Does a Voltmeter Measure the Potential Difference Between Two Points?

In summary, Niles says that if the current running from 'b' to 'a' is taken into account, then the voltmeter would measure -(V(b)-V(a))=-V(a)-V(b).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi all.

Lets say a voltmeter registers (measures) the following quantity:

V = \int_a^b{\textbf E\cdot d\textbf l}

Does this mean that it measures V = V(b)-V(a), i.e. the potential at b subtracted by the potential at a?

Thanks in advance.Niles.
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  • #2
The conventional definition of voltage is:

[tex]V(b)-V(a) = -\int_a^b{\textbf E\cdot d\textbf l}[/tex]

Which means your voltmeter would actually measure -(V(b)-V(a))=V(a)-V(b)
  • #3
Hmm, isn't this only for two conductors? I mean, let's say a resistor is placed in between the points 'a' and 'b' on a wire. The voltmeter measures V as given in my original post, and the current runs from point 'b' to 'a'. Then sure V > 0, and thus you definition can't work?

Thanks for replying.
  • #4
If the current runs from 'b' to 'a', then two things must be true:

(1)The potential at 'a' is lower that the potential at 'b', and thus V(b)-V(a)>0

(2)The component of E parallel to the wire must point from 'b' towards 'a', that means [tex]\int_b^a{\textbf E\cdot d\textbf l}>0[/tex], so [tex]\int_a^b{\textbf E\cdot d\textbf l}<0[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]V(b)-V(a)=-\int_a^b{\textbf E\cdot d\textbf l}>0[/tex]

See for example, Griffith's 'Introduction to Electrodynamics 3rd ed.' eq. 2.22
  • #5
So when I have an integral like:

V(b)-V(a)=-\int_a^b{\textbf E\cdot d\textbf l},

then it means that 'dl' points from lower limit to upper limit? And this is always true?
  • #6
Niles said:
So when I have an integral like:

V(b)-V(a)=-\int_a^b{\textbf E\cdot d\textbf l},

then it means that 'dl' points from lower limit to upper limit?

Yes, if you go from 'a' to 'b' along some path, then dl points tangent to that path in the general direction of 'a' to 'b'. (remember, the path (or wire) can be curved every which way, so it's inaccurate to say that at every point along the path dl points from 'a' to 'b', but certainly for a straight path (or wire), dl will point from 'a' to 'b')
  • #7

FAQ: Does a Voltmeter Measure the Potential Difference Between Two Points?

1. What is a voltmeter and how does it work?

A voltmeter is an electrical instrument used to measure the electric potential difference between two points in a circuit. It works by connecting the two points with a very high resistance, which causes a small current to flow through the meter. The meter then uses this current to determine the voltage difference between the two points.

2. How is a voltmeter different from an ammeter?

A voltmeter measures voltage, while an ammeter measures current. This means that a voltmeter is connected in parallel to a circuit, while an ammeter is connected in series. Additionally, a voltmeter has a very high resistance, while an ammeter has a very low resistance.

3. Can a voltmeter be used to measure AC and DC voltage?

Yes, a voltmeter can measure both AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) voltage. However, the type of voltmeter used may vary depending on the type of voltage being measured. For example, a digital voltmeter is better suited for measuring AC voltage, while an analog voltmeter is more accurate for DC voltage.

4. What is the difference between a voltmeter and a multimeter?

A voltmeter is a single-function instrument used only for measuring voltage, while a multimeter is a multi-function instrument that can measure voltage, current, resistance, and sometimes other quantities such as capacitance and frequency.

5. How do I know if my voltmeter is accurate?

The accuracy of a voltmeter can be determined by checking its calibration. This can be done by comparing the readings of the voltmeter to a known voltage source. If the readings match, the voltmeter is accurate. It is also important to regularly calibrate the voltmeter to ensure its accuracy over time.
