Confused about electromotive forces

In summary, "Confused about electromotive forces" explores the concept of electromotive force (EMF) as a fundamental principle in electricity, clarifying its definition, role in circuits, and how it differs from voltage. The discussion addresses common misconceptions, highlights the importance of EMF in generating current, and illustrates its applications in various electrical devices. Ultimately, it aims to provide a clearer understanding of EMF and its significance in the study of electrical systems.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
About the role of electromotive force in Maxwell equations formulation
reading Griffiths - Introduction to Electrodynamics I'm confused about his claims in section 7.1

In principle, the force that drives the charges to produce the current could be anything - chemical, gravitational, or trained ants with tiny harnesses. For our purposes, though, it’s usually an electromagnetic force that does the job. In this case Eq. 7.1 becomes $$\vec J = \sigma(\vec E + \vec v \times \vec B)$$

My point is that the job of electromotive force ##f## is actually produce the "movement/drift" of free charges against the electromagnetic field, so ##f## should not be given by the Lorentz force as in Eq. 7.1.

In other words the fields ##\vec E## and ##\vec B## entering in the formula above seem to be the "external cause" of current flux/current density ##\vec J## (through the Lorentz force acting on the free charges) when they are not.
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  • #2
cianfa72 said:
TL;DR Summary: About the role of electromotive force in Maxwell equations formulation

My point is that the job of electromotive force f is actually produce the "movement/drift" of free charges against the electromagnetic fields,
Electromagnetic field is defined as magnitude of force on unit charge there iwith speed. Is electromotive force which is "against the electromagnetic fields" in your point, not electromagnetic field force but another kinf of force ?
  • #3
anuttarasammyak said:
Electromagnetic field is defined as magnitude of force on unit charge there iwith speed. Is electromotive force which is "against the electromagnetic fields" in your point, not electromagnetic field force but another kind of force ?
Yes, that's my point. Take for instance a simple circuit with a battery and a load: the electromotive force ##f## inside the battery is due to chemical processes inside it.

What I think is the following: since the Lorentz force ##F## from the ##E## and ##B## fields acts on the charges, then, if we assume charges not accelerating w.r.t. an inertial reference frame, it follows that the electromotive force ##f## acting on them must be equal to the Lorentz force ##F## acting on them.
  • #4
cianfa72 said:
Yes, that's my point. Take for instance a simple circuit with a battery and a load: the electromotive force f inside the battery is due to chemical processes inside it.
Though I don't have and have not read Griffith, I assume that your point is covered in eq. 7-1. Could you show it ?
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Likes Lord Jestocost
  • #5
anuttarasammyak said:
Could you show it ?
Here the page, section 7.1
  • #6
Thanks. Saying “for our purposes” he excluded chemical which you mentioned, mechanical, thermal and other contributions from 7.1 and focusing remaining EM forces which is reduced to Ohm’s law. In my taste I would not like to say it electromotive force but say forces applying on charged particles or electrons in this context.
  • #7
Obviously Ohm's law holds in metals, but any true justification has to come from a fully quantum-many-body theory when you show that you can neglect most (but not all of the interaction terms). The number of assumptions that a book takes in order to simplify it like that is not small.
  • #8
anuttarasammyak said:
Thanks. Saying “for our purposes” he excluded chemical which you mentioned, mechanical, thermal and other contributions from 7.1 and focusing remaining EM forces which is reduced to Ohm’s law.
Yes, but my point is: fields ##E## and ##B## that enter in the EM force given by Lorentz force equation in the form of Eq. 7.2 are to be understood as the "sources" of "other" EM fields.

In a sense those ##E## and ##B## are actually assigned and are the reason behind the electromotive force ##f## that acts on the charges inside the generator/battery.

Edit: I think this thread is related to my question too.
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  • #9
Again I would like to draw your attention that chemical is not included in this page of Griffith. I expect that what you say for chemical battery, thermo-couple physics, and induction which is em force by EM are treated somewhere in later chapters. Please be patient for a while.
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  • #10
In section 7.1.1, Griffiths uses the symbol ##\mathbf f## to denote the net force per unit charge acting on the charge carriers at some point in a circuit. The term"electromotive force", ##\mathcal{E}##, is not used in section 7.1.1. ##\mathcal{E}## is defined in the next section (7.1.2) in terms of a line integral of ##\mathbf f##. ##\mathbf f## and ##\mathcal E## have different units. So, we should not refer to ##\mathbf f## as an electromotive force.

Section 7.1.2 might address some of your questions concerning the "sources" of the force per unit charge ##\mathbf f## acting on the charge carriers in the circuit.
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Likes PhDeezNutz and cianfa72
  • #11
TSny said:
In section 7.1.1, Griffiths uses the symbol ##\mathbf f## to denote the net force per unit charge acting on the charge carriers at some point in a circuit. The term "electromotive force", ##\mathcal{E}##, is not used in section 7.1.1. ##\mathcal{E}## is defined in the next section (7.1.2) in terms of a line integral of ##\mathbf f##. ##\mathbf f## and ##\mathcal E## have different units. So, we should not refer to ##\mathbf f## as an electromotive force.
Ah ok, now it makes sense. I had been confused from the statement about the type of forces that can drive the charges to produce current.

FAQ: Confused about electromotive forces

What is electromotive force (EMF)?

Electromotive force (EMF) is a measure of the energy provided by a source, such as a battery or generator, per unit charge that passes through it. It represents the potential difference in volts that drives electric current in a circuit, even when no current is flowing. EMF is not a force in the traditional sense but rather a voltage that can cause current to flow when a circuit is closed.

How is EMF different from voltage?

While both EMF and voltage refer to electric potential, the key difference lies in their context. EMF refers to the potential difference generated by a source when no current is flowing, whereas voltage typically refers to the potential difference across a component in a circuit when current is flowing. In other words, EMF is the source voltage, and voltage can be the potential drop across any part of a circuit.

What are the common sources of EMF?

Common sources of EMF include batteries, solar cells, thermoelectric generators, and dynamos. Each of these sources converts different forms of energy (chemical, solar, thermal, or mechanical) into electrical energy, creating a potential difference that can drive current in a circuit.

How is EMF calculated in a circuit?

EMF can be calculated using the formula EMF = W/Q, where W is the work done by the source in moving a charge Q through the circuit. Additionally, in a closed circuit, the total EMF is equal to the sum of the potential differences across all components, taking into account any internal resistance of the source.

Can EMF exist without current flow?

Yes, EMF can exist without current flow. In a circuit with an open switch or a break, the EMF generated by a source still creates a potential difference, but no current flows due to the break in the circuit. This is why EMF is often referred to as the "open-circuit voltage" of a source.
