Getting Close with Matlab FFT for Fourier Transform Table Reconstruction

In summary, the conversation revolved around using Matlab's fft functionality to reconstruct Fourier transform tables and the issue of normalizing the output. The participants discussed different methods of normalization and the importance of understanding the underlying physics in implementing the fft. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of translating theory into code and the need for careful consideration in choosing the appropriate normalization method.
  • #1
I'm attempting to use Matlab fft functionality to reconstruct Fourier transform tables in my textbook (brigham), but to little success.

Here is code to take the Fourier transform of [tex]cos(2*\pi*x*f_0)[/tex], which should be [tex]\frac{\delta (f + f_0) + \delta (f - f_0)}{2}[/tex]

I can *almost* get it, but not quite. See spikes at +/- .001, when should be at +/- .1 Any help would be appreciated.

 x = 0:.1:9.9;
%N=100, T=10
 y = cos(x*2*pi/10);
 Y = fft(y);

X = (0:99)/1000 - 50/1000;
Y = fftshift(Y);

Using [tex]H \left( \frac{n}{NT} \right) = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} h(kT) e^{-i2\pi n k / N} [/tex] for n = 0, ..., N - 1.
Physics news on
  • #2
you defined X arbitrarily. Your frequency resolution is set by the length of your original signal (x), and your sample rate (fs), which is of course, 1/dx (dx being the "period" of each sample).

Your frequency range is set by the nyquist frequency, which is half the sampling rate.

So try this:

dx = .1;
 x = 0:dx:9.9;

fs = 1/dx;

 y = cos(x*2*pi/10);
 Y = fft(y);

X = -fs/2 : fs/length(x)  : fs/2 - fs/length(x)
Y = fftshift(Y);
  • #3
You're correct, I wasn't setting the frequency domain properly. I.e. T is .1, not 10.. Thank you.

Also, that is nicer notation.
  • #4
Ah, yes, I see your range vector was actually quite intended for something.

A good sci/eng coding philosophy is to try to not hard-code numbers; try to use lots of intuitive, explanatory variable names so you can keep track of what's going on.
  • #5
Question 2: The amplitudes of the impulses should be 1/2.

For band-limited, periodic functions such as cosine, the exact Fourier transform should be given by multiplying the DFT by T (the sampling interval). But I always get 5 for amplitudes, when I want .5...
  • #6
yeah, we should normalize by the length of the signal from which the fft is taken (which should be the length of fft too, as long as you don't designate that. It's best not too, you can pad with zeros yourself (and always should to make your vectors of length 2^n for efficiency.)

dx = .1;
 x = 0:dx:9.9;

fs = 1/dx;
F1 = .1;
F2 = .2;
 y = cos(x*2*pi*F1);
 Y = fft(y);

X = -fs/2 : fs/length(y)  : fs/2 - fs/length(y)
Y = fftshift(Y);
  • #7
Pythagorean said:
yeah, we should normalize by the length of the signal from which the fft is taken (which should be the length of fft too, as long as you don't designate that. It's best not too, you can pad with zeros yourself (and always should to make your vectors of length 2^n for efficiency.)

dx = .1;
 x = 0:dx:9.9;

fs = 1/dx;
F1 = .1;
F2 = .2;
 y = cos(x*2*pi*F1);
 Y = fft(y);

X = -fs/2 : fs/length(y)  : fs/2 - fs/length(y)
Y = fftshift(Y);

The way you are doing it appears to be correct. But my textbook (brigham) says "If we desire to compute the Fourier transform by means of the discrete Fourier transform, it is necessary to multiply the discrete time function by the factor T", where T is the sampling interval (dx in your code). This is true for band-limited periodic functions.

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  • #8
depending how you do the transform internally, you have to normalize it externally. There's not really a single convention for how to do this.

Your book is probably correct in their treatment, but that's a different treatment than matlab's.
  • #9
Pythagorean said:
depending how you do the transform internally, you have to normalize it externally. There's not really a single convention for how to do this.

Your book is probably correct in their treatment, but that's a different treatment than matlab's.

Not sure what you mean by internally. My text, matlab, and wikipedia all use DFT convention [tex]H_n = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} h(kT) e^{-i 2 \pi n k / N}[/tex]. Where T is sampling interval and N is number of points sampled.
  • #10
Not sure what you mean by internally.

If you're just starting programming, then you probably can't appreciate that going form theory to code isn't always as straightforward as you'd think. There's lots of different ways to do things and a lot of different things that customers want out of a function/program.

If you want to be sure how your fft works, write one yourself. Don't use matlab's.

If you want a more in-depth discussion on fft normalization conventions:

Remember that the fft is NOT inherently physical. YOU have to implement the physics. It can be normalized differently depending on the question you're asking. But in order to do that, you have to know what the results mean when they come out of the function that you're using so that you can normalize to your physical system.
  • #11
Pythagorean said:
If you're just starting programming, then you probably can't appreciate that going form theory to code isn't always as straightforward as you'd think. There's lots of different ways to do things and a lot of different things that customers want out of a function/program.

If you want to be sure how your fft works, write one yourself. Don't use matlab's.

If you want a more in-depth discussion on fft normalization conventions:

Remember that the fft is NOT inherently physical. YOU have to implement the physics. It can be normalized differently depending on the question you're asking. But in order to do that, you have to know what the results mean when they come out of the function that you're using so that you can normalize to your physical system.

If you say so, but all the Cooley-Tukey in FFT does is evaluate the sum I wrote out in a speedy way. I'm not really normalizing... just want to match the DFT result to FT which should be scaling by T (see wiki link I posted).
  • #12
See attached picture.

When taking the DFT, why do we have to take the time waveform to be (b) rather than (a)?


  • question.png
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  • #13
just want to match the DFT result to FT which should be scaling by T (see wiki link I posted).

Your wiki link says that DFT = (1/T)*FT. You want DFT to look like FT, so you solve for FT:


For a discrete n sec. signal, the sampling rate T is inversely proportional to the N, the number of samples. (n = T*N)

so T ~ 1/N

FAQ: Getting Close with Matlab FFT for Fourier Transform Table Reconstruction

1. What is the purpose of using Matlab FFT for Fourier Transform Table Reconstruction?

The purpose of using Matlab FFT for Fourier Transform Table Reconstruction is to convert a signal from the time domain to the frequency domain. This process allows for the analysis and manipulation of the signal in terms of its frequency components.

2. How do I perform a Fourier Transform using Matlab FFT?

To perform a Fourier Transform using Matlab FFT, you will need to first import your signal data into Matlab. Then, use the FFT function to compute the Fourier Transform. You can also use the FFT2 function for two-dimensional signals, or the FFTN function for n-dimensional signals.

3. What is the difference between FFT and DFT?

FFT stands for Fast Fourier Transform, while DFT stands for Discrete Fourier Transform. FFT is an algorithm that is used to efficiently compute the DFT. In other words, FFT is a faster way to calculate the DFT.

4. Can Matlab FFT be used for non-periodic signals?

Yes, Matlab FFT can be used for non-periodic signals. However, in order to use the FFT function, the signal must be finite and evenly sampled. If your signal is not finite or evenly sampled, you can use the DFT function instead.

5. What are some applications of Fourier Transform Table Reconstruction?

Some applications of Fourier Transform Table Reconstruction include signal processing, image and audio compression, filtering, and spectral analysis. It is also commonly used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics for data analysis and modeling.

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