Difference in capacitor configuration

In summary, vanesch and Loren Booda have both found that connecting capacitors in parallel yields the best results, with resistance being negligible.
  • #1

I am working on a project at the moment and I have the option of connecting my capacitors in a number of different ways. My question deals with the possible difference in time, resistance to my circuit depending on where I connect the leads. What I really want to know is if there will be a significant difference in performance between each of the configurations.

For simplicity, I have attached an illustration made in Paint (forgive me please). The capacitors are connected in parallel.

The configurations are listed from easiest, to the least-easiest. Of course there is not much of a difference from the easiest to the least-easiest, however I do believe that this is good information to know.



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  • #2
I think the best way to find out is to estimate or measure the resistances of the connections, and work out the different network impedances yourself. Depending upon the application, you will then see whether it makes a difference or not.
  • #3
Remember that resistance in parallel adds reciprocally, whereas capacitance in parallel adds directly; resistance in series adds directly, whereas capacitance in series adds reciprocally. So as an overall rule for your network, where you increase capacitance you decrease resistance, and vice versa. You may want to work toward an optimum product of capacitance times resistance, or generalized RC time constant for the circuit.
  • #4
Are you in the MHz range? If so, you must provide much more detail.

For lower frequencies and large caps, the technique I've always used is to strap the caps together with very large, very short, conductors. I've even used stranded braid. If you do that, the question is moot.

If these are small caps on a board, simply minimize lead length.
  • #5
Thank you vanesch and Loren Booda for your replies!

TVP45 said:
Are you in the MHz range? If so, you must provide much more detail.

I have not calculated the exact value yet, however it will likely be on the order of a couple hundred Khz. They are pretty sizable doorknob capacitors, at 1400pF. To connect them I am using braided 8 gauge wire (aka, car battery jump cable). I can list off much more precise details as needed. Thanks!

FAQ: Difference in capacitor configuration

1. What is the difference between a parallel and series capacitor configuration?

The main difference between a parallel and series capacitor configuration is the way they are connected in a circuit. In a parallel configuration, the capacitors are connected side by side with each other, while in a series configuration, they are connected one after the other. This affects the overall capacitance and resistance of the circuit, as well as the way the capacitors store and release energy.

2. How does the capacitance change in a parallel versus series capacitor configuration?

In a parallel capacitor configuration, the overall capacitance of the circuit increases as the capacitors are connected in parallel, resulting in a larger total capacitance. In a series configuration, the overall capacitance decreases as the capacitors are connected in series, resulting in a smaller total capacitance. This is because the individual capacitances of each capacitor add up in parallel, but decrease in series.

3. Which capacitor configuration is more suitable for high frequency circuits?

A parallel capacitor configuration is more suitable for high frequency circuits. This is because the parallel configuration has a lower total resistance, allowing for better flow of high frequency currents. In addition, the total capacitance in a parallel configuration is larger, making it more effective at storing and releasing energy at high frequencies.

4. How does the voltage distribution differ in parallel versus series capacitor configurations?

In a parallel capacitor configuration, the voltage across each capacitor is the same, as they are connected in parallel. In a series configuration, the voltage is divided between each capacitor, with the total voltage across the series being equal to the sum of the individual voltages. This is important to consider when selecting a capacitor configuration for a specific circuit.

5. Can a circuit have both parallel and series capacitor configurations?

Yes, a circuit can have both parallel and series capacitor configurations. This is known as a hybrid configuration and is often used to achieve specific capacitance and resistance values in a circuit. However, it is important to carefully consider the effects of combining different capacitor configurations and how it may impact the overall performance of the circuit.
