Computing representation number quad forms

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the number of solutions for a given quadratic form, denoted by ##r_A(n)##, where ##A[x]=x^tAx## and A is a positive definite and symmetric matrix of rank m. Two specific quadratic forms, Q and R, are given and their diagonalized forms are calculated. When solving for Q=1, it is concluded that u=v=0 and x,y=±1. However, the solution for R=1 involves the conditions u+v=1 and |v|=0,±1, which gives the solutions of (±1,0,0,0), (±1,0,-1,1), and (0,0,-1
  • #1

Homework Statement

## r_{A} (n) = ## number of solutions of ## { \vec{x} \in Z^{m} ; A[\vec{x}] =n} ##
where ##A[x]= x^t A x ##, is the associated quadratic from to the matrix ##A##, where here ##A## is positive definite, of rank ##m## and even. (and I think symmetric?)

I am solving for the ##r_{A}(1) ## for the two quadratic forms:

##Q(x,y,uv)= 2(x^2+y^2+u^2+v^2)+2xu+xv+yu-2yv##

Homework Equations

see above

The Attempt at a Solution

diagonalized these read:

##Q=2(x+u/2+v/4)^2+2(y-v/2+u/4)^2+11u^2/8 + 11v^2/8 ##
##R=(x+1/2u)^2+4(y+1/2u+3/8v)^2+11/4(u+v)^2+11/16v^2 ##

Solving ##Q=1## with all ##x,y,u,v## integer, it is clear that ##u,v=0## is needed, and then ##x,y=\pm 1 ## gives ##r_{Q}(1)=4##.

Now looking at ## r_{R}(1) ## by the same reasoning as above I would have said that we require ##v=0## , and then I' m not sure what to do.

However the solution is:

Must have ##u+v=1 ## & ##|v|=0,\pm 1 ##, this gives ## \pm(1,0,0,0)##, ##\pm(1,0,-1,1) ## , ##\pm(0,0,-1,1)##

(the symbol that I interpreted as '&' in the solutions is a bit smudged, so looking at the solutions I'm not sure that this is supposed to be a 'or'? )

Either way, I'm really confused, unsure where these conditions come from, how to think about this in a logical way...

Many thanks for your help in advance.
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  • #2
binbagsss said:

Homework Statement

## r_{A} (n) = ## number of solutions of ## { \vec{x} \in Z^{m} ; A[\vec{x}] =n} ##
where ##A[x]= x^t A x ##, is the associated quadratic from to the matrix ##A##, where here ##A## is positive definite, of rank ##m## and even. (and I think symmetric?)

I am solving for the ##r_{A}(1) ## for the two quadratic forms:

##Q(x,y,uv)= 2(x^2+y^2+u^2+v^2)+2xu+xv+yu-2yv##

Homework Equations

see above

The Attempt at a Solution

diagonalized these read:

##Q=2(x+u/2+v/4)^2+2(y-v/2+u/4)^2+11u^2/8 + 11v^2/8 ##
##R=(x+1/2u)^2+4(y+1/2u+3/8v)^2+11/4(u+v)^2+11/16v^2 ##

Solving ##Q=1## with all ##x,y,u,v## integer, it is clear that ##u,v=0## is needed, and then ##x,y=\pm 1 ## gives ##r_{Q}(1)=4##.

Now looking at ## r_{R}(1) ## by the same reasoning as above I would have said that we require ##v=0## , and then I' m not sure what to do.

However the solution is:

Must have ##u+v=1 ## & ##|v|=0,\pm 1 ##, this gives ## \pm(1,0,0,0)##, ##\pm(1,0,-1,1) ## , ##\pm(0,0,-1,1)##

(the symbol that I interpreted as '&' in the solutions is a bit smudged, so looking at the solutions I'm not sure that this is supposed to be a 'or'? )

Either way, I'm really confused, unsure where these conditions come from, how to think about this in a logical way...

Many thanks for your help in advance.
Are you sure there are no typos? I calculated ##R(0,0,-1,1) = \frac{61}{64}##. It could also help to multiply the equations by ##8##, resp. ##16##, which would make the comparisons easier.
  • #3
binbagsss said:
Solving Q=1 with all x,y,u,v integer, it is clear that u,v=0 is needed
True, but not quite trivial.
binbagsss said:
and then x,y=±1
How do you get that? Don't those give Q=4?
binbagsss said:
by the same reasoning as above I would have said that we require v=0
Then you would be wrong. I said it wasn't quite trivial.
As fresh_42 writes, it will help to multiply through the equations to eliminate the fractions.
  • #4
haruspex said:
True, but not quite trivial.

How do you get that? Don't those give Q=4?

Then you would be wrong. I said it wasn't quite trivial.

oh right, the reason is that each term needs to be ##\leq 1 ## ?
  • #5
binbagsss said:
oh right, the reason is that each term needs to be ##\leq 1 ## ?
Each term must be no more than 1, but I cannot say whether that is the "reason" you were wrong to conclude v=0 since I do not know how you concluded it. All I can say is that there is a solution with v not 0.