Effect of pH on beetroot cell membrane permeability

In summary, the conversation revolves around designing an experiment at AS level to observe the effect of pH on beetroot cell membrane permeability. The participants are discussing the use of textbooks and online research to gather information and formulate a hypothesis for the experiment. They also discuss the role of pH in affecting the pigment of the beetroot and the importance of putting effort into researching before seeking help.
  • #1
im meant to design an experiment (at AS level) and perform it to see how the pH can affect beetroot cell membrane permeability. i don't know where to start. anyone have any experiments??

thanks :biggrin:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

i need to know the name given to substances that undergo a colour change when exposed to different pH's?
  • #3
I think you need to do your own homework. This is really easy stuff. I mean if you took 5 seconds and even Googled it, you would be much farther ahead then you are here, waiting for people to give you the answers.
  • #4
I'm actually having the do design the same experiment myself! I recommend you get some textbooks and read up about it and google it also.. I will give u some hints.

The level of pH affects the pigment of the beetroot, the dye in the beetroot (betalain) diffuses out of the cell when the membrane proteins are damaged due to high acidic level of pH.
  • #5
Why don't you start out by telling us what you DO know so far, and what you predict you will find? In other words, start by formulating an hypothesis (we can help you refine it, but you should put the effort into starting it), and then work toward an experiment that will test your hypothesis. Until you show us some effort on your part, we cannot offer any help.
  • #6
there are so various experiments/reports of this investigation easily found on the internet.
try putting in the effort and do a little research first

FAQ: Effect of pH on beetroot cell membrane permeability

What is the purpose of studying the effect of pH on beetroot cell membrane permeability?

The purpose of this study is to understand how variations in pH levels can affect the permeability of beetroot cell membranes. This can provide insights into how changes in environmental pH can impact the integrity and function of cell membranes.

How is the effect of pH on beetroot cell membrane permeability measured?

The effect of pH on beetroot cell membrane permeability is measured by observing the release of betacyanin, a red pigment found in beetroot cells. As the cell membranes become more permeable, betacyanin is able to leak out and its concentration can be measured using a spectrophotometer.

What is the ideal pH range for beetroot cell membrane permeability?

The ideal pH range for beetroot cell membrane permeability is between pH 6 and 8. At this range, the cell membranes are able to maintain their structural integrity and function effectively. Deviations from this range can result in increased permeability and potential damage to the cell.

What factors can affect the results of the effect of pH on beetroot cell membrane permeability experiment?

Some factors that can affect the results of this experiment include the age and condition of the beetroot, the accuracy of pH measurements, and potential interference from other substances in the beetroot extract. It is important to control these variables to ensure accurate and reliable results.

How can the findings of this study be applied in real-life situations?

The findings of this study can have implications in various fields such as agriculture, medicine, and environmental science. Understanding the effect of pH on cell membrane permeability can help in the development of strategies to protect and preserve cell membranes, as well as in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to membrane damage. It can also provide insights into the impact of environmental pH changes on living organisms.

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