Continuous/real-time updating graphing software?

In summary, the conversation discusses a project at work involving monitoring energy consumption in a conference room and displaying real-time data on a flatscreen TV. The individuals are looking for a program that can create scrolling graphs and can be presented in a professional and simple manner. The suggestion is made to use RRD, which requires only two scripts to create and update the data and can be graphed using various programming languages.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm currently working on a project at my job where we will be continuously monitoring the power/energy consumed by the lights and other light electrical loads in a conference room. The data will be wirelessly transmitted to a computer which will accept the file as an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file. The idea is to then create a nearly real-time, scrolling graph that refreshes approximately every 30 seconds which will be presented on our flatscreen TV. Since the file will be in a Microsoft friendly format, we figured Visio might do what we needed, but I'm quickly becoming less sure after spending a little time with it. Can any suggest a program that could do what I require? Or is there a way that Visio could do this? It has to look professional, but that doesn't mean it can't be simple.

Thanks a bunch.
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  • #2
Did you look at RRD ? (""[/URL])

To use it you need only 2 scripts. One to create your RRD file, and a second to update it. Then you can graph it using any programming language.(php, perl, java, etc...)
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FAQ: Continuous/real-time updating graphing software?

1. What is continuous/real-time updating graphing software?

Continuous/real-time updating graphing software is a type of computer program that allows for the visualization of data in real-time. This means that as new data is generated, the graph will automatically update to display the most current information.

2. How does continuous/real-time updating graphing software work?

Continuous/real-time updating graphing software works by constantly monitoring a data source and updating the graph as new data is received. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as connecting to a live data stream or regularly pulling data from a database.

3. What are the benefits of using continuous/real-time updating graphing software?

Continuous/real-time updating graphing software offers several benefits, including the ability to quickly and easily visualize changing data, identify trends and patterns in real-time, and make informed decisions based on the most up-to-date information.

4. What types of data can be visualized using continuous/real-time updating graphing software?

Continuous/real-time updating graphing software can be used to visualize a wide range of data, including financial data, stock prices, weather data, website analytics, and more. Essentially, any type of data that is constantly changing can be effectively visualized using this type of software.

5. Are there any limitations to continuous/real-time updating graphing software?

While continuous/real-time updating graphing software offers many benefits, it also has some limitations. These may include the need for a stable data source, potential delays in data updates, and the potential for inaccurate data if there are issues with the data source. It is important to carefully consider these limitations when using this type of software.
