Design Process of Weapon-engineering?

In summary: You need to come up with a design, test it, tweak it, and so on until you get it just the way you want it.
  • #1
I know that in collage, you need to take a mechanical/electrical engineering courses, but what is the design process for weapon making? As in, the thought process of creating it?
Engineering news on
  • #2
I will offer you a simple design (thought) process for weapon making from real life experience:

1. A certain enemy port city receives and sends hundreds of ships every month. These ships carry materials that our enemy needs to survive and make war against us.

2. We want to interrupt this flow of material.

3. There is a narrow passage between the port city docks and the ocean through which all ships must pass.

4. We decide to try to sink one or more ships in the narrow passage, thereby blocking all incoming/outgoing ship traffic.

5. We have submarines we could deploy into the passage, but no suitable weapon. A pressure-sensitive mine, if placed in that path of the ships, could sink a large ship blocking all large ship traffic.

6. Our defense department describes the exact weapon performance specification desired (for instance, the weapon would not detonate unless a very large ship passed overhead) and solicits bids from known weapons makers to design and construct the weapon.

7. A demonstration/test program allows each company to demonstrate their weapon’s performance. One company “wins” the competition and receives a contract to supply some number of weapons.

8. Upon delivery to the Navy a submarine carries the weapons secretly to the passage and plants them strategically on the ocean floor.

9. The next large ship entering the passage detonates the mine and sinks, blocking the passage.

Does this answer your question?

  • #3
choc1202 said:
I know that in collage, you need to take a mechanical/electrical engineering courses, but what is the design process for weapon making? As in, the thought process of creating it?

Exactly the same as any other machine/object.

FAQ: Design Process of Weapon-engineering?

1. What is the design process for weapon-engineering?

The design process for weapon-engineering involves several stages, including research and development, conceptual design, detailed design, prototyping, and testing. Each stage involves a thorough analysis of the weapon's purpose, functionality, and potential impact, as well as collaboration with experts in various fields such as physics, materials science, and ballistics. The goal is to create a weapon that is effective, reliable, and safe to use.

2. How do scientists ensure that weapons are ethically designed?

Ethics play a crucial role in the design process of weapons. Scientists and engineers are responsible for considering the potential consequences of their creations and ensuring that they are used for the intended purpose. This involves conducting ethical and moral assessments throughout the design process, as well as seeking feedback and input from various stakeholders, including military officials and policymakers.

3. What are the main challenges in the design process of weapon-engineering?

One of the main challenges in the design process of weapon-engineering is balancing the competing factors of performance, cost, and safety. Designers must also consider the potential for misuse or unintended consequences of their weapons. Additionally, technological advancements and changing warfare tactics require continuous innovation and adaptation in the design process.

4. How do scientists ensure that weapons are compliant with international laws and regulations?

Scientists involved in the design process of weapon-engineering must adhere to international laws and regulations, such as the Geneva Conventions and the Arms Trade Treaty. This involves conducting legal reviews and consulting with legal experts to ensure that the weapon design complies with these laws and does not violate any human rights or international agreements.

5. What role does user feedback play in the design process of weapons?

User feedback is essential in the design process of weapons. Military personnel and other potential users of the weapon are consulted throughout the process to ensure that the weapon meets their needs and is easy to use. User feedback is also crucial in identifying potential issues or improvements that can be made before the weapon is finalized and put into production.
