Calculating Angular Momentum for a Moving Object with a Given Force

In summary, the conversation is about finding the angular momentum of an object with a force of 4.0j N acting on it at a specific position and velocity. The solution involves computing the resultant vectors of r and v, as well as the magnitude of the cross product of r and mv.
  • #1

Homework Statement

At one instant, force F=4.0j N acts on a 0.25 kg object that has a position vector r=(2.0i-2.0k) m and velocity vector v=(-5.0i+5.0k) m/s. About the origin and in unit-vector notation, what are (a) the objects angular momentum.

Homework Equations

L=I"omega", I=MR2, omega=v/r

The Attempt at a Solution

Computed resulant vectors r and v and got 2rad2 m and 5rad2 m/s respectively.

Computed I, M=0.25kg and R=2rad2m. Got 2kgm2.

Computed omega=v/r, v=5rad2 m/s and r= 2rad2 m. Got 2.5rad/s.

L did not come out looking so good.

Please help.

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  • #2
Hey there, Duderonimous! :wink:
Duderonimous said:
Computed resulant vectors of r and v and got 2rad2 m and 5rad2 m/s respectively.

I don't understand what this means. :confused:
Computed I, M=0.25kg and R=2rad2m. Got 2kgm2.

Computed omega=v/r, v=5rad2 m/s and r= 2rad2 m. Got 2.5rad/s.

Angular momentum (often called moment of momentum) is just r x mv, displacement "cross" momentum …

all you have to do is to "cross" the two vectors. :smile:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
Hey there, Duderonimous! :wink:

I don't understand what this means. :confused:


I ment to say that I computed the magnitude of the resultant vectors. Which I got using the sqrt of the sum of the squares of the x and z components of both r and v.

Cross product eh...


FAQ: Calculating Angular Momentum for a Moving Object with a Given Force

What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of an object's rotational motion. It is calculated by multiplying the angular velocity (how fast the object is rotating) by the moment of inertia (how the mass is distributed around the axis of rotation).

What is the formula for calculating angular momentum?

The formula for angular momentum is L = Iω, where L is angular momentum, I is moment of inertia, and ω is angular velocity.

How is angular momentum related to Newton's First Law of Motion?

Angular momentum is related to Newton's First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, in that an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant angular velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

What is the conservation of angular momentum?

The conservation of angular momentum states that the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant, meaning that it does not change unless acted upon by an external torque. This is similar to the conservation of linear momentum in that both are conserved quantities.

How is angular momentum important in physics and engineering?

Angular momentum is an important concept in physics and engineering as it helps us understand the rotational motion of objects and how they interact with each other. It is also used in the design and analysis of machines and structures that involve rotational motion, such as turbines, engines, and satellites.
