Conservation of linear momentum and inelastic collision

In summary, the conservation of linear momentum and inelastic collision are discussed in regards to a homogeneous beam attached to a frictionless hinge and affected by gravity. The linear momentum of the system is shown to not be conserved during a collision with a small bullet due to the horizontal force of the hinge and the conservation of angular momentum is used to calculate the velocity of the center of mass of the beam-with-bullet, showing that it does not equal the initial momentum of the bullet. The special case in which linear momentum is conserved is also discussed.
  • #1
Lord Crc
[SOLVED] Conservation of linear momentum and inelastic collision

Homework Statement

I have a homogeneous beam of length L and mass M, attached with a frictionless hinge at one of the endpoints O. The beam is affected by gravity, g, in the negative y-direction. Initially the beam hangs straight down in the negative y-direction. The moment of inertia of the beam for rotations around O in the direction given by the hinge is I.

A small bullet of mass m is fired along the x-axis, hitting the beam at the bottom. The bullet has an initial velocity of v0 and remains lodged in the beam after the collision.

I have to show that the linear momentum of the system is generally not conserved
during the collision.

Homework Equations

Not quite sure.

The Attempt at a Solution

I just can't figure out where to start with this one. Only thing I got so far is that I can't shake the feeling that the hinge must exert a force (centripetal force?) on the beam to prevent it from flying off, so the sum of external forces on the beam is non-zero, ergo no conservation.

Any help would be most appreciated.
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  • #2
Yes, the horizontal force of the hinge prevents linear momentum of the system (beam + bullet) from being conserved.

But what is conserved? Figure out the linear momentum of the system after the collision and show that it's not conserved.
  • #3
I guess that's my problem, I can't seem to figure out how to calculate the linear momentum after the collision... Should I use the formula for inelastic collision [tex]m_1v_1 + m_2v_2 = (m_1 + m_2)v_f[/tex]? If so, what would v_f be? The tangential velocity of the center of mass of the beam-with-bullet?

Sorry for being dense here :) I just can't seem to find anything in my textbook describing a similar setup.
  • #4
Lord Crc said:
I guess that's my problem, I can't seem to figure out how to calculate the linear momentum after the collision... Should I use the formula for inelastic collision [tex]m_1v_1 + m_2v_2 = (m_1 + m_2)v_f[/tex]?
Since that equation assumes conservation of linear momentum, we know it doesn't apply. And since we're trying to show that it doesn't, we certainly can't use it here.

But another quantity is conserved. That's what you need to apply. Hint: The beam is free to rotate about the hinge.
  • #5
Lord Crc said:
I guess that's my problem, I can't seem to figure out how to calculate the linear momentum after the collision...

Hail, My Lord Crc! :smile:

Doc Al gave you two hints. You seem to have missed the first one …
Doc Al said:
But what is conserved?

Do that first … then figure out the linear momentum. :smile:
  • #6
Ah yes, I know angular momentum is conserved, and I've already used it to compute the angular velocity of the beam-with-bullet after the collision.

The problem is that I don't know how the linear momentum is defined in my post-collision setup. I guess it's still mv, but what's v? Is it the tangential velocity of the center of mass? Thats the only thing I can think of, but what do I know :) In that case I guess I could write v as a function of theta, and thus show that the components of the momentum aren't conserved?
  • #7
You're moving in the right direction.

Use the angular speed to calculate the velocity of the center of mass of the beam-with-bullet. Then show that its linear momentum (right after the collision) does not equal the initial momentum of the bullet.
  • #8
Ok, let's see

distance to center of mass is [tex]r = \frac{L(M + 2m)}{2(M + m)}[/tex]
angular velocity is [tex]\omega = \frac{mv_0L}{I + mL^2}[/tex]

So, putting it all together...
[tex]p_0 = mv_0[/tex]
p_1 = (m+M)v_1 = (M + m)r\omega = \frac{L(M+2m)}{2}\frac{mv_0L}{I + mL^2} = \frac{(M+2m)L^2}{2(I + mL^2)}p_0

So, unless [tex]\frac{(M+2m)L^2}{2(I + mL^2)} = 1[/tex], that is, [tex]\frac{ML^2}{2I} = 1[/tex], then linear momentum is not conserved. Or?

At least this would neatly answer the second part of the question, in which special case is linear momentum conserved.
  • #9
Looks OK to me.
  • #10
Great! Thank you very much to both of you!

FAQ: Conservation of linear momentum and inelastic collision

1. What is the definition of conservation of linear momentum?

The law of conservation of linear momentum states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. This means that in a collision or interaction between objects, the total momentum before and after the interaction will be the same.

2. How is the conservation of linear momentum observed in inelastic collisions?

In an inelastic collision, the objects involved stick together and move with a common velocity after the collision. The total momentum before the collision must be equal to the total momentum after the collision, as determined by the law of conservation of linear momentum. Therefore, the momentum of the objects individually may change, but the total momentum of the system remains constant.

3. What is an example of an inelastic collision?

A common example of an inelastic collision is when a car collides with a stationary object, such as a wall. The car and the wall will stick together and move with a common velocity after the collision, demonstrating the conservation of linear momentum.

4. How does the mass and velocity of objects affect the conservation of linear momentum?

According to the law of conservation of linear momentum, the total momentum of a closed system must remain constant. This means that if an object with a larger mass has a lower velocity, it will have the same momentum as an object with a smaller mass and a higher velocity. The combination of mass and velocity must be taken into account to understand the total momentum of a system.

5. Can the law of conservation of linear momentum be applied to all types of collisions?

Yes, the law of conservation of linear momentum can be applied to all types of collisions, whether they are elastic or inelastic. In an elastic collision, the objects involved bounce off each other and move away with different velocities, but the total momentum of the system remains the same. In an inelastic collision, the objects stick together and move with a common velocity, but the total momentum of the system is still conserved.
