Is Differentiability Equivalent to Continuity?

In summary: If you don't understand how to do the work, you should say what part you don't understand. If you are stuck on a problem, you should say what you have tried and where you are stuck. You can't expect us to do your work for you.
  • #1
(a) State precisely the definition of: a function f is differentiable at a ∈ R.
(b) Prove that, if f is differentiable at a, then f is continuous at a. You may
assume that
f'(a) = lim {f(x)-f(a)/(x-a)} as x approaches a

(c) Assume that a function f is differentiable at each x ∈ R and also f(x) > 0
for all x ∈ R. Use the definition of the derivative and standard limit laws to
calculate the derivative of:
g(x) = (f(x))^0.25
in terms of f(x) and f'(x).

Im stuck at part(c)...Can guide me or show me how to start?thx alot!
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  • #2
You have to show us your work up to the point where you're stuck. It can't be right at the start, since the problem tells you how to start. (Use the definition of "derivative"). What have you tried to do to proceed from the point where you're stuck?
  • #3
Fredrik said:
You have to show us your work up to the point where you're stuck. It can't be right at the start, since the problem tells you how to start. (Use the definition of "derivative"). What have you tried to do to proceed from the point where you're stuck?
i do until

{lim (f(x))^0.25 - lim (f(a))^0.25 }/lim (x-a) as x approaches a

Anyway how to type my solutions here involving the limits( I mean like x approaches a can write it as x--->a)
  • #4
Unusualskill said:
i do until

{lim (f(x))^0.25 - lim (f(a))^0.25 }/lim (x-a) as x approaches a
The rule ##\lim_{x\to a}\frac{F(x)}{G(a)}=\frac{\lim_{x\to a}F(x)}{\lim_{x\to a}G(x)}## doesn't work so well when the right-hand side is 0/0.

I don't know what you're supposed to do here. The first thing that comes to mind is to do Taylor expansions. For example, ##F(x)=F(a)+(x-a)F'(a)+O((x-a)^2)## as ##x\to a##. Do you think you would be allowed to do that here?

Unusualskill said:
Anyway how to type my solutions here involving the limits( I mean like x approaches a can write it as x--->a)
There's a FAQ post about LaTeX. You can also quote me to see how I'm doing it.
  • #5
The problem says "use the definition of the derivative and the standard limit laws" so you are clearly supposed to look at
[itex]\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)^{0.25}- f(x)^{0.25}}{h}[/itex]. Rather than Taylor series I would use the fact that [itex]x^4- y^4= (x- y)(x^3+ x^2y+ xy^2+ y^3)[/itex], taking [itex]x= f(x+ h)^{0.25}[/itex] and [itex]y= f(x)^{0.25}[/itex]. Then I would have
[tex]f(x+h)- f(x)= (f(x+h)^{0.25}- f(x)^{0.25})(f(x+h)^{0.75}+ f(x+h)^{0.50}f(x)^{0.25}+ f(x+ h)^{0.25}f(x)^{0.50}+ f(x)^{0.75}[/tex]
which gives
[tex]f(x+h)^{0.25}- f(x)^{0.25}= \frac{f(x+h)- f(x)}{f(x+h)^{0.75}+ f(x+h)^{0.50}f(x)^{0.25}+ f(x+ h)^{0.25}f(x)^{0.50}+ f(x)^{0.75}}[/tex]
and then
[tex]\frac{f(x+h)^{0.25}- f(x)^{0.25}}{h}= \frac{f(x+h)- f(x)}{h}\frac{1}{f(x+h)^{0.75}+ f(x+h)^{0.50}f(x)^{0.25}+ f(x+ h)^{0.25}f(x)^{0.50}+ f(x)^{0.75}}[/tex].
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
The problem says "use the definition of the derivative and the standard limit laws" so you are clearly supposed to look at
[itex]\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)^{0.25}- f(x)^{0.25}}{h}[/itex]. Rather than Taylor series I would use the fact that [itex]x^4- y^4= (x- y)(x^3+ x^2y+ xy^2+ y^3)[/itex], taking [itex]x= f(x+ h)^{0.25}[/itex] and [itex]y= f(x)^{0.25}[/itex]. Then I would have
[tex]f(x+h)- f(x)= (f(x+h)^{0.25}- f(x)^{0.25})(f(x+h)^{0.75}+ f(x+h)^{0.50}f(x)^{0.25}+ f(x+ h)^{0.25}f(x)^{0.50}+ f(x)^{0.75}[/tex]
which gives
[tex]f(x+h)^{0.25}- f(x)^{0.25}= \frac{f(x+h)- f(x)}{f(x+h)^{0.75}+ f(x+h)^{0.50}f(x)^{0.25}+ f(x+ h)^{0.25}f(x)^{0.50}+ f(x)^{0.75}}[/tex]
and then
[tex]\frac{f(x+h)^{0.25}- f(x)^{0.25}}{h}= \frac{f(x+h)- f(x)}{h}\frac{1}{f(x+h)^{0.75}+ f(x+h)^{0.50}f(x)^{0.25}+ f(x+ h)^{0.25}f(x)^{0.50}+ f(x)^{0.75}}[/tex].

Thanks for your reply!But i am wondering is this the final answer?As the ques requires the ans in terms of f(x) and f '(x), how to get rid of the f(x+h) terms?
  • #7
That's not the final answer. That formula is how you get rid of f(x+h). If we tell you the details, we would be giving you the complete solution.
  • #8
Fredrik said:
That's not the final answer. That formula is how you get rid of f(x+h). If we tell you the details, we would be giving you the complete solution.

Can gv me some hints or any theorem name for me to do research on?I have no clue at all.Thanks
  • #9
What Halls told you is major clue. The rest is pretty straightforward. In what ways have you tried to use what he told you?
  • #10
Oh! maybe I know already. After substituting what Halls told me into my limit, then i just break everything into pieces and apply limit law of sums?
  • #11
Something like that, yes. (I don't know exactly what you did).
  • #12
my answer f '(x)*(1/ (3(fx)^0.75 +(fx)^0.5) )
  • #13
That looks correct.

When I said that Halls had given you a major clue, I was only looking at the part that was visible in the quote, before I clicked to expand. I thought that he had given you 75% of the solution, but he had in fact given you 95%. This is against the rules here, so you shouldn't expect to get this much information in your other threads. I think you need to read up on how the homework forum is supposed to work. It's not not OK to go "how do I get started" followed by "then what?" repeatedly until you have a complete answer. You are supposed to do the work.

FAQ: Is Differentiability Equivalent to Continuity?

What is "Differentiable homework"?

"Differentiable homework" refers to a type of homework assignment given to students in mathematics or science courses where they are asked to apply concepts of differentiation to solve problems. Differentiation is the process of finding the rate of change of a function at a given point.

Why is "Differentiable homework" important?

"Differentiable homework" is important because it allows students to practice and apply their understanding of differentiation, a fundamental concept in mathematics and science. It also helps them develop problem-solving skills and prepares them for more advanced coursework.

What are some examples of "Differentiable homework" problems?

Examples of "Differentiable homework" problems include finding the derivative of a function, using the derivative to find the slope of a tangent line, finding the maximum or minimum of a function, and solving related rates problems.

How can I improve my performance on "Differentiable homework"?

To improve your performance on "Differentiable homework," it is important to review and understand the basic principles of differentiation. Practice solving different types of problems and ask for help or clarification if needed. It is also helpful to regularly attend lectures and participate in class discussions.

What are some helpful resources for "Differentiable homework"?

Some helpful resources for "Differentiable homework" include textbooks, online tutorials, and practice problems. Additionally, seeking help from a tutor or attending office hours with your instructor can provide valuable guidance and clarification on the concepts and problems.

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