How to Determine the Concentration of I2 in a Solution Experimentally?

In summary, The speaker is asking for help in finding the concentration of an Iodine (I2) solution for an experiment. They suggest using titration to standardize the solution, but are unsure of how to do so. They request guidance on finding the concentration experimentally and provide a link for additional information.
  • #1
gagzi bear
We have been supplied an Iodine (I2) solution 0.005M.for an experiment but we are supposed to standardize the iodine solution (which i guess means that to find the exact concentration of the I2 solution)
My idea is that we should do a titaration,but I don't know how to or what to do.

So if you could please tell me how to find the concentration of I2 experimentally that would be great.
Chemistry news on
  • #2
  • #3
Previous link doesn't make much sense - it doesn't explain neither the chemistry behind nor the procedure (not to mention the fact it incorrectly suggests adding the indicator at the beginning of the titration, and it doesn't deal with the standardization procedure). Try

FAQ: How to Determine the Concentration of I2 in a Solution Experimentally?

What is the purpose of finding the concentration of I2?

The concentration of I2 is important for various scientific experiments and processes that involve the use of iodine. It allows researchers to accurately measure and control the amount of iodine present in a solution, which can affect the outcome of the experiment.

What methods can be used to find the concentration of I2?

There are several methods that can be used to find the concentration of I2, including titration, spectrophotometry, and gravimetric analysis. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the specific needs of the experiment.

How does titration help determine the concentration of I2?

In titration, a known concentration of a reagent (known as the titrant) is added to a solution containing I2 until a chemical reaction between the two is complete. By knowing the volume of titrant used and the stoichiometry of the reaction, the concentration of I2 can be calculated.

What is spectrophotometry and how is it used to find the concentration of I2?

Spectrophotometry involves measuring the amount of light absorbed by a solution at a specific wavelength. By creating a calibration curve using solutions of known I2 concentration, the concentration of an unknown solution can be determined by comparing its absorbance to the curve.

Why is it important to accurately find the concentration of I2?

I2 concentration can affect the outcome of experiments and processes that involve the use of iodine. Inaccurate measurements can lead to incorrect conclusions and potentially hazardous reactions. Additionally, knowing the concentration of I2 allows for precise adjustments to be made in order to achieve the desired outcome.
