Completely Elastic Proton Collision

In summary, the original proton is scattered 64.0 degrees from its initial direction. The proton with a speed of 518 m/s collides elastically with another proton at rest. The original proton has a total momentum before the collision of 518 u, which equals the total momentum after the collision.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Completely Elastic Proton Collision

In my physics class we tried to solve this problem but nobody in the class could figure it out and the teacher was having difficulty with it. It is possible that the book put in a problem that isn't possible to solve...

i am not very good with latex coding so feel free to ask about my sub/superscript system

A proton (atomic mass 1.01 u) with a speed of 518 m/s collides elastically with another proton at rest. The original proton is scattered 64.0 degrees from its initial direction.
(A) What is the direction of the velocity of the target proton after the collision?
(B) What are the speeds of the two protons after the collision?

Homework Statement

A proton (atomic mass 1.01 u) with a speed of 518 m/s collides elastically with another proton at rest. The original proton is scattered 64.0 degrees from its initial direction.

m[tex]_{1}[/tex]=1.01 u
v[tex]_{1}[/tex]=518 m/s
m[tex]_{2}[/tex]=1.01 u
v[tex]_{2}[/tex]=0 m/s
[tex]\vartheta[/tex]=64 degrees (b/n path of first proton before and after collision)
[tex]\varphi[/tex]=? (b/n path of second proton after collision and path of first proton before collision)

Homework Equations

Total momentum before equals total momentum after
momentum = mass X velocity

The Attempt at a Solution

we set up a force diagram so that the path of proton #1 is a horizontal line
vvvv total momentum in X direction vvvv
P[tex]_{T,X}[/tex]= 518 u[tex]\times[/tex]m/s=V[tex]^{'}_{1}[/tex]cos(64)+V[tex]^{'}_{2}[/tex]cos([tex]\varphi[/tex])
we have three variables in this equation and this makes a problem to solve for just one variable

Total momentum in Y direction is zero prior to collision and therefore is zero after collision
P[tex]_{T,Y}[/tex]=0 u[tex]\times[/tex]m/s=V[tex]^{'}_{1}[/tex]sin(64)+V[tex]^{'}_{2}[/tex]sin([tex]\varphi[/tex])

this is the point where I have absolutely no idea what to do and apparently my teacher and the rest of the class as well...
Any help/hint(s) would be very greatly appreciated
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  • #2
Are we supposed to ignore the Coulumb repulsion? Could we replace the protons with billiard balls of the same mass?
  • #3
yes you can ignore couloumbs law
good idea...think of the protons as two billiard balls
  • #4
Ok, so right now you have 2 equations with 3 unknowns. You need one more equation in order to solve this problem. Try using conservation of energy (only accounting for kinetic energy). You'll end up with an equation for each p(x-direction), p(y-direction), and energy with unknowns, v1, v2 and the angle the 2nd ball makes with the original trajectory. Does this help?
  • #5
thats what i did
i have the equation for conservation of momentum in the y axis
and i have conservation of momentum in the x axis
and that is where i am stuck
thanks for the help
i could isolate the unknown i am trying to find but it would be defined in terms of other unknowns
  • #6
Use conservation of energy. Only kinetic energy terms will appear. This will give you 3 equations with 3 unknowns. Have you seen conservation of energy before?
  • #7
ok i think i get what your saying now
Thanks a ton!

FAQ: Completely Elastic Proton Collision

1. What is a completely elastic proton collision?

A completely elastic proton collision is a type of collision between two protons where there is no loss of kinetic energy. This means that after the collision, both protons continue moving at the same speed and direction as they were before the collision.

2. How is a completely elastic proton collision different from an inelastic collision?

In an inelastic collision, some of the kinetic energy is lost during the collision, resulting in a decrease in the speed of the particles involved. In a completely elastic collision, all of the kinetic energy is conserved and there is no change in speed or direction for the particles.

3. What are the conditions needed for a completely elastic proton collision to occur?

In order for a completely elastic proton collision to occur, the protons must be traveling at the same speed and in opposite directions. They must also be able to interact with each other without any external forces or other particles interfering.

4. What techniques are used to study completely elastic proton collisions?

Scientists use particle accelerators and detectors to study completely elastic proton collisions. Particle accelerators are used to accelerate the protons to high speeds and then they are directed towards a target proton. Detectors are used to measure the particles and their trajectories before and after the collision.

5. What are the potential applications of studying completely elastic proton collisions?

Studying completely elastic proton collisions can help scientists understand the fundamental properties of protons and other subatomic particles. This knowledge can then be applied to fields such as nuclear energy, medical imaging, and particle physics research.

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