Doing a Bachelors Degree in Maths from India

In summary: Some people feel that the level of difficulty and rigor is not as high as it is in many other countries, but that's a personal preference.I don't intend on paying nearly that much for higher education.
  • #1
I'm a final year student at a school in India. I'll be taking up Mathematics as my Undergraduate subject(I'm interested in Pure Mathematics, especially number theory and geometry mainly thanks to Hardy's "An Introduction to the theory of numbers" and Courant's "What is Mathematics?").
Initially, I wanted to study at Cambridge or Oxford, but then they were both asking for A-levels and wouldn't accept the Indian School Certificate(ISC) qualification :(
American Universities are also out of question...
So I'm left with India.
What are the best places to do an Undergraduate degree in Maths in India? There's ISI Bangalore and CMI, but how are State Universities like Calcutta University, Presidency University(Formerly, Presidency College) and Delhi University? Then there's IISc, the IITs and the IISERs...
How highly are Indian maths degrees rated internationally? How good are the professors? How well are Indian Institutions known for Mathematics worldwide?
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  • #2
Cambridge and Oxford have their own exams.

Cannot help you on ranking India Universities on Math departments ... I've heard of ICI Bangalore and Calcutta U. I have an impression that India is experiencing an upsurge in academic and high-tech areas so I don't even know how past impressions would apply now.
... starting point. There are Indian publications that track University rankings by department and many organizations track world rankings.
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  • #3
Yeah, but they're(Cambridge and Oxford) still looking for A levels/IB/APs...
Even an ISC with a STEP won't cut it for them as they mention Further Mathematics as one of their requirements.
As for individual subject wise rankings, we don't get those. It's usually bracketed under 'Science' or 'Science and Engineering' which almost never gives a proper representation of the Maths Department. They're usually based on other sciences like Biology and Physics or Engineering departments. Most Indians don't really care about pure math in India...It's seen as a subject subservient to Physics and Engineering and I hear that's true in case of the IITs in the very least.
  • #5
Does Imperial accept the ISC? If so, I might apply there...I know for a fact that Professor Simon Donaldson teaches there...Warwick also seems good...
Not sure about other British Unis though...Especially faculty wise.
Anyway, no one's answered my question about Indian Universities as of yet...I'm more or less 90% sure that I'll be staying in India for my undergraduate degree, so I'm looking for answers in that regard...
  • #6
I don't find the price of getting a UK university education justified. Studying at Imperial is ~20k GBP/year. If you're willing to spend 4 times that amount for your tuition fees of your undergraduate degree, by all means, go for it.

Do you realize there's a search function? I find it ridiculous that so many new members actually demand their answers be answered. (maybe I got the wrong idea but it sure as hell looks that way in your post)

In India, as far as I'm aware, one can't go wrong with the ISI, CMI or other "big engineering colleges". IIT-K are also introducing a 4-year BS degree in the sciences, the possibility to dual major and/or minor. You might want to look into them. Also: try talking to current students and asking them about their program. That will give you a better idea of the program and department than rankings can. And of course, look at the syllabus of each program and see if that's what you want in a Math degree.
  • #7
I don't intend on paying nearly that much for higher education.
And yes, I'm aware of the choices that are available to me, and I've also been through the course structures. I was asking for an assessment based on reputation within academic circles, level of teaching etc. Things, which institutions normally don't advertise. And catching hold of students in ISI Bangalore or CMI is not that easy considering there are about 30 students that got o either of these institutions every year.
  • #8
RBTiger said:
I don't intend on paying nearly that much for higher education.
And yes, I'm aware of the choices that are available to me, and I've also been through the course structures. I was asking for an assessment based on reputation within academic circles, level of teaching etc. Things, which institutions normally don't advertise. And catching hold of students in ISI Bangalore or CMI is not that easy considering there are about 30 students that got o either of these institutions every year.


Facebook stalk 'em. ;)

As for the reputation, well, I don't if that means anything to you but most of these schools graduates end up going to grad school at good institutions in India, Europe and North America.

Wait wut. You don't? :|

FAQ: Doing a Bachelors Degree in Maths from India

1. What are the academic requirements for a Bachelor's degree in Maths from India?

The specific academic requirements for a Bachelor's degree in Maths from India may vary depending on the university or institution. However, most universities will require students to have completed high school with a strong foundation in mathematics and other related subjects such as physics and computer science. Some universities may also require students to take entrance exams.

2. How long does it typically take to complete a Bachelor's degree in Maths from India?

A Bachelor's degree in Maths from India typically takes three years to complete. However, some universities may offer a four-year program with an optional additional year for research or internships. The duration may also vary depending on the student's chosen specialization and academic performance.

3. What are the career opportunities available for graduates with a Bachelor's degree in Maths from India?

Graduates with a Bachelor's degree in Maths from India have a wide range of career opportunities in various industries. Some common career paths include data analysis, actuarial science, finance, teaching, and research. Other fields such as computer science, engineering, and statistics also value graduates with a strong mathematical background.

4. Are there any scholarships or financial aid available for students pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Maths from India?

Yes, there are various scholarships and financial aid options available for students pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Maths from India. These may be offered by the government, universities, or private organizations. Students can research and apply for these opportunities to help fund their education.

5. Can I pursue a Master's degree in Maths after completing a Bachelor's degree in Maths from India?

Yes, many universities in India and around the world offer Master's degree programs in Maths that are open to students who have completed a Bachelor's degree in Maths from India. Students can also choose to pursue a Master's degree in a specialized field of Maths such as applied mathematics, pure mathematics, or statistics.

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