Understanding Elliptical Polarization in Radio: Uses and Applications

In summary, circular polarization is used in radio to improve efficiency with antennas, radars, and satellites.
  • #1
What is it used for in radio, if at all?

I can't really think of anything (for circular especially) or find anything pertinent to radio.
I ask this because my electronics book mentions it, but only very briefly covers it in the radio propagation chapter.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #3
The most common application of circular polarization in radio is the helical antenna:


Also cylindrical pipe waveguides can support a circular polarization mode. And microwave cone antennas are circularly polarized. That might be used in some radars.
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  • #4
Ah, I think I can see how it would be used for radar. You most probably won't know how whatever object you're looking at will be oriented towards you, and to get good average signal strength from an arbitrarily tilted object, a picking points from a circle (representing the magnitude of e-flux) would be best?

I hope I'm understanding this correctly. I assume I'm not, because the same would be done with radio towers for greater efficiency.
  • #5
are all ellipltical polarized waves horizontal and vertical polarized
  • #6
Circular polarization, which can be considered a variation of elliptical polarization, has several advantages over linear polarization. First as Waht suggests circular polarization can be produced with a helical antenna. It can also be produced with a vertical dipole and a horizontal dipole a quarter wavelength apart and a quarter wavelength out of phase.

One advantage of circular polarization is that when the signal is reflected, the polarization is reversed eg. if you start with right hand polarization, after an odd number of reflections it will be left hand polarized. This reduces the effect of multipath on the signal and for this reason it has been used with television to reduce flutter from planes.

Another use has been to communicate with satellites that spin. A circularly polarized antenna will be able to receive the signal regardless of the polarization of the source (provided it doesn't have the opposite circular polarization).

FAQ: Understanding Elliptical Polarization in Radio: Uses and Applications

1. What is elliptical polarization?

Elliptical polarization is a type of polarization in which the electric field vector of a light wave traces out an ellipse as it propagates. This means that the direction and magnitude of the electric field are constantly changing and are not aligned with any particular axis.

2. How is elliptical polarization different from linear and circular polarization?

In linear polarization, the electric field oscillates in a fixed direction, while in circular polarization it rotates around the propagation axis. Elliptical polarization is a combination of both linear and circular polarization, with the electric field tracing out an ellipse instead of being fixed or rotating.

3. What causes elliptical polarization?

Elliptical polarization can be caused by a combination of two linearly polarized waves with different amplitudes and phases, or by passing linearly or circularly polarized light through a birefringent material.

4. What are the applications of elliptical polarization?

Elliptical polarization has various applications in optics, such as in 3D glasses, where circularly polarized light is converted to elliptically polarized light to create the 3D effect. It is also used in liquid crystal displays (LCDs), polarimeters, and in some types of microscopy.

5. How is elliptical polarization measured?

Elliptical polarization can be measured using a polarimeter, which consists of a polarizer, a quarter-wave plate, and an analyzer. The analyzer is rotated until the intensity of the light passing through is at its minimum, and the angle of the analyzer can then be used to determine the degree of elliptical polarization.
