Defining exchange statistics of anyons in terms of Berry phase

In summary, in 2D, the exchange statistics of identical particles can result in an arbitrary phase due to the topology of relative configuration space. This phase can be interpreted as the Berry phase arising from adiabatic exchange of particles. However, the classical trajectories of the particles may lead to the distinction between them, making it difficult to define true classical indistinguishability. The question remains on how to explain the emergence of this phase in the Hamiltonian formalism.
  • #1
In 2D, if we define exchange statistics in terms of the phase change of the wavefunction of two identical particles when there are exchanged via adiabatic transport (, we would discover that this phase can be arbitrary due to the topology of relative configuration space in 2D. (in 3D the phase is either 0 or pi)

However, what I'm not entirely clear about is the mechanism of the generation of such a phase. Since I'm not at all familiar with the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, I am trying to understand it purely in the Hamiltonian formalism. According to this document (, we can interpret the phase as the Berry phase that arises when we adiabatically exchange these particles by varying the localized potential traps for real.

That is all fine. However what bothers me is that when we move the particles around, they follow classical trajectories. The reason why true classical indistinguishability isn't well defined is because we can distinguish the particles by their non-intersecting trajectories, which is precisely the case here. In short, I feel like we are not dealing with quantum-mechanically indistinguishable particles anymore, and that it's not an entirely correct formulation of quantum statistics.
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  • #2
So my question is, how can we explain the emergence of an arbitrary phase when exchanging two identical particles in 2D, in terms of the Hamiltonian formalism? Is my understanding of the situation correct?

FAQ: Defining exchange statistics of anyons in terms of Berry phase

1. What is the concept of anyons?

Anyons are exotic particles that follow quantum statistics, which are intermediate between bosons and fermions. They have fractional spin and exhibit fractional statistics, making them unique from other particles.

2. What is the significance of defining exchange statistics of anyons in terms of Berry phase?

The Berry phase is a mathematical concept that describes the geometric phase acquired by a quantum system when it undergoes adiabatic evolution. Defining exchange statistics of anyons in terms of Berry phase helps explain the unusual behavior of these particles and provides a deeper understanding of their properties.

3. How is the Berry phase related to the exchange statistics of anyons?

The Berry phase is directly related to the exchange statistics of anyons through the braiding process. When two anyons are exchanged, they acquire a Berry phase that depends on their statistical properties, providing a way to measure and define their exchange statistics.

4. Can anyon statistics be observed experimentally?

Yes, anyon statistics have been observed experimentally in various systems, including fractional quantum Hall states, cold atomic gases, and topological superconductors. Measuring the Berry phase during the braiding process is one way to observe anyon statistics.

5. How does understanding the exchange statistics of anyons impact other fields of science?

Understanding the exchange statistics of anyons has implications for various fields of science, including condensed matter physics, quantum computing, and topological quantum field theory. It also has potential applications in developing new technologies, such as topological quantum computers.

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