Differential Forms: Definition & Antisymmetric Tensor

In summary: I'm not good at physics.)In summary, the definition of a differential form requires a totally antisymmetric tensor because that is how we define a differential form. This definition is useful in describing several things, but ultimately it is just a definition. Tensors are useful in ensuring that the definition of a multi-linear object actually defines something, rather than being a funny definition that describes the empty set. Integration and differentiation are chosen to be performed with antisymmetric tensors because a directed volume element spanned by n vectors is naturally described by an antisymmetric tensor of rank n. In addition, the antisymmetry property can be seen in examples such as the surface-normal vector in a 3-dimensional space and the parallelogram formed from two vectors. This property
  • #1
kent davidge
Why does the definition of a differential form requires a totally antisymmetric tensor?
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  • #2
kent davidge said:
Why does the definition of a differential form requires a totally antisymmetric tensor?
Because that is how we define a differential form. It is a definition that turns out to be useful in describing several things, but ultimately it is just that - a definition.
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  • #3
kent davidge said:
Why does the definition of a differential form requires a totally antisymmetric tensor?
It doesn't require tensors.
It requires multi-linearity (linear in each argument) and alternating. The latter is equivalent to ##d(X,X)=0##.

Tensors are useful, when you try to make sure, that the definition of a multi-linear object actually defines something, i.e. something that exists, rather than being a funny definition, that describes the empty set.
The reason for this is algebraic and somehow abstract, so I leave it here in the relativity section. For short: tensors are a kind of a universal multi-linear object, and special multi-linear objects like differential forms can be seen as the image under a certain projection. Even shorter: Tensors are a skeleton key.
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  • #4
  • #5
fresh_42 said:
It doesn't require tensors.
It requires multi-linearity (linear in each argument) and alternating. The latter is equivalent to ##d(X,X)=0##.

Tensors are useful, when you try to make sure, that the definition of a multi-linear object actually defines something, i.e. something that exists, rather than being a funny definition, that describes the empty set.
The reason for this is algebraic and somehow abstract, so I leave it here in the relativity section. For short: tensors are a kind of a universal multi-linear object, and special multi-linear objects like differential forms can be seen as the image under a certain projection. Even shorter: Tensors are a skeleton key.
Well tensors are defined as multilinear forms (not necessarily antisymmetric ones as the alternating forms in Cartan calculus), i.e., a tensor of rank ##n## is a linear map from ##V^n## into the field of scalars of ##V## (field meant here in the algebraic sense).
  • #6
Thanks for answering. Why integration and differentiation in general is chosen to be performed with antisymmetric(0,n) tensors ? Why not on other type of tensors?
  • #7
kent davidge said:
Thanks for answering. Why integration and differentiation in general is chosen to be performed with antisymmetric(0,n) tensors ? Why not on other type of tensors?
Because a directed volume element spanned by n vectors is naturally described by an antisymmetric tensor of rank n.
  • #8
Orodruin said:
Because a directed volume element spanned by n vectors is naturally described by an antisymmetric tensor of rank n.
Could you give me a simple (maybe a 3-dimensional) example?
  • #9
Take a surface ##\vec{x}=\vec{x}(u,v)## in ##\mathbb{R}^3##. Then the surface-normal vector is determined by the parallelogram defined by the infinitesimal pieces of the coordinate lines ##v=\text{const}## and ##u=\text{const}##. The magnitude and direction is given by the cross product, i.e., you have
$$\mathrm{d}^2 \vec{a}=\mathrm{d} u \mathrm{d} v \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial u} \times \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial v}.$$
Note that the orientation, i.e., the direction of the normal vector depends in which order you choose the indepenent variables ##u## and ##v## (i.e., you have defined an oriented surface).

In an arbitrary (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold hypersurface elements are defined in the analogous general covariant way with help of the Levi-Civita tensor,
$$\epsilon^{\mu_1 \mu_2 \ldots \mu_d}=\sqrt{|g|} \Delta^{\mu_1 \ldots \mu_d},$$
where ##\Delta^{\mu_1 \ldots \mu_d}## is the totally antisymmetric Levi-Civita symbol with ##\Delta^{12\ldots d}=1## and ##g=\mathrm{det} (g_{\mu \nu})## the determinant of the (pseudo-)metric components. A ##k##-dimensional (##k \leq d##) hyper-surface element is defined by some function ##q^{\mu}(u_1,\ldots,u_k)## and the corresponding integral measure by
$$\mathrm{d}^k \Sigma^{\mu_{k+1}\ldots \mu_d}=\mathrm{d} q_1 \cdots \mathrm{d} q_d \epsilon_{\mu_1\ldots \mu_d} \frac{\partial q^{\mu_1}}{\partial u_1} \cdots \frac{\partial q^{\mu_k}}{\partial u_k}.$$
  • #10
kent davidge said:
Could you give me a simple (maybe a 3-dimensional) example?
Here's a 2-D example... a parallelogram formed from two vectors.
If you specify an ordered-pair with those two vectors, then you have specified an oriented parallelogram.
The size of the parallelogram can be expressed using the determinant formed using the components of the vectors [although it could be expressed in a coordinate-free way].
  • #11
vanhees71 said:
Take a surface ##\vec{x}=\vec{x}(u,v)## in ##\mathbb{R}^3##. Then the surface-normal vector is determined by the parallelogram defined by the infinitesimal pieces of the coordinate lines ##v=\text{const}## and ##u=\text{const}##. The magnitude and direction is given by the cross product, i.e., you have
$$\mathrm{d}^2 \vec{a}=\mathrm{d} u \mathrm{d} v \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial u} \times \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial v}.$$
Note that the orientation, i.e., the direction of the normal vector depends in which order you choose the indepenent variables ##u## and ##v## (i.e., you have defined an oriented surface).

In an arbitrary (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold hypersurface elements are defined in the analogous general covariant way with help of the Levi-Civita tensor,
$$\epsilon^{\mu_1 \mu_2 \ldots \mu_d}=\sqrt{|g|} \Delta^{\mu_1 \ldots \mu_d},$$
where ##\Delta^{\mu_1 \ldots \mu_d}## is the totally antisymmetric Levi-Civita symbol with ##\Delta^{12\ldots d}=1## and ##g=\mathrm{det} (g_{\mu \nu})## the determinant of the (pseudo-)metric components. A ##k##-dimensional (##k \leq d##) hyper-surface element is defined by some function ##q^{\mu}(u_1,\ldots,u_k)## and the corresponding integral measure by
$$\mathrm{d}^k \Sigma^{\mu_{k+1}\ldots \mu_d}=\mathrm{d} q_1 \cdots \mathrm{d} q_d \epsilon_{\mu_1\ldots \mu_d} \frac{\partial q^{\mu_1}}{\partial u_1} \cdots \frac{\partial q^{\mu_k}}{\partial u_k}.$$
In your first example in R³, $$\mathrm{d} u \mathrm{d} v \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial u} \times \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial v}= -\mathrm{d} u \mathrm{d} v \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial v} \times \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial u}.$$ Right? So is it a antisymmetric tensor?

robphy said:
Here's a 2-D example... a parallelogram formed from two vectors.
If you specify an ordered-pair with those two vectors, then you have specified an oriented parallelogram.
The size of the parallelogram can be expressed using the determinant formed using the components of the vectors [although it could be expressed in a coordinate-free way].
Where does the antisymmetry property comes in this situation?

(I'm sorry for my bad english)
  • #12
kent davidge said:
Where does the antisymmetry property comes in this situation?

If you switch the order of two vectors, it is multiplied by a minus sign... and this shows up in the determinant.
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  • #13
kent davidge said:
So is it a antisymmetric tensor?
Yes, it is a contraction between the two tangent vectors ##\partial\vec x/\partial u## and ##\partial\vec x/\partial v## with the anti-symmetric tensor ##\epsilon_{ijk}##.
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  • #14
  • #15
kent davidge said:
Thanks for answering. Why integration and differentiation in general is chosen to be performed with antisymmetric(0,n) tensors ? Why not on other type of tensors?

The simplest case to understand is integration over a curved 2-D manifold with a metric. And let me assume a Riemannian metric (so we can assume that the square of any vector is defined and positive). The case for an indefinite metric (so the square of a vector can be negative or zero) and for higher-dimensional manifolds will be left as an exercise :wink:.

Using the usual definition of an integral, if we are integrating a scalar function [itex]F[/itex] over the 2-D space, we can approximate it by dividing space up into lots of little parallelograms, and compute

[itex]\int F = \sum_i \mathcal{A}_i F(\mathcal{P}_i)[/itex]


where [itex]\mathcal{A}_i[/itex] is the area of parallelogram number [itex]i[/itex], and [itex]F(\mathcal{P}_i)[/itex] is the value of [itex]F[/itex] at the point [itex]\mathcal{P}_i[/itex] somewhere inside the parallelogram. So integrating a scalar function over a 2-D manifold is reduced to the problem of computing the area of a tiny parallelogram.

The rule for the area of a parallelogram in good old Euclidean geometry is just:

[itex]\mathcal{A} = base \times height[/itex]

So if [itex]A[/itex] is the displacement vector (which is approximately well-defined for small displacements, even in curved space) for one side of a small parallelogram, and [itex]B[/itex] is the displacement vector for the other side, then the area will be:

[itex]\mathcal{A} = |A| |B^\perp|[/itex]

where [itex]B^\perp[/itex] is the component of [itex]B[/itex] perpendicular to [itex]A[/itex]. (And where [itex]|X|[/itex] means the square-root of [itex]X \cdot X[/itex], which is real and positive for Riemannian manifolds, which we're assuming.)

We can compute [itex]|B^\perp|[/itex] in terms of the vector dot-product. [itex]|B^\perp| = \sqrt{B \cdot B - \frac{(A \cdot B)^2}{A \cdot A}}[/itex]. So we have:

[itex]\mathcal{A} = |A| \sqrt{B \cdot B - \frac{(A \cdot B)^2}{A \cdot A}} = \sqrt{(A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) - (A \cdot B)^2}[/itex]

Or squaring both sides gives:
[itex]\mathcal{A}^2 = (A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) - (A \cdot B)^2[/itex]

At this point, let me introduce the alternative way of writing vector dot products. The dot product [itex]X \cdot Y[/itex] can be written in terms of the metric tensor [itex]g_{\mu \nu}[/itex] as [itex]X \cdot Y = \sum_{\mu \nu} g_{\mu \nu} X^\mu Y^\nu \equiv X^\mu Y_\mu[/itex], where [itex]Y_\mu \equiv \sum_{\nu} g_{\mu \nu} Y^\nu[/itex]. So in this notation, we can write:

[itex]\mathcal{A}^2 = A^\mu A_\mu B^\alpha B_\alpha - A^\mu B_\mu A^\alpha B_\alpha[/itex]

Now, introduce the two-index tensor [itex]\mathcal{A}^{\mu \alpha} \equiv A^\mu B^\alpha - A^\alpha B^\mu[/itex]. We can prove the following identity:

[itex]\mathcal{A}^{\mu \alpha} \mathcal{A}_{\mu \alpha} = (A^\mu B^\alpha - A^\alpha B^\mu)(A_\mu B_\alpha - A_\alpha B_\mu) = A^\mu A_\mu B^\alpha B_\alpha - A^\mu B_\mu A^\alpha B_\alpha - A^\alpha B_\alpha A^\mu B_\mu + A^\alpha A_\alpha B^\mu B_\mu = (A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) - (A \cdot B) (A \cdot B) - (A \cdot B) (A \cdot B) + (A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) = 2 ((A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) - (A \cdot B) (A \cdot B)) = 2 \mathcal{A}^2[/itex]
So we have:
[itex]\mathcal{A}^2 = \frac{1}{2}\mathcal{A}^{\mu \alpha} \mathcal{A}_{\mu \alpha}[/itex]. (The factor of 1/2 is a little worrisome, but I think it's because the implicit summing over [itex]\mu, \nu, \alpha, \beta[/itex] double-counts; the sum includes the non-summed term [itex]A^\mu A_\mu B^\alpha B_\alpha[/itex] and [itex]A^\alpha A_\alpha B^\mu B_\mu[/itex] for each [itex]\alpha [/itex] and [itex]\mu[/itex].)

So the area tensor for the parallelogram of vectors [itex]A[/itex] and [itex]B[/itex] is antisymmetric.
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  • #16
stevendaryl said:
The simplest case to understand is integration over a curved 2-D manifold with a metric. And let me assume a Riemannian metric (so we can assume that the square of any vector is defined and positive). The case for an indefinite metric (so the square of a vector can be negative or zero) and for higher-dimensional manifolds will be left as an exercise :wink:.

Using the usual definition of an integral, if we are integrating a scalar function [itex]F[/itex] over the 2-D space, we can approximate it by dividing space up into lots of little parallelograms, and compute

[itex]\int F = \sum_i \mathcal{A}_i F(\mathcal{P}_i)[/itex]

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where [itex]\mathcal{A}_i[/itex] is the area of parallelogram number [itex]i[/itex], and [itex]F(\mathcal{P}_i)[/itex] is the value of [itex]F[/itex] at the point [itex]\mathcal{P}_i[/itex] somewhere inside the parallelogram. So integrating a scalar function over a 2-D manifold is reduced to the problem of computing the area of a tiny parallelogram.

The rule for the area of a parallelogram in good old Euclidean geometry is just:

[itex]\mathcal{A} = base \times height[/itex]

So if [itex]A[/itex] is the displacement vector (which is approximately well-defined for small displacements, even in curved space) for one side of a small parallelogram, and [itex]B[/itex] is the displacement vector for the other side, then the area will be:
View attachment 107925
[itex]\mathcal{A} = |A| |B^\perp|[/itex]

where [itex]B^\perp[/itex] is the component of [itex]B[/itex] perpendicular to [itex]A[/itex]. (And where [itex]|X|[/itex] means the square-root of [itex]X \cdot X[/itex], which is real and positive for Riemannian manifolds, which we're assuming.)

We can compute [itex]|B^\perp|[/itex] in terms of the vector dot-product. [itex]|B^\perp| = \sqrt{B \cdot B - \frac{(A \cdot B)^2}{A \cdot A}}[/itex]. So we have:

[itex]\mathcal{A} = |A| \sqrt{B \cdot B - \frac{(A \cdot B)^2}{A \cdot A}} = \sqrt{(A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) - (A \cdot B)^2}[/itex]

Or squaring both sides gives:
[itex]\mathcal{A}^2 = (A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) - (A \cdot B)^2[/itex]

At this point, let me introduce the alternative way of writing vector dot products. The dot product [itex]X \cdot Y[/itex] can be written in terms of the metric tensor [itex]g_{\mu \nu}[/itex] as [itex]X \cdot Y = \sum_{\mu \nu} g_{\mu \nu} X^\mu Y^\nu \equiv X^\mu Y_\mu[/itex], where [itex]Y_\mu \equiv \sum_{\nu} g_{\mu \nu} Y^\nu[/itex]. So in this notation, we can write:

[itex]\mathcal{A}^2 = A^\mu A_\mu B^\alpha B_\alpha - A^\mu B_\mu A^\alpha B_\alpha[/itex]

Now, introduce the two-index tensor [itex]\mathcal{A}^{\mu \alpha} \equiv A^\mu B^\alpha - A^\alpha B^\mu[/itex]. We can prove the following identity:

[itex]\mathcal{A}^{\mu \alpha} \mathcal{A}_{\mu \alpha} = (A^\mu B^\alpha - A^\alpha B^\mu)(A_\mu B_\alpha - A_\alpha B_\mu) = A^\mu A_\mu B^\alpha B_\alpha - A^\mu B_\mu A^\alpha B_\alpha - A^\alpha B_\alpha A^\mu B_\mu + A^\alpha A_\alpha B^\mu B_\mu = (A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) - (A \cdot B) (A \cdot B) - (A \cdot B) (A \cdot B) + (A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) = 2 ((A \cdot A) (B \cdot B) - (A \cdot B) (A \cdot B)) = 2 \mathcal{A}^2[/itex]
So we have:
[itex]\mathcal{A}^2 = \frac{1}{2}\mathcal{A}^{\mu \alpha} \mathcal{A}_{\mu \alpha}[/itex]. (The factor of 1/2 is a little worrisome, but I think it's because the implicit summing over [itex]\mu, \nu, \alpha, \beta[/itex] double-counts; the sum includes the non-summed term [itex]A^\mu A_\mu B^\alpha B_\alpha[/itex] and [itex]A^\alpha A_\alpha B^\mu B_\mu[/itex] for each [itex]\alpha [/itex] and [itex]\mu[/itex].)

So the area tensor for the parallelogram of vectors [itex]A[/itex] and [itex]B[/itex] is antisymmetric.
Thank you for your detailed explanation. So the conclusion is that [itex]\mathcal{A}_{\mu \alpha}[/itex] must be antisymmetric, since A² is (in this case) always positive, so that if we change μ and α, we have ([itex]\mathcal{A}^{\alpha \mu}[/itex])([itex]\mathcal{A}_{\alpha \mu})=[/itex] [itex](\mathcal{-A}^{\mu \alpha})[/itex][itex](\mathcal{-A}_{\mu \alpha})[/itex] in order to get the same value for A². Am I right?
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Related to Differential Forms: Definition & Antisymmetric Tensor

1. What is a differential form?

A differential form is a mathematical concept used in multivariable calculus and differential geometry to describe quantities that vary over a region in space. It is a generalization of the concept of a function to multiple dimensions.

2. How is a differential form different from a regular function?

A differential form is a more general object than a regular function because it can have different values and behave differently in different directions. It is also not limited to a specific coordinate system and can be defined on any smooth manifold.

3. What is the role of an antisymmetric tensor in differential forms?

An antisymmetric tensor is a mathematical object that is used to represent differential forms. It is used to describe the behavior of a differential form under coordinate transformations and to define operations such as differentiation and integration.

4. How are differential forms used in physics?

In physics, differential forms are used to describe various physical quantities, such as electric and magnetic fields, in a coordinate-independent way. They are also used in the formulation of equations in fields such as electromagnetism, general relativity, and fluid dynamics.

5. Can differential forms be visualized?

While differential forms cannot be directly visualized, they can be represented geometrically using vector fields and tangent spaces. This allows for a better understanding of their properties and behavior in different coordinate systems.

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