Complex numbers physical interpretation

In summary: I'm not fully certain of the question so I'll posit another possibility by posing a question myself. What is the physical significance of the real numbers? The real numbers are a useful construct for analysis. They allow us to take limits and the limit points exist. This is important in calculus. Additionally, complex numbers provide a way to model quantum mechanical systems. They can be thought of as vectors in three dimensions. However, complex numbers are very useful in real world problems and have a number of important applications in engineering.
  • #1
Hi guys.
What is really the need for complex numbers? Is there any physical meaning associated with it?
Physics news on
  • #3
Complex number is very useful,for example,we have the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra,we can relate Exponential Function to Trigonometric Function(Euler's Equation),in Differential Equations,it is useful when the characteristic equation has complex roots.As far as I know,in physics the Schrödinger Equation is a complex equation.Also complex number is applied in the computing of electroengineering.
  • #4
There does not have to be, nor is there, a single "physical interpretation" of any mathematical concept.

Historically, the motivation for defining complex numbers was Cardano's formula for solving cubic equations. That involves taking a square root, followed by other calculations. There exist cubic equations which have only real roots but applying Cardano's formula requires taking the square root of a negative number and so requires knowing how to manipulate complex numbers.
  • #5
For Example, the differencial equalation ax''[t]+bx'[t]+cx=0, at the discrimant is negative, roots are [A]\pm[/Bi] solution is [e][/At]([C][/1]Cos[Bt] + [C][/2]Sin[Bt]).
  • #6
koolraj09 said:
Hi guys.
What is really the need for complex numbers? Is there any physical meaning associated with it?

There are many physical processes that are described in terms of complex numbers. In quantum mechanics, the wave function is a complex distribution that evolves according to a complex version of the heat equation. Quantum mechanical things have phases which are complex numbers.
  • #7
A major problem with using simple trigonometry in real world problems is that the trigonometric functions are 4 times redundant over all of the possible angles around a point. Complex numbers solve that problem by giving a unique value for each angle and a unique value for the trigonometric function for all angles 0 to 2 PI.
  • #8
I always thought i was a geometric transform operator for two-dimensional systems. I'm still not quite sure what the difference between A 2D vector and complex number is, especially if the vectors are normalized so that their inner product is 1.
  • #9
Pythagorean said:
I always thought i was a geometric transform operator for two-dimensional systems. I'm still not quite sure what the difference between A 2D vector and complex number is, especially if the vectors are normalized so that their inner product is 1.

Complex numbers can be multiplied as well as added. Adding them is the same as 2D vector addition.
  • #10
I'm still doing school maths, but I can see how complex numbers can be used to represent force vectors if you know what I mean. So I guess it really useful in physics
  • #11
noone123 said:
I'm still doing school maths, but I can see how complex numbers can be used to represent force vectors if you know what I mean. So I guess it really useful in physics

The modeling of quantum mechanical systems as complex distributions gives a picture of the world that is fundamentally composed of complex number values.
  • #12
Historically they came about as a way of solving cubic equations. At the time there was a solution by radicals to cubic equations and sometimes a square root of a negative number would arise, but go away by the time the answer was simplified. It was quite mysterious at the time as you could 'allow' these weird items in order to get real answers.

Then I believe (and I forget who did it first) there was a movement to see complex numbers as vectors. Because, as noted above, you could add them and multiply them (and they follow the parallelogram law for force addition). It was from this point that Hamilton tried finding a 3D version of the complex numbers, after all that's what you'd want. The complex numbers just don't cut in a 3D world. However he discovered the quaternions, which are 4D and have units of 1, i, j, and k. Those eventually were hijacked by Gibbs and Heaviside to form what we think of as vector analysis today.

I'm not fully certain of the question so I'll posit another possibility by posing a question myself. What is the physical significance of the real numbers? When I teach mathematics that involves complex numbers (I dislike the term 'imaginary') I always spend a few minutes on this question.

As for 'need' that depends. For example, do we need real numbers? I'm not sure, we could probably work out all of our results on the rationals but it would be ridiculuous, supposing its even possible. The real numbers are a construction that make analysis much nicer. We can take limits (and the limit points exist) and so voila: calculus. In the same way the complex plane makes many things very nice and very convenient. Could we work without them? Maybe, but its probably not a good idea.
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  • #13
As a engineer, I'm learning that they have really important applications in fluid mechanics to describe potential (ideal) flow, they are the backbone for solving many complicated integrals that define engineering and scientific processes related to Laplace transforms, Fourier series. They are very important, especially the fundamental theorem of calculus, which presents a really cool way to evaluate a complicated integral.

Alot of applications, and interests.
  • #14
I think that you already know that some equations are solved only in C (complex)...but interpretation,we have to study philosophy here...I think it is abstract idea,but bright so we can deal with x^2=-1

FAQ: Complex numbers physical interpretation

1. What exactly are complex numbers?

Complex numbers are numbers that consist of a real part and an imaginary part. They are written in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit, which is defined as the square root of -1.

2. How are complex numbers used in physics?

Complex numbers have a variety of applications in physics, such as in electrical engineering, quantum mechanics, and signal processing. They are used to represent quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as electrical current and wave amplitudes.

3. Can complex numbers have a physical interpretation?

Yes, complex numbers can have a physical interpretation. The real part of a complex number represents the physical quantity, while the imaginary part represents the phase or direction of the quantity. For example, in alternating current circuits, the real part of a complex number represents the voltage, while the imaginary part represents the phase difference between the voltage and current.

4. Are complex numbers used in classical mechanics?

No, complex numbers are not typically used in classical mechanics. Classical mechanics deals with physical systems that can be described using real numbers. However, complex numbers are commonly used in quantum mechanics, which deals with the behavior of particles at a microscopic level.

5. What is the geometric interpretation of complex numbers?

The geometric interpretation of complex numbers is that they can be represented as points on the complex plane, with the real part representing the x-axis and the imaginary part representing the y-axis. The magnitude of the complex number represents the distance from the origin, and the angle from the positive real axis represents the phase or direction.

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