Finding out if 2003^2004 - 2005 is divisible by 10?

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In summary, the conversation discusses two different problems involving divisibility by 10 and 33. The first problem involves finding out if 2003^2004 - 2005 is divisible by 10, and the second problem involves determining if 3^102 * 7^29 is divisible by 33. The conversation also mentions that the problems are related to a homework assignment. One person provides a hint for solving the first problem, while another person explains the concept of divisibility by 33. The conversation ends with a note that the threads have been moved to the appropriate homework section.
  • #1

I was wondering, how does one go finding out if 2003^2004 - 2005 is divisible by 10? Or that 3^102 * 7^29 is divisible by 33?

If someone could help me, I would really appreciate it.

Thank You.
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  • #2
We do help people with homework here, but you have to show how you started and where you got stuck.
  • #3
I only got as far as 2003 = 3 (mod 10), and I have no idea where to go from there. I think I'm headed in the wrong direction... If someone could give me a few pointers, that would be great.
  • #4
OK, in order for 2003^2004-2005 to be divisible by 10, it has to end in zero. That means that 2003^2004 has to end with 5 (because when you subtract 2005, you'll get a zero in the ones place). Now you should be able to tell pretty straighforwardly if 2003^2004 ends with 5.

As for the other one, any number that is divisible by 33 must be divisible by both 3 and 11. Since you were given the prime factorization of the other number, you should be able to tell just by looking whether it is divisible by 33.
  • #5
Incidentally, it was me who moved your thread to the K-12 HW section. I can see from your second thread that this is probably a College course, so I've moved both this thread and your other one to College HW.

Any and all homework questions go to this area, not in the Math section.
  • #6
Thanks Tom!

FAQ: Finding out if 2003^2004 - 2005 is divisible by 10?

1. How do you find out if a number is divisible by 10?

A number is divisible by 10 if it ends in 0 or if the last digit is 0.

2. What is the process for finding out if 2003^2004 - 2005 is divisible by 10?

The process involves evaluating the expression 2003^2004 - 2005 and checking if the result is divisible by 10.

3. Why is it important to check if a number is divisible by 10?

Checking if a number is divisible by 10 is important because it is a basic divisibility rule that can help in simplifying calculations and determining if a number is evenly divisible by 10 without actually performing the division.

4. Can you explain the significance of the number 2003^2004 - 2005 in this question?

The number 2003^2004 - 2005 is significant because it is the expression being evaluated to determine if it is divisible by 10. It is also a large number that requires the use of mathematical tools and techniques to evaluate it accurately.

5. What happens if 2003^2004 - 2005 is not divisible by 10?

If the result of 2003^2004 - 2005 is not divisible by 10, it means that the expression is not evenly divisible by 10 and there may be a remainder when dividing by 10. In this case, the expression is not divisible by 10.

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