Managing Expectations as a Young Math Enthusiast

In summary, a young future mathematician is struggling with the idea of not being the smartest in their field, even though they have a passion for math and pursue it outside of class. They are seeking advice and a quote about success helps them realize that being the best is not the most important thing. They are reminded to just be their best and to find friends who share their interests in college. They also recognize that intelligence is not the only factor in making a difference and success is about what one does with their abilities.
  • #1
As a young future mathematician (senior in high school) I'm having trouble coming to terms with the fact that I'm not going to be the smartest kid even though I pursue math outside of class from pure interest and nothing better to do. I know its only going to get worse when I move to a university. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way or has in the past. Any advice? I really like this quote, "success is not how far you get, but the distance you've traveled from where you started".
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  • #2
Why do you have to be the smartest kid?
  • #3
Because I want to be the best at what I do. I mean doesn't everyone have this desire to some extent? It allows us to improve ourselves.
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  • #4
instead of being the best, just be your best. there's no sense in not running because you'll never be as fast as a cheetah.

and if you already have found a reassuring quote, what exactly are you looking for? someone to give you hope that you will be the best if you just hang in there? you probably won't be the best at anything, but you'll be successful in most things you set out to do.
  • #5
The main question is, will you still like maths even if you weren't the best in class? If yes, then this shouldn't really be a problem. If no, then you are choosing the wrong major.

Also you can't really do anything about it till you start college, and then the best way is to befriend others who are similar to you and start studying with them. Then you should realize how lucky you are who can get like minded people as friends, if you were the smartest you wouldn't have anyone.
  • #6
I've had, and am still having, similar thoughts.

I guess the force that still keeps me going is the thought that you don't have to be smartest to make a difference. That is, I'm still being troubled by the fact that I'm not the smartest or even close. But then again, not many people are remembered because they were so smart. Most of the smart people are remembered because the did something important. And doing something important is not reserved solely for geniuses.

Of course intelligence helps, but me thinks it requires a lot more than that.

So essentially it's not about how smart you are, it's about what you do with what you've given. Smartness dies with the person, his work (hopefully) doesn't.

Basically just a different version of your quote "success is not how far you get, but the distance you've traveled from where you started".
  • #7
Thanks atwood I know what you mean.

FAQ: Managing Expectations as a Young Math Enthusiast

What is the importance of managing expectations as a young math enthusiast?

Managing expectations is important as a young math enthusiast because it helps you set realistic goals and avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged. It also allows you to focus on your progress and growth rather than comparing yourself to others.

How can I set realistic expectations for my math abilities?

To set realistic expectations, it is important to assess your current math skills and knowledge objectively. Identify areas where you need improvement and set achievable goals based on your strengths and weaknesses. Also, seek guidance from a mentor or teacher to help you set realistic expectations.

What should I do when I feel overwhelmed or discouraged about my progress in math?

If you feel overwhelmed or discouraged, take a step back and evaluate your expectations. Are they realistic? Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Remember that progress takes time and effort. Seek support from your peers or teachers and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.

How can I manage expectations from others about my performance in math?

It is important to communicate your goals and expectations clearly to others. Let them know that you are working towards your own progress and success, and that comparisons to others may not be helpful. Also, don't be afraid to set boundaries and prioritize your mental well-being over others' expectations.

What are some strategies for staying motivated and maintaining realistic expectations in math?

One strategy is to break down larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks. This allows you to track your progress and celebrate small victories along the way. Additionally, surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow math enthusiasts and seek inspiration from successful mathematicians. Lastly, remember to take breaks and practice self-care to avoid burnout.

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