Solving Coupled Mass Problem: 4x4 Matrix Equation

In summary, we have a system of equations that relate the rightward forces on the masses to their positions, represented by the matrix equation f = Kx + c. The constants in this equation are related to the natural lengths of extension of the springs.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose masses [tex]m_{1}, m_{2}, m_{3}, m_{4}[/tex] are located at positions [tex]x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}, x_{4}[/tex] in a line and connected by springs with constants [tex]k_{12}, k_{23}, k_{34}[/tex] whose natural lengths of extension are [tex]l_{12}, l_{23}, l_{34}[/tex].
Let [tex]f_{1}, f_{2}, f_{3}, f_{4}[/tex] denote the rightward forces on the masses, e.g.,
[tex]f_{1} = k_{12}(x_{2} - x_{1} - l_{12})[/tex]

a) Write the 4 X 4 matrix equation relating the column vectors [tex] f [/tex] and [tex] x [/tex]. Let [tex] K [/tex] denote the matrix in this equation.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm trying to find the rightward force acting on every mass as the springs are stretched.

[tex]f_{2} = k_{23}(x_{3} - x_{2} - l_{23}) - f_{1}[/tex]
[tex]f_{3} = k_{34}(x_{4} - x_{3} - l_{34}) - (f_{1} + f_{2})[/tex]
[tex]f_{4} = f_{1} + f_{2} + f_{3}[/tex]

It seems quite complicated to put this into matrix form, so I'm assuimg that I've done something wrong.
Physics news on
  • #2
By the way, here is a figure showing how I am visualizing this problem:
I am assuming [tex]m_{1}[/tex] to be constrained. Just throwing out ideas :)

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  • #3
Here's my complete solution. I expand and simplify the equations given in my first post.
Then I put together expressions for the x's and separate the constants.

I'm sorry about the formatting.
Does this look ok?


\[ f_{1} = k_{12}(x_{2}-x_{1}-l_{12}) = k_{12}x_{2} - k_{12}x_{1} - k_{12}l_{12} \]
\[ k_{12}l_{12} = const. \]

\[ f_{2} = k_{23}(x_{3}-x_{2}-l_{23} - k_{12}(x_{2}-x_{1}-l_{12})) \]
\[ \Rightarrow f_{2} = x_{2}(-k_{12}-k_{23}) + x_{1}k_{12} + x_{3}k_{23} - k_{23}k_{23} + k_{12}l_{12} \]
\[ - k_{23}k_{23} + k_{12}l_{12} = const. \]

\[ f_{3} = k_{34}(x_{4}-x_{3}-l_{34}) - k_{23}(x_{3}-x_{2}-l_{23}) \]
\[ \Rightarrow f_{3} = k_{23}x_{2} + x_{3}(-k_{23}-k_{34}) + k_{34}x_{4} -k_{34}l_{34} + k_{23}l_{23} \]
\[ -k_{34}l_{34} + k_{23}l_{23} = const. \]

\[ f_{4} = k_{34}(x_{4}-x_{3}-l_{34}) = k_{34}x_{4} - k_{34}x_{3} - k_{34}l_{34} \]
\[- k_{34}l_{34} = const. \]

\[ \textbf{f} = \textbf{K}\textbf{x} + \textbf{c} \]

f_{1} \\
f_{2} \\
f_{3} \\
f_{4} \\
-k_{12} & k_{12} & 0 & 0 \\
k_{12} & (-k_{12}-k_{23}) & k_{23} & 0 \\
0 & k_{23} &(-k_{23}-k_{34}) & k_{34} \\
0 & 0 &-k_{34} & k_{34}\\
x_{1} \\
x_{2} \\
x_{3} \\
x_{4} \\
-k_{12}l_{12} \\
-k_{23}l_{23} + k_{12}l_{12} \\
-k_{34}l_{34} + k_{23}l_{23} \\
-k_{34}l_{34} \\

FAQ: Solving Coupled Mass Problem: 4x4 Matrix Equation

What is a coupled mass problem?

A coupled mass problem is a type of physics problem where multiple masses are connected to each other through springs or other types of forces. This creates a system where the movement of one mass affects the movement of the other masses.

How do you solve a coupled mass problem?

To solve a coupled mass problem, you need to write out the equations of motion for each mass, taking into account the forces acting on them. These equations can then be combined into a matrix equation, which can be solved using various mathematical methods such as Gaussian elimination or matrix inversion.

What is a 4x4 matrix equation?

A 4x4 matrix equation is a system of linear equations where there are four unknown variables and four equations. It can be represented as a 4x4 matrix, where the coefficients of the variables are placed in a grid and the constants are placed in a column vector next to it.

What are the most commonly used methods for solving a 4x4 matrix equation?

The most commonly used methods for solving a 4x4 matrix equation are Gaussian elimination, matrix inversion, and Cramer's rule. Gaussian elimination involves using elementary row operations to reduce the matrix to a simpler form, while matrix inversion involves finding the inverse of the coefficient matrix. Cramer's rule uses determinants to find the solution to the matrix equation.

Why is solving a coupled mass problem important?

Solving coupled mass problems is important in the study of physics and engineering, as it allows us to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems. It also has practical applications in fields such as mechanical engineering, where it can be used to design and analyze structures and machines.
