Density Parameter for radiation dominated universe

In summary: So in summary, the question is asking for an expression for the density parameter of a radiation dominated universe, and it has been clarified that it is equivalent to the deceleration parameter at that time.
  • #1
Greetings everyone ,
Can anyone point me into the right direction on how to come out with a value/ expression for the density parameter of a radiation dominated universe.

Things that I know of/ can recall are:

Friedmann equation :
[tex] 8/3 \pi G ρ R^2 -kc^2 [/tex]

Also when radiation dominates matter then we get ρ = 1/R^4 ( I think)

Density parameter :
So what am I missing to give me the density parameter ? [itex]\Omega_{m}[/itex] = [itex]\rho / \rho_{critical}[/itex]
[itex]\rho_{critical}= (3H^2 q / 4Pi G) [/itex]
Any sort of help is appreciated.

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  • #2
Your post doesn't make much sense. Your Friedmann 'equation' is not an equation, since you do not have an equals sign. You don't define R, or any of your other variables. But it's not really clear what you want to find -- an expression for [itex]\Omega_R[/itex] in terms of what?
  • #3
cristo said:
Your post doesn't make much sense. Your Friedmann 'equation' is not an equation, since you do not have an equals sign. You don't define R, or any of your other variables. But it's not really clear what you want to find -- an expression for [itex]\Omega_R[/itex] in terms of what?

I am sorry about that , the LHS should have (dR/dT)^2 for this to become the Friedmann equation anyways.. what I want is the density parameter of a radiation dominated universe.
I.e density at that state / critical density.
  • #4
Oh i have figured it out that the deceleration parameter at the radiation dominated epoch is equivalent to the ratio of density at that time / critical density ( Omega) .
  • #5

Hello ibysaiyan,

To calculate the density parameter for a radiation dominated universe, we can use the Friedmann equation, which relates the expansion rate of the universe to its energy density and curvature. In this case, we can set the matter density to zero since radiation dominates, and use the equation you mentioned: ρ = 1/R^4.

To find the density parameter, we can use the definition you provided: Ωm = ρ/ρcritical, where ρcritical is the critical density for the universe. This critical density is defined as the density at which the universe is flat (meaning the curvature term in the Friedmann equation is zero).

To find the critical density for a radiation dominated universe, we can use the Friedmann equation and set the expansion rate (H) to the critical value, which is when q = 1. This gives us: ρcritical = (3H^2 q / 8πG). Plugging in the value for q, we get ρcritical = 3H^2 / 8πG.

Now, we can plug this value for ρcritical into the density parameter equation to get: Ωm = ρ / (3H^2 / 8πG). Since we already know that ρ = 1/R^4, we can substitute this in to get the final expression for the density parameter: Ωm = 8πG / (3H^2 R^4).

I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. However, please keep in mind that this is just one possible approach and there may be other ways to calculate the density parameter for a radiation dominated universe. It's always important to double check your calculations and assumptions when working on scientific problems. Good luck!

FAQ: Density Parameter for radiation dominated universe

1. What is the density parameter for a radiation dominated universe?

The density parameter, denoted as Ωr, is a dimensionless quantity used in cosmology to measure the energy density of radiation in the universe. It is defined as the ratio of the energy density of radiation to the critical density of the universe, which is the density required for the universe to eventually stop expanding.

2. How is the density parameter related to the expansion rate of the universe?

The density parameter is related to the expansion rate of the universe through the Friedmann equation, which describes the evolution of the universe's scale factor. In a radiation dominated universe, the density parameter is inversely proportional to the square of the scale factor, meaning that as the universe expands, the density parameter decreases.

3. What is the critical density of the universe?

The critical density of the universe, denoted as ρc, is the minimum density required for the universe to eventually stop expanding and reach a state of equilibrium. It is calculated using the Hubble constant, which is a measure of the current expansion rate of the universe.

4. How does the density parameter change over time in a radiation dominated universe?

In a radiation dominated universe, the density parameter decreases over time as the universe expands. This is because the expansion of the universe causes the energy density of radiation to decrease, while the critical density remains constant. As a result, the density parameter decreases as the universe expands.

5. What are the implications of a high or low density parameter in a radiation dominated universe?

A high density parameter would indicate that the energy density of radiation is close to the critical density of the universe, meaning that the universe is in a state of equilibrium and will eventually stop expanding. On the other hand, a low density parameter would indicate that the energy density of radiation is much lower than the critical density, suggesting that the universe will continue to expand indefinitely.

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