Exploring Subsonic, Compressible Flow in Curved Ducts

In summary: Just one question. I thought that the centrifugal force would be greater in the boundary layer due to the higher velocity gradient (zero to a value) compared to the core flow's constant (but higher) velocity profile.In summary, the radial pressure gradient in a curved duct is generated primarily due to the different degrees of turning of the fluid near the outer and inner walls, leading to a deceleration and acceleration of the flow respectively. This results in a higher static pressure region near the outer wall and a lower static pressure region near the inner wall. In the outer "inviscid" flow, the centrifugal force and pressure gradient exactly balance, but in the boundary layer, the centrifugal force is less due to lower velocities, resulting in
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I'm new here so I'd like to apologise in advance if this has been posted before. I tried searching first but nothing came up.

I'm doing a project on subsonic, compressible flow in curved ducts and have a question about the physics involved as the flow navigates a bend. Allow me to further simplify the problem by stating that the curvature is mild to avoid separation and that the flow is bounded by two infinite plates (top and bottom). I understand that secondary flows play a significant part in internal flows but for now, I would like to constrain my discussion to the primary or bulk flow per say. As the flow turns, a radial pressure gradient is generated that results in the flow decelerating near the concave side (outer wall) and accelerating (for the initial part) near the convex side (inner wall).

So my question is essentially: How is this radial pressure gradient generated? (I guess one may assume an ideal flow for the purpose of explanation)

I have encountered various ways of explaining it (among them/combination of; Bernoulli's equation normal to the flow direction, mass/momentum continuity, Coanda effect) but have arrived at the "chicken-and-egg" situation. Most references I tried usually highlighted the balance between centrifugal and pressure forces. I would appreciate it if anyone would kindly shed some light on my situation. Apologies if I have not fully clarified the problem.

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Hi Dave, Welcome to PF!

Viscosity forces the the fluid near the wall to follow the curvature of the wall. As the fluid begins to follow this curved path a pressure gradient is developed to balance the centrifugal force. The gradient is such that pressure is lower at the inner part of the bend. In the outer "inviscid" flow the centrifugal force and pressure gradient exactly balance and no secondary flow develops. However, in the boundary layer the centrifugal force is much less because the velocity of the boundary layer flow is much less, but the pressure gradient of the outer flow is still felt by this flow in the boundary layer. So in the boundary layer a secondary flow towards the inner part of the bend develops.
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@ RandomGuy88

Hello there,

Thanks very much for your response.

As the fluid begins to follow this curved path a pressure gradient is developed to balance the centrifugal force. The gradient is such that pressure is lower at the inner part of the bend.
I agree with your statement here. However, am I correct by elaborating as such? - The pressure gradient is generated primarily because the core flow is forced to turn more (i.e. smaller radius of curvature: steeper radial pressure gradient) near the outer wall while turning less (i.e. larger radius of curvature: milder radial pressure gradient) near the inner wall. Hence, in relative terms the fluid near the outer wall is decelerated more which results in an increased static pressure region. And finally by mass/momentum continuity, the flow near the inner wall has to accelerate which results in a low static pressure region.

In the outer "inviscid" flow the centrifugal force and pressure gradient exactly balance and no secondary flow develops.
I agree with you here mostly too but when you say "exactly balanced", does that take into account the fact that the faster (accelerated) core flow near the inner wall is deflected toward the outer wall as it navigates the bend? Apologies if you implied that as well.

However, in the boundary layer the centrifugal force is much less because the velocity of the boundary layer flow is much less, but the pressure gradient of the outer flow is still felt by this flow in the boundary layer. So in the boundary layer a secondary flow towards the inner part of the bend develops.
No problems here.

FAQ: Exploring Subsonic, Compressible Flow in Curved Ducts

1. What is subsonic, compressible flow?

Subsonic, compressible flow is a type of fluid flow in which the velocity of the fluid is less than the speed of sound and the density of the fluid changes due to changes in pressure and temperature.

2. What are curved ducts?

Curved ducts are passages or channels through which a fluid can flow, with a curved shape rather than a straight shape. They are commonly used in aircraft engines, gas turbines, and other systems to direct and control the flow of fluids.

3. What are some real-world applications of exploring subsonic, compressible flow in curved ducts?

Studying and understanding subsonic, compressible flow in curved ducts is important in various engineering fields, such as aerodynamics, gas dynamics, and fluid mechanics. It has practical applications in the design and optimization of aircraft engines, gas turbines, and other systems that involve fluid flow through curved passages.

4. What are some challenges in exploring subsonic, compressible flow in curved ducts?

One of the main challenges in exploring subsonic, compressible flow in curved ducts is accurately modeling and predicting the behavior of the fluid as it flows through the curved geometry. This requires advanced mathematical and computational techniques, as well as experimental validation, to understand and analyze the complex flow patterns and phenomena.

5. How does studying subsonic, compressible flow in curved ducts contribute to scientific knowledge?

Studying subsonic, compressible flow in curved ducts contributes to our understanding of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, which are fundamental principles in many areas of science and engineering. It also helps us develop more efficient and reliable designs for various systems that involve fluid flow, leading to advancements in technology and innovation.
