Device for Electric Scooter, to get the speed?

  • #1
I want to do an application that can connect to my Electric scooter (the kind you stand on)
and can get a speed and engine temperature readings,
i'm looking into a device
i can attach to the wheel
or a temperature gauge
i can attach to the engine
and get a reading from both of them
something i can connect using BLE with an application that i'll write using native android and native ios.

it's a project, that is only the start.

do you know where to start ?
i mean do you know of something of that sort like a temperature, and engine reading gadgets that work with BLE ?
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  • #2
smallville2010 said:
I want to do an application that can connect to my Electric scooter (the kind you stand on)
and can get a speed and engine temperature readings,
i'm looking into a device
i can attach to the wheel
or a temperature gauge
i can attach to the engine
and get a reading from both of them
something i can connect using BLE with an application that i'll write using native android and native ios.

it's a project, that is only the start.

do you know where to start ?
i mean do you know of something of that sort like a temperature, and engine reading gadgets that work with BLE ?
Welcome to the PF.

Have you done any projects with Arduino boards or similar microcontrollers (uCs)? It's probably easiest to use a uC board on the scooter with sensors, and a BLE interface to send the information to your phone app...
  • #3
berkeman said:
projects with Arduino boards or similar microcontrollers (uCs)? It's probably easiest to use a uC board on the scooter with sensors, and a BLE interface to send the information to your phone app...

would it be better then to use a normal small Bluetooth controller, without arduino ?
do you know any sensors or uC board links you can give me to get started ?
  • #5
berkeman said:
I did a google search on BLS Microcontroller for Phone Apps, and got lots of good hits. Maybe look through these links and videos to start to get ideas for ways you could pursue this... :smile:
i think most of them refer to arduino,
and that means i have to actually put an around 8cm on 8cm box (or there is a smaller arduino ?) on my electric scooter,
i wanted to put something very very very small that you cannot even feel it,
maybe even something like a mini ble speed checker that can connec tot he phone
something like this

or this

what do you think ?
is it a good direction ? or not what I'm looking for
  • #6
smallville2010 said:
or there is a smaller arduino ?

Is this small enough?

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  • #7
Here is a maybe for the speedometer:
The ad doesn't say what the sensor is, you will probably need to download the manual from the supplier or manufacturer.

Both of those you linked to attach to the pedals of a bike and tells you how fast your are pedaling.
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  • #8
smallville2010 said:
I want to do an application that can connect to my Electric scooter (the kind you stand on)
and can get a speed and engine temperature readings,
That sounds like a cool project! I'd start by creating a simple circuit that can measure speed/temperature then connect it all up to your phone app using Bluetooth.

I'm guessing you're going to want to use an Arduino for this project, because it will just make things simpler.
rbelli1 said:
Is this small enough?
And as rebelli1 mentioned they come in quite small sizes too!

For calculating the speed you could use a reed switch, which is simply a switch that responds to a magnet. Here's a reed switch example image:

If you place a reed switch on the frame of the wheel, then attach magnet on the wheel. The Arduino would then need to calculate the time interval between each spin, you would also need to specify a few other variables such as tire thickness and wheel circumference then you should be able to calculate the speed. Here's an example of a reed switch for calculating speed:

Here is a link that goes into more detail, and also provides some code for the speed calculation that you could use. In their project they display the information on an LCD display, but in your case you could send the data via Bluetooth to your phone app.

And finally to measure temperature you would need to use a sensor, using one of these is fairly straightforward just connect it up to an Arduino and add some code to read the temperature and send the data across to your phone app. Image of a temperature sensor:

If your scooter is electric you may want to place it near the motor, or maybe one on the battery too! Those parts get the most warm during operation. Here's a useful link about connecting the temperature sensor to an Arduino:

Hope this helps! :wink:


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  • #9
Might be able to buy a Bluetooth rpm/speed sensor intended for bicycles?
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