Fine-Tuning from First Principles don't laugh

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In summary, the conversation discusses the lack of a stability mechanism to explain why an expanding universe does not destroy itself, and the low entropy of our near-flat universe. It also mentions the idea that dissipative structures such as humans and black holes may play a role in enhancing the entropic process. The conversation also touches on the limitations of modern science in understanding the universe's finite, bounded, and closed nature. The role of quantum mechanics and the "Lindblad equation" in describing dissipative structuring is also mentioned. Finally, the idea that the universe is finite, closed, and bounded is discussed, with the belief that the anthropic principle supports this idea.
  • #1
It seems quite ludicrous to me that we have no stability mechanism that
explains why an expanding universe doesn't just blow itself apart, and
even then, the entropy of our near-flat universe is much less than it
should be, given any practical model of structure forming turbulence
that occurs with expansion.

Unless far from equilibrium dissipative structures, like us humans and
black holes serve to somehow enhance the entropic process, thereby
repaying the *most apparent* entropic debt. Surely, the configuration
of our universe must follow the least action principle, so it can't be
that difficult.

I think that the real problem with this lies in the fact that modern
science doesn't generally view the universe as being finite, bounded and
closed, and it doesn't consider space to be a physically connected
entity, because the uniform expansion of the whole will necessarily
entail the most-even distribution of energy possible, **within the
constraints of inherent imperfection**... if the universe is causaly
bound and bounded.

Quantum mechanics depends very much on Hamiltonian mechanics, and so it
isn't inherently able to describe dissipative structuring. As I
understand it, this can be done, however, by way of the "Lindblad
equation", which derives that flatness acts as a natural damper that
keeps the imbalanced universe from evolving inhomogeneously, so this is
the most natural configuration... IF the universe is finite and
closed... given inherent asymmetry in the energy. This will necessarily
maximize the time that the expansion process takes, and that's what a
flat universe accomplishes via anthropic structuring.

I do believe that the AP is telling us that the universe is finite,
closed and bounded... only nobody listens.
Physics news on
  • #2
It seems quite ludicrous to me that we have no stability mechanism that
explains why an expanding universe doesn't just blow itself apart, and
even then, the entropy of our near-flat universe is much less than it
should be, given any practical model of structure forming turbulence
that occurs with expansion.

There are scenerios where the universe expands forever and ends up as a collection of cold dead stars, etc. In some variations, assuming the proton is unstable, then it is even less.

Why turbulence?
  • #3

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic. I understand your perspective and the questions you raise about the stability and entropy of our expanding universe. It is true that modern science does not view the universe as finite, bounded, and closed, and this can lead to difficulty in explaining certain phenomena. However, I do believe that scientists are constantly working to understand and explain these mysteries, and it is not a matter of simply not listening. There are ongoing research and debates about the nature of the universe, and it is important to keep an open mind and continue exploring these questions. The concept of the least action principle and the role of dissipative structures are certainly interesting and worth further investigation. Thank you for bringing this perspective to the conversation.

FAQ: Fine-Tuning from First Principles don't laugh

What is "Fine-Tuning from First Principles"?

"Fine-Tuning from First Principles" refers to the concept in science that the fundamental physical constants and parameters of the universe are finely tuned in order for life to exist. These constants and parameters include things like the strength of gravity, the masses of subatomic particles, and the expansion rate of the universe. The idea is that if these values were even slightly different, the universe would not be able to support life.

Why is the concept of fine-tuning important in science?

Fine-tuning is important because it raises questions about the origins and purpose of our universe. It also challenges our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the role of chance in the creation of the universe.

What evidence supports the idea of fine-tuning from first principles?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the idea of fine-tuning. For example, the fact that the universe is able to support life is seen as evidence of its fine-tuned nature. Additionally, scientists have observed a number of coincidences in the physical constants and parameters that seem to be necessary for life to exist.

What are some possible explanations for fine-tuning from first principles?

There are several theories that attempt to explain the fine-tuning of the universe. Some suggest that it is simply a result of chance and that we happen to be living in a universe that is finely tuned for life. Others propose the existence of a multiverse, where there are an infinite number of universes with different physical constants and parameters, and we just happen to be in one that is suitable for life. There are also religious and philosophical explanations that attribute the fine-tuning of the universe to a higher power or intelligent design.

How does the concept of fine-tuning from first principles impact scientific research?

The concept of fine-tuning from first principles can influence scientific research in a number of ways. It can challenge scientists to further study and understand the fundamental laws and constants of the universe. It can also lead to the development of new theories and models to explain the observed fine-tuning. Additionally, the concept can also spark debates and discussions among scientists about the implications and potential explanations for fine-tuning.

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