Does literature tell the truth better than visual arts and musical?

In summary, the conversation discusses the question of whether literature is better at conveying truth compared to visual arts and music. The participants also explore the potential for literature to convey slanted information, half-truths, and lies. They also consider the impact of language on conveying truth and the different methods used by each type of art. Finally, the conversation raises the question of whether art should be about telling the truth and shares a quote about the role of an artist in using language to express the inexpressible.
  • #1
Hello everybody..
I just came across a question:

Does literature tell the truth better than any visual arts like drawings or making sculpture or musicals such as choreography or singing?

Can you all help me find out the answer?I think I want to narrow down this question to only the differences in the methods, the things they conveyed to audience and may be how we, the auudience be sure about the truth those arts expressed to us...Please...please...and please...thank you...:wink:
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  • #2
Well, if you are a Hegelian, you'd say that because the medium of literature is human speech, it has greater potential of representing humans AS (rational&thinking) humans, rather than say, of representing humans AS models of beauty (as in sculpture).

The answer to your question depends on what sort of "truths" you regard art should be able to convey, if any (that also being a view on art).
  • #3
Literature and speech can be quite effective at conveying truth, but they have the downside potential that they can be used to convey slanted information, half-truths, and outright lies.
  • #4
When you assemble an IKEA table do you read the instructions or follow the diagram?
  • #5
turbo-1 said:
Literature and speech can be quite effective at conveying truth, but they have the downside potential that they can be used to convey slanted information, half-truths, and outright lies.

And isn't it a truth that men can lie?:smile:
  • #6
turbo-1 said:
Literature and speech can be quite effective at conveying truth, but they have the downside potential that they can be used to convey slanted information, half-truths, and outright lies.

May it is right to say that literature and speech can be quite effective at conveying truth, but sometimes the bewitchment of language created by the use of language(words) will make the literature no longer provide an absolute truth to us...what do u think?:confused:

And how about visual arts and music?Obviously, they do not use language to 'speak' to the audience right?and may be this is the advantage visual arts and music have over the literature right?coz they are free from the bewitchmentof language not like the this true?

I mean the bewitchment of language is like a barrier for the audience to understand what is meant by the author...sometimes the words used by them...may create u get me?

and can u all guys help me to think about the other differences between the literature and other arts?in term of methods to convey the truth each of them use and any other...

Help me please...:frown: :redface:
  • #7
Well, you should look at how the various arts affect YOU.
Now, I think that music very often is a lot better at conveying emotions than any book or speech.

Perhaps that is only my view, but I don't think so. What about you?
  • #8
Why would you think any of those, literature, visual or musical arts, should be about "telling the truth"?

One of the best statements about art, and, in particular, literature, was by Ursula K. LeGuinn in a preface to her science fiction novel "The Left Hand of Darkness":

"It is an artist's job to say that which cannot be said in words. A novelist is an artist whose medium is words. That is, it is a novelist's job to say, in words, that which cannot be said in words! In order to do this, we use a technique called 'the lie'."

FAQ: Does literature tell the truth better than visual arts and musical?

1. Does literature have a higher capacity for conveying truth compared to visual arts and musical?

This is a subjective question that can have different answers depending on personal opinions. Some argue that literature has the ability to explore complex themes and emotions in a more detailed and nuanced way, making it a powerful tool for conveying truth. Others believe that visual arts and music have a unique ability to tap into human emotions and experiences, making them equally effective in conveying truth.

2. Is there a difference in the truth conveyed by literature, visual arts, and musical?

Yes, there can be a difference in the way truth is conveyed through these forms of art. Literature often relies on language and storytelling to convey truth, while visual arts use imagery and symbolism, and music uses sound and rhythm. Each form of art has its own unique way of communicating and connecting with the audience, which can impact the perception of truth.

3. Can literature, visual arts, and musical convey different types of truth?

Absolutely. While all forms of art have the ability to convey truth, they may focus on different aspects or perspectives of truth. For example, literature may emphasize emotional truths, visual arts may focus on visual truths and symbolism, and music may convey truths through sound and rhythm.

4. How does the audience's interpretation affect the truth conveyed by literature, visual arts, and musical?

The audience's interpretation can greatly impact the truth conveyed by these forms of art. Each person brings their own experiences, beliefs, and biases to their interpretation, which can lead to different understandings of the same piece of art. This is why the truth conveyed by literature, visual arts, and musical can be subjective and open to interpretation.

5. Can literature, visual arts, and musical work together to convey a more complete truth?

Yes, these forms of art can complement each other and work together to convey a more complete truth. A piece of literature may use visual and musical elements to enhance the reader's understanding and emotional connection. Similarly, a visual art piece may incorporate elements of literature and music to convey a more complex and layered truth. Collaboration between different forms of art can create a more powerful and comprehensive portrayal of truth.

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