Does Constant Engine Power Guarantee Constant Acceleration?

  • #1

Homework Statement

a cars engine produces constant power therefore the cars speed will increase at a constant acceleration.

is this true or false

Homework Equations

so P=mad/t

The Attempt at a Solution

so if p is constant it appears a must be constant. Therefore the statement is true

When I logically think about this situation I think it is false. I imagine myself driving down the highway in my stang turning 2500 rpm at 100 mph. Assume I stay in the same gear. Unless I raise the revs by giving it more gas I will not accelerate. When raising the engine rpm my engine makes more how can I accelerate if my engine maintains a constant rpm(same power output)?
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  • #2
Your equations are correct and so is your logic. However, can you think of any additional forces which may act against the acceleration of the car?
  • #3
Ah, wind resistance and friction between the road and tires...and then there's also the some power loss due to the weight of the drive train components.
  • #4
Yeah. I think it's funny to think about a bike. The wheels are so thin, but that little surface area combined with the air stops you from going as fast as you want.
  • #5
so just that little bit of resistance from the tires and the air hitting the body of the car prevents the car from accelerating,correct?
  • #6
so the answer would be true?
  • #7
Yes, so it's not that little really.
  • #8
jim_ringo said:
so the answer would be true?

Well in real life the answer is false for a car. A rocket in deep space could accelerate indefinitely.
  • #9
jim_ringo said:
a cars engine produces constant power therefore the cars speed will increase at a constant acceleration.

is this true or false

Homework Equations

so P=mad/t

The Attempt at a Solution

so if p is constant it appears a must be constant. Therefore the statement is true
Whoa! I'm not convinced that you have demonstrated it to be true. All I see you having shown here is that
the factor (ad/t) is constant. I think you are asked to determine whether or not a is constant---am I correct in believing that is what the problem is asking?
  • #10
NascentOxygen said:
Whoa! I'm not convinced that you have demonstrated it to be true. All I see you having shown here is that
the factor (ad/t) is constant. I think you are asked to determine whether or not a is constant---am I correct in believing that is what the problem is asking?

Yes that is what the problem is asking