Covariant derivative of a (co)vector field

In summary: You're welcome!In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the covariant derivative of a vector and a covector field. It is shown that the covariant derivative of a vector field can be calculated in two different ways, one involving the Christoffel symbols and the other involving the directional derivative on scalar fields. The conversation concludes with the correct expression for the covariant derivative of a covector field.
  • #1
Markus Kahn
Homework Statement
Calculate ##(\nabla_X Y)^i## and ##(\nabla_X \omega)_i##, where ##X## is a vector field and ##\omega## is a covector field.
Relevant Equations
Definition of the covariant derivative:
A covariant differentiation on a manifold ##\mathcal{M}## is a mapping ##\nabla## which assigns to every pair ##X, Y## of ##C^\infty## vector fields on ##\mathcal{M}## another ##C^\infty## vector field ##\nabla_X Y## with the following properties:

1) ##\nabla_{X} Y \text { is bilinear in } X \text { and } Y##,
2) ##\text { if } f \in \mathcal{F}(\mathcal{M}), \text { then }##
$$\begin{array}{l}{\nabla_{f X} Y=f \nabla_{X} Y} \\ {\nabla_{X}(f Y)=f \nabla_{X} Y+X(f) Y}\end{array}.$$
My attempt so far:
(\nabla_X Y)^i &= (\nabla_{X^l \partial_l}(Y^k\partial_k))^i=(X^l \nabla_{\partial_l}(Y^k\partial_k))^i\\
&\overset{2)}{=} (X^l (Y^k\nabla_{\partial_l}(\partial_k) + (\partial_l Y^k)\partial_k))^i = (X^lY^k\Gamma^n_{lk}\partial_n + X^lY^k{}_{,l}\partial_k)^i\\
&= (X^lY^k\Gamma^n_{lk}\partial_n + X^lY^k{}_{,l}\partial_k) x^i\\
&= X^lY^k\Gamma^i_{lk}+ X^lY^i{}_{,l}
This seems reasonable to me, at least all the dummy indices disappear. But when I try to do the same for the covector field I quickly run into problems...
(\nabla_X \omega)_i &= (\nabla_{X^l \partial_l}(\omega_kdx^k))_i = (X^l\nabla_{\partial_l}(\omega_kdx^k))_i \\
&= (X^l(\omega_k \nabla_{\partial_l}(dx^k) +( \partial_l \omega_k) dx^k))_i \overset{(*)}{=}(X^l\omega_k \nabla_{\partial_l}(dx^k) +X^l \omega_{k,l} dx^k)\partial_i \\
&= X^l\omega_k \nabla_{\partial_l}(dx^k) (\partial_i) +X^l \omega_{k,l} dx^k(\partial_i) = X^l\omega_k \nabla_{\partial_l}(dx^k) (\partial_i) +X^l \omega_{i,l}
After ##(*)## I started guessing, but now I have to evaluate ##\nabla_{\partial_l}(dx^k) ## and I'm not really sure what this is... If I had to guess I'd probably say
$$\nabla_{\partial_l}(dx^k) = U_{ln}^{k}dx^n,$$
where ##U_{ln}^{k}## is somehow related to ##\Gamma^n_{lk}##. Can someone maybe help me here? How exactly is ##\nabla_{\partial_l}(dx^k) ## defined?
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  • #2
What is ##\nabla_X(dx^a(\partial_a))##?
  • #3
I think it's ##\nabla_X (dx^a(\partial_a)) = \nabla_X \delta^a_a = \nabla_X##, or isn't it?
  • #4
Sorry, I meant to write ##\nabla_X(dx^a(\partial_b))##. Either way, you cannot just remove the delta as you have done in the last step.
  • #5
I'm sorry, I can't follow you... I mean we then would have ##\nabla _X (dx^a (\partial_b))= \nabla_X \delta^a_b = X^i\nabla_{\partial_i}\delta^a_b##. But what now? Also, why exactly are we considering this? I mean, there is a difference between ##\nabla _X (dx^a (\partial_b)) ## and ##(\nabla _X dx^a) (\partial_b)##, or isn't there?
  • #6
We are considering this because there are two ways of computing it. The delta is a constant. What is the covariant derivative of a constant? Can you think of a second way of computing the original expression? (Yes, the two expressions you mentioned are inequivalent, and that is a further hint.)
  • #7
Orodruin said:
The delta is a constant. What is the covariant derivative of a constant?
I don't know. Usually I'd say the "derivative" of a constant is zero, but I'm really not sure if this is true when talking about the covariant derivative... The only things I know about this derivative are written above, and we defined ##\nabla_{\partial_i}\partial_j := \Gamma^k_{ij}\partial_k##.

Orodruin said:
Can you think of a second way of computing the original expression?
With this you mean ##\nabla_{\partial_i}dx^a##? I'm sorry, but I don't really have any other ideas..
  • #8
One of the conditions on the covariant derivative is that it reduces to a directional derivative on scalar fields.

Another is that ##\nabla_X(\omega(V)) = \omega(\nabla_X V) + (\nabla_X \omega)(V)##, where ##\omega## is a one-form and V and X vectors.
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Likes Markus Kahn
  • #9
Alright, so if I don't misunderstand we have
(\nabla_{\partial_l}dx^k)(\partial_i) &= \nabla_{\partial_l}(dx^k(\partial_i)) - dx^k(\nabla_{\partial_l}\partial_i)\\
&= \nabla_{\partial_l}\delta^k_i - dx^k(\Gamma^u_{li}\partial_u)\\
&= \nabla_{\partial_l}\delta^k_i - \Gamma^k_{li} = -\Gamma^k_{li},
which then leads directly to
$$(\nabla_X \omega)_i= X^k\omega_{i,k} - \Gamma^j_{ki}X^k\omega_j.$$
Thank you very much for the help!
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Likes Orodruin
  • #10
Yes, that is correct.

FAQ: Covariant derivative of a (co)vector field

1. What is a covariant derivative of a (co)vector field?

A covariant derivative of a (co)vector field is a mathematical operation that describes the rate of change of a (co)vector field along a given direction. It takes into account the curvature of the underlying space and ensures that the resulting derivative is independent of the choice of coordinates.

2. How is a covariant derivative different from an ordinary derivative?

While an ordinary derivative measures the rate of change of a function with respect to a specific coordinate direction, a covariant derivative takes into account the curvature of the underlying space and ensures that the resulting derivative is independent of the choice of coordinates.

3. What is the importance of covariant derivatives in physics?

Covariant derivatives are essential in the mathematical description of physical phenomena in curved spaces, such as general relativity. They allow for the formulation of equations that are invariant under coordinate transformations, which is crucial for maintaining the principles of relativity and ensuring accurate predictions.

4. How is a covariant derivative calculated?

The calculation of a covariant derivative involves taking the ordinary derivative of a (co)vector field and adding terms that account for the curvature of the underlying space. These additional terms are known as Christoffel symbols and are dependent on the choice of coordinates.

5. Can you provide an example of a covariant derivative in action?

One example of a covariant derivative in action is the geodesic equation in general relativity. This equation describes the path that a free-falling object takes in a curved spacetime and is calculated using the covariant derivative of the object's four-velocity vector.

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