What Are the Correct Formulations for the Damping Coefficient?

In summary, the conversation was about the different formulae for the damping coefficient found on two different webpages. The first webpage defines damping coefficient as the ratio of damping force to velocity, while the second webpage defines it as the ratio of damping force to 2 times the mass of the system. There is some confusion about terminology, but the second definition is preferred. The conversation then delved into finding the correct expression for amplitude with time, and it was concluded that it is Amplituden+1 = Amplituden*e^(-ξ*Cc)t, where ξ is the ratio of damping coefficient of the system when critical damping occurs to the damping coefficient of the oscillation
  • #1
Hi, I have been looking for formulae for the damping coefficient, and I found two different formulae for it.

This webpage states that damping force, Fd is given by Fd=-cv, where c is the damping coefficient while v is the velocity.

However, this page states that damping coefficient is given by c/2m, where c=-Fd/v

Is there a fixed definition for damping coefficient, or are both definitions acceptable?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
smokedvanilla said:
Is there a fixed definition for damping coefficient, or are both definitions acceptable?
No, they are different:
In your first link, it's stated that damping ratio = c.
The second link states that damping ratio = c/2m.

I think there is some confusion as to terminology, but I prefer the second link:


The last equation is the characteristic equation of the system, which could be written by Lapace:

m * s2 + c * s + k = 0 ⇒

s2 + (c/m)s + k/m = 0

The last equation could also be written:

s2 + 2ξωns + ωn2 = 0

where ξ is the damping ratio in my definition, which regards the ratio that the amplitude of some oscillation has been reduced from one period to the following:

Amplituden+1 = Amplituden * ( 1 - ξ )
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  • #3
First of all, thank you for your reply.
Hesch said:
s2 + 2ξωns + ωn2 = 0

where ξ is the damping ratio in my definition, which regards the ratio that the amplitude of some oscillation has been reduced from one period to the following.

Which gives ξ=c/(2*√mk), so c is the damping coefficient & 2*√mk is the damping coefficient in the case of critical damping?
  • #4
smokedvanilla said:
Which gives ξ=c/(2*√mk) . . . . .

ξ = c / ( 2m * ωn ) , ωn = √( k/m )

Try again, one step at a time.
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  • #5
Hesch said:
Amplituden+1 = Amplituden * ( 1 - ξ )
This is not right, but the connection can be seen here:
  • #6
The ga
Hesch said:
This is not right, but the connection can be seen here:
is the graph wrong because zeta should be 1 instead of 0.4 when critical damping occurs? I think I understood the concept.
  • #7
smokedvanilla said:
is the graph wrong because zeta should be 1 instead of 0.4 when critical damping occurs?
No, I trust the graphs, but my expression in #2:

Amplituden+1 = Amplituden * ( 1 - ξ )

was simply wrong.

Maybe you could calculate the correct expression? ( 1 - ξ ) must be substituted by something else ( f(ξ) ).

Critical damping is when ξ = 1. No damping is when ξ = 0. In "typical" analog controllers as for temperature, motorspeed, a ξ = 0.65 . . 0.7 is often chosen, which compromises control speed and overshoot. In digital controllers a ξ = 1 is often chosen.
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  • #8
Hesch said:
No, I trust the graphs, but my expression in #2:

Amplituden+1 = Amplituden * ( 1 - ξ )

was simply wrong.

Maybe you could calculate the correct expression? ( 1 - ξ ) must be substituted by something else ( f(ξ) ).

Critical damping is when ξ = 1. No damping is when ξ = 0. In "typical" analog controllers as for temperature, motorspeed, a ξ = 0.65 . . 0.7 is often chosen, which compromises control speed and overshoot. In digital controllers a ξ = 1 is often chosen.

Thank you about the graph, I understand that now :D

I tried working the amplitude expression out,
Since ξ is the ratio of damping coefficient of the system when critical damping occurs (Cc) to the damping coefficient of the oscillation (γ), ξ=γ/Cc. From this we have γ=ξ*Cc--(1)

The expression for variation of amplitude with time is Ae^(-γt), so if we sub. (1) into the expression we get Amplituden+1 = Amplituden*e^(-ξ*Cc)t
  • #9
smokedvanilla said:
if we sub. (1) into the expression we get Amplituden+1 = Amplituden*e^(-ξ*Cc)t
Yes, that is right: If we damp an oscillation ( say sin(ωt) ) the sin(ωt)-function will be enveloped within a ±exponential-function. But if you look closely at the graphs in #6, you will see that the damped sin(ωt) has a somewhat lower frequency than the undamped sin(ωt): Thus the amplitude (peakvalue) will be somewhat smaller than
Amplituden+1 = Amplituden*e^(-ξ*Cc)t.

The ξ could be formulated as:

Say you have a characteristic equation: s2 + 2s + 2 = 0 , you will find the roots z=( -1 + j1 ) and z=( -1 - j1 ). If you plot these roots in a root locus, and draw two lines through ( 0 , 0 ) and ( -1 ± j1 ) we could call the angles between these lines and the imaginary axis φ ( = 45° ). Then ξ = sin(φ) = 0.7071. So if you want a ξ = 0.6 , the roots of the characteristic equation must be on two lines with an angle = arcsin( 0.6 ) as to the imaginary axis ( = 36.87° ).

Critical damping is exactly when the roots close up on the real axis ( φ = 90° , ξ = 1 ):
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FAQ: What Are the Correct Formulations for the Damping Coefficient?

1. What is the damping coefficient formula?

The damping coefficient formula is an equation that represents the amount of energy dissipated by a damping system. It is typically denoted as "c" and can be calculated by dividing the damping force by the velocity of the object.

2. How is the damping coefficient related to damping ratio?

The damping coefficient and damping ratio are related through the natural frequency of a system. The damping ratio is equal to the damping coefficient divided by two times the square root of the mass times the stiffness.

3. What is the significance of the damping coefficient in a system?

The damping coefficient is an important factor in determining the stability and response of a system. A higher damping coefficient indicates a greater amount of energy dissipation, leading to a slower and more controlled response. A lower damping coefficient can result in oscillations and potentially destabilize the system.

4. How can the damping coefficient be calculated experimentally?

The damping coefficient can be calculated experimentally by conducting tests on the system and measuring the damping force and velocity. These values can then be used in the damping coefficient formula to determine the coefficient for a particular system.

5. Can the damping coefficient be negative?

Yes, the damping coefficient can be negative in some systems, particularly in those with non-linear behavior. This indicates that the damping force is opposite to the direction of motion, resulting in the system gaining energy instead of dissipating it. Negative damping coefficients can lead to unstable behavior in a system.
