Computing Potential of a Spherical Shell w/o using Newton's theorems

In summary, to compute the potential due to a spherical mass distributed at a certain radius, one needs to use Gauss's theorem and then convert to spherical coordinates. However, it is easier to use a model that does not involve integration.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm well aware of how to compute the gravitational [electric] potential [tex]\Phi[/tex] due to a spherical mass [charge] distribution of radius [tex]R[/tex] by using Newton's theorems for spherical shells. However, how does one find an analytic expression for [tex]\Phi[/tex] without invoking these theorems?

Homework Equations

[tex]\rho(r, \theta, \phi) = \rho(r) = M \delta(r - R)[/tex]
or equivalently:
[tex]\rho(\vec{x}) = M \delta(x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2 - R^2)[/tex]

[tex]\Phi(\vec{x}) = -\int_{\tau} \frac{G \rho(\vec{x}')}{|\vec{x}' - \vec{x}|} \; d^3x'[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Now I can't simply transform the equation for potential into spherical coordinates because vector subtraction is involved. Furthermore, taking the line integral of gravitational force does not make things easier, since [tex]\vec{F} = \int_{\tau} \frac{G \rho(\vec{x}')(\vec{x}' - \vec{x})}{|\vec{x}' - \vec{x}|^3} \; d^3x'[/tex].

Any help is welcome.
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  • #2
why not integrate in polar coordinates? I'm sure you could get rid of [tex]\int d \theta[/tex] and [tex]\int d \phi[/tex] then.
  • #3
v0id said:

Homework Statement

I'm well aware of how to compute the gravitational [electric] potential [tex]\Phi[/tex] due to a spherical mass [charge] distribution of radius [tex]R[/tex].
It is not clear ffrom your question whether the sphere is solid or just one shell.
If the charge distribution is spherically symmetric (as you seem to imply), you can use Gauss's theorem, which poor Newton didn't kinow.
  • #4
Meir Achuz said:
It is not clear ffrom your question whether the sphere is solid or just one shell.
If the charge distribution is spherically symmetric (as you seem to imply), you can use Gauss's theorem, which poor Newton didn't kinow.

My apologies. I had originally meant a spherical shell, from which the potential of an arbitrary spherically symmetric distribution can be computed. Gauss's theorem is certainly very useful, but the objective here is to compute the potential using the equation for [tex]\Phi[/tex] only, without applying any such simplifications.

@ whatta: Converting to spherical/polar coordinates is the most efficient method, but how does one do so with factors of [tex]\vec{x}' - \vec{x}[/tex]?
  • #5
If you want to compute the potential as seen at a given point, you can just use basic trigonometry to calculate the distance (vector magnitude) from that point to each infinitesimal volume of the sphere then integrate the corresponding expression for the potential over the shell.

I remember that at school (something like 35 years ago) I was given this problem for a solid sphere as an integration exercise, but I noticed that if I integrated in some way over a thin segment (like a segment of an orange) where the axis of the segment pointed to the location where the potential was being measured, using some geometry with right angles and so on, so many things canceled that I didn't have to actually do any integration. However, as far as I remember, it was probably easier to use a less ingenious model and do the integration.
  • #6
Thanks everyone, I finally figured it out. Converting to spherical coordinates and using the law of cosines to represent the norm of the vector difference is needed.
  • #7
Man, this topic is quite old but I'm very interested in knowing how this problem is solved. I hope the topic provider os still there. How did you figure this problem out if you don't mind that I ask? I'm in a rush actually and really want to know how this problem is solved. Thanks!

PS: By the way, I'm the first time user. I think I made a mistake by sending the message via "report." Please ignore it the "report reply."

FAQ: Computing Potential of a Spherical Shell w/o using Newton's theorems

1. What is the computing potential of a spherical shell without using Newton's theorems?

The computing potential of a spherical shell refers to the amount of energy required to bring a unit mass from infinity to a point on the surface of the shell. This can be calculated using the formula V = GM/R, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the shell, and R is the radius of the shell.

2. Why can't Newton's theorems be used to calculate the potential of a spherical shell?

Newton's theorems are based on the assumption that the mass of an object is concentrated at a single point, which is not the case for a spherical shell. Therefore, these theorems cannot be applied to calculate the potential of a spherical shell.

3. What is the formula for computing the potential of a spherical shell without using Newton's theorems?

The formula for computing the potential of a spherical shell without using Newton's theorems is V = GM/R, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the shell, and R is the radius of the shell.

4. How does the potential of a spherical shell change as the distance from the surface increases?

The potential of a spherical shell decreases as the distance from the surface increases. This is because the force of gravity decreases with distance, resulting in a lower potential energy.

5. Are there any other methods for calculating the potential of a spherical shell besides using Newton's theorems?

Yes, there are other methods for calculating the potential of a spherical shell, such as using Gauss' law or the shell theorem. These methods take into account the distribution of mass within the shell, rather than treating it as a point mass like in Newton's theorems.
