.

3. What are some real-life examples of the circular restricted three body problem?

One example is the Earth-Moon-Sun system, where the Moon orbits around the Earth and both the Earth and Moon orbit around the Sun. Another example is the Pluto-Charon-Pluto's moon system, where the two bodies orbit around each other while both orbiting around the Sun.

4. What are some applications of the circular restricted three body problem?

The circular restricted three body problem has been used in the study of celestial mechanics and orbital dynamics, as well as in the design of spacecraft trajectories and space missions. It has also been applied in astrophysics to understand the behavior of multiple star systems.

5. What are some challenges in solving the circular restricted three body problem?

One of the main challenges is that there is no general analytical solution for the problem. Solutions must be approximated using numerical methods and computer simulations. Additionally, small changes in initial conditions can lead to drastically different outcomes, making it difficult to predict long-term behavior accurately.
