Find the equilibrium solution for an autonomous equation.

  • Thread starter clik80clak
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In summary, we used the rate in - rate out principle to find the depth of water in the tank at any time. We then solved for the equilibrium depth, which does not depend on A, and showed that it is stable by taking the derivative of dh/dt with respect to h and evaluating it at the equilibrium point.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a cylindrical water tank of constant cross section A. Water is pumped into the tank at a constant rate k and leaks out through a small hole of area a in the bottom of the tank. From Torcelli’s principle in hydrodynamics, it follows that the rate at which water flows through the hole is (alpha)(a)squareroot((2)(g)(h)) , where h is the current depth of water in the tank, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and alpha is a contraction coefficient that satisfies 0.5 < alpha < 1.0.

1. Show that the depth of water in the tank at any time satisfies the equation
dh/dt = ([k] - [(alpha)(a)squareroot{(2)(g)(h)}])/A
2. Determine the equilibrium depth he , of water, and show that it is asymptotically stable. Observe that he does not depend on A.

Homework Equations

We covered how to solve a DE using the integrating factor method after putting the eq. into standard form but now we have moved on to autonomous eq.'s and I'm a little unsure how to go about solving this.

The problem looks more complex than it is because of all the brackets I had to use but I think it is pretty straight forward for someone familiar with the subject.

The Attempt at a Solution


dh/dt = rate in - rate out

= (volume in/min)(1/area) - (volume out/min)(1/area)
= [k(m3/min) / A(m2)] - [((alpha)(a)squareroot{(2)(g)(h)}(m3/min) / A(m2)]
= ([k] - [(alpha)(a)squareroot{(2)(g)(h)}])/A

(Seems straight forward have I done this wrong?)


dh/dt = m(h) h

=> [(k/hA - (alpha)(a)squareroot{(2)(g)}/sqrt{h}A] h

(Skipped the intermediate steps. Is this the right form? What do I do now?)Thanks in advance :)
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  • #2

1. Your approach for part 1 looks correct. You have correctly applied the rate in - rate out principle to find the depth of water in the tank at any time.

2. To find the equilibrium depth, set dh/dt = 0 and solve for h. This will give you the value of h at which the rate in and rate out are equal, meaning the water level is not changing.

So, setting dh/dt = 0, we get:

0 = [k] - [(alpha)(a)squareroot{(2)(g)(h)}])/A

Solving for h, we get:

h = (k/(alpha^2)(a^2)g)

This is the equilibrium depth, which does not depend on A.

To show that this equilibrium is stable, we can take the derivative of dh/dt with respect to h and evaluate it at the equilibrium point h = he:

d(dh/dt)/dh = (-1/2)(alpha)(a)squareroot{(2)(g)}/(A(sqrt{h})^2)

At h = he, this becomes:

d(dh/dt)/dh = (-1/2)(alpha)(a)squareroot{(2)(g)}/(A(sqrt{he})^2)

Since alpha is between 0.5 and 1, this derivative is always negative, meaning that the equilibrium point is stable. As h increases or decreases from he, the rate of change of dh/dt also decreases, meaning that the water level will tend towards the equilibrium point.

I hope this helps!

FAQ: Find the equilibrium solution for an autonomous equation.

1. What is an autonomous equation?

An autonomous equation is a type of differential equation where the independent variable does not appear explicitly. This means that the equation does not depend on any specific value of the independent variable, making it independent of time or any other external factor.

2. How do you know when you have found the equilibrium solution?

An equilibrium solution is found when the derivative of the equation is equal to 0. This means that the slope of the graph at that point is 0, indicating a stable solution. In other words, the equilibrium solution is a point where the system is at rest and does not change over time.

3. What does finding the equilibrium solution tell us about the behavior of the system?

Finding the equilibrium solution allows us to determine the long-term behavior of the system. If the equilibrium solution is stable, then the system will tend towards that solution, meaning it will approach that value over time. If the equilibrium solution is unstable, then the system will not approach that solution and may oscillate or have other complex behavior.

4. How do you solve for the equilibrium solution of an autonomous equation?

To solve for the equilibrium solution, set the derivative of the equation equal to 0 and solve for the variable. This will give you the value of the equilibrium solution. You can also graph the equation and visually determine the equilibrium solution as the point where the graph crosses the x-axis.

5. Can an autonomous equation have more than one equilibrium solution?

Yes, an autonomous equation can have multiple equilibrium solutions. These can be found by setting the derivative of the equation equal to 0 and solving for the variable. However, some autonomous equations may not have any equilibrium solutions if the derivative never equals 0.
