Detecting cosmological redshift in an empty part of the Universe

In summary: mathematics, specifically in physics to measure distances between objects that are not in the same frame of reference.
  • #1
I'm pretty new to the concept and I want to get a better idea about it. I've seen a video in which a light wave is stretched since the space itself is stretching. Another analogy is that cosmological redshift is like some ball bearings stuck to a rubber sheet that's stretching.

Suppose we just consider a huge part of the universe that's empty. Some object emits a blue light wave from one end of this void towards an observer at the other end of the void. This space in this void itself will be expanding or "stretching" - so the light wave itself will get "stretched". But will the observer notice any difference in wavelength between the stationary-space and expanding-space cases?

I have this scenario in mind: suppose I notice some small rock A suspended in space that's at rest w.r.t. me, and another rock B at rest w.r.t. me but sufficiently far away from A, so that the gravitational attraction between them is negligible. I define the distance between A and B as "1 unit". If the space isn't expanding, let's say n crests of the light wave fit between A and B. But even if space expands, even though the light wave gets "stretched", the rocks A and B will also move away from each other and again n crests of the stretched wave will fit between A and B (assuming uniform expansion of space everywhere).

In summary - initially we have a finer grid of space and small "ruler" to measure the distances, and later we have a stretched grid of space and a "stretched ruler" to measure the distances. So the notion of distance won't get altered, which means the wavelength of the emitted light will also remain the same, right?

Just want to understand the flaw in the above argument and clear up my concepts.
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  • #2
The expansion of space is measureable on large, cosmological scales. It doesn't mean that the space between the Earth and the Sun is expanding; or, the space between molecules in a ruler. The expansion of space is a result of the overall, average mass, radiation and vacuum energy density of the universe. The solar system does not meet the criteria of having the average density. Likewise, a ruler is governed by local inter-molecular forces and is definitely not a typical region with the average energy density of the Cosmos. So, neither of these systems is subject to the average cosmological expansion of space.

The length of a ruler and the distance to the Sun are effectively not changing with time; whereas, the distance between the Milky Way and a distant galaxy is changing with time.

Redshift is the result of the relationship between the receiver and the source of light. If a receiver and source are separated by a large region of expanding space, then there will be a measureable redshift between what the receiver measures and the source measures. It's possible to think of this as light being "stretched" as it travels, but it's better to realise that the measured wavelength/frequency/energy of light is frame dependent. The relationship between the local source and receiving frames determines the redshift, rather than anything that happens absolutely to the light.
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  • #3
Shirish said:
In summary - initially we have a finer grid of space and small "ruler" to measure the distances, and later we have a stretched grid of space and a "stretched ruler" to measure the distances. So the notion of distance won't get altered, which means the wavelength of the emitted light will also remain the same, right?
Neither the emitter nor the observer care for how many wavelengths fit in the distance between them. They decide what wavelength they see based on the number of crests per unit time at their location. The emitter will count fewer crests than a sufficiently distant receding observer. The measurements are local.
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Likes russ_watters, FactChecker and PeroK
  • #4
Bandersnatch said:
Neither the emitter nor the observer care for how many wavelengths fit in the distance between them. They decide what wavelength they see based on the number of crests per unit time at their location. The emitter will count fewer crests than a sufficiently distant receding observer. The measurements are local.
So what I take away from this is: the concept of using those two rocks A and B as a "ruler" is invalid since any measurement is local => Therefore any device or apparatus used to measure the wavelength or frequency of the light beam will also be confined in a local region around the observer => (based on what @PeroK said) Such an apparatus won't be "stretched" by the space expansion since this stretching only happens on very large intergalactic scales.

Did I get it correctly or any more misunderstandings in the above?
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Likes vanhees71 and PeroK
  • #5
Looks good.

BTW, a (large-scale) ruler expanding together with the universe is commonly used in cosmology (cf. 'comoving distance'). It's a useful concept, just not in this context.
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  • #6
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FAQ: Detecting cosmological redshift in an empty part of the Universe

What is cosmological redshift?

Cosmological redshift is the phenomenon where light from distant galaxies is stretched to longer wavelengths as the universe expands. This effect causes the light to shift towards the red end of the spectrum, indicating that the source of the light is moving away from us. The amount of redshift can be used to determine the distance to the galaxy and its velocity relative to Earth.

How can we detect redshift in an empty part of the Universe?

Even in seemingly empty regions of the Universe, redshift can be detected through the observation of distant celestial objects, such as quasars or galaxies, that emit light. By analyzing the spectral lines of this light, astronomers can measure the redshift and infer the motion of these objects relative to Earth, even if they are located in a sparsely populated area of space.

What tools are used to measure cosmological redshift?

A variety of tools and instruments are used to measure cosmological redshift, including ground-based telescopes and space-based observatories. Spectrographs are particularly important as they can separate light into its component wavelengths, allowing astronomers to identify the specific spectral lines and calculate the redshift based on their observed shifts from known values.

What does a high redshift indicate about an object?

A high redshift value indicates that an object is very distant and is moving away from us at a significant velocity. This is often associated with the early universe, as light from high-redshift objects has taken a long time to reach us, providing insights into the conditions of the universe shortly after the Big Bang.

Can redshift be affected by factors other than the expansion of the Universe?

Yes, redshift can also be influenced by other factors, such as the Doppler effect, which occurs when an object is moving relative to the observer. Additionally, gravitational redshift can occur when light escapes from a strong gravitational field, such as that of a black hole. However, cosmological redshift specifically refers to the redshift caused by the expansion of the universe.

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